How To Create A User Control

Feb 11, 2010

I know how to use ITemplate to create a user control where it looks something like this:

<cust:control id="" runat="server">
random content...

however, i am wanting to make a menu like control, and need a more specific setup. i dont need a template section, however, i want to create something where the user control can have only certain elements (which are also user controls). the best way to describe this is by example i think. this is what i want to create for my user control template:

<cust:control id="" runat="server">
<cust:contolItem id="" runat="" blah="" blah="" />
<cust:contolItem id="" runat="" blah="" blah="" />
<cust:contolItem id="" runat="" blah="" blah="" />

the outer control is a user control, and inside its tags it can have other user controls (limited to what is defined in the outer controls code). all of the 'children' in the outer control would then be rendered on the outer controls page markup as if it were templated.

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User/server Control With Custom List Items / Create A Simple Menu User Control

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I'm attempting to create a simple menu user control just as outlined here.

The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">......

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Aug 10, 2010

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The above code isn't displaying hint text when the textbox retreives focus.

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Create A Login Box As A User Control?

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I was thinking of having a usercontrol and have that 'loginBox' shows the appropriate textboxes and login button, but also show his username when he is logged in.

Do you think I should handle this as a user control or am I missing something as an ASP.Net newbie?

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"<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TableInscription.ascx.cs" Inherits="FormApplication.TableInscription" %>"
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TableInscription.ascx.cs" Inherits="FormApplication.TableInscription" %>
<asp:Table ID="tableSuscribe" runat="server">

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Is there a way to use JQuery to instantiate the repeater control or the user controls without using postback or using evil update panels?

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I want create a user control (Div) like panel to be used in all my web pages. For example, The UserControl can have two DIVs or TRs with a background design. If it's added to a Page, the UserControl has to allow controls to be added into it, i.e. Divs, Labels, and TextBoxes. The height of the div should be AUTO.

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Mar 13, 2010

I want to know how can we create web user control dynamically.

Scenario: Basically i am developing registration user control. I have a web page(say, SelectInputs.aspx) that lists different types of fields along with checkbox attached to each of them for selection. Once i select desired input controls (which should appear in user control) and click submit button then the file (.ascx) should be created from code behind.

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How To Create Custom/User Control With Children

Jun 15, 2010

I want a create a custom/user control that has children.

For Example, I want my control to have the following markup:

<div runat="server" id="div">
<label runat="server" id="label"></label>
<div class="field">

and when I want to use it on a page I simply:

<ctr:MyUserControl runat="server" ID="myControl">
<span>This is a child</span>
<div runat="server" id="myChild">And another <b>child</b>

The child controls inside my user control will be inserted into my user control somewhere. What is the best way to accomplish this?

The functionality is similar to a asp:PlaceHolder but I want to add a couple more options as well as additional markup and the such. Also the child controls still need to be able to be accessed by the page. (in the example above the page should have the myChild Control on it)

EDIT ------

It can be a template control as long as it allows me to reference the children on the page.

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How To Create User Control As Part Of An .net Web Application

Apr 28, 2010

I have created a user control as part of an web application. This control works fine. I have then moved the control into a class library and attempted to reference it in my original application. I find that the asp controls created in the ascx for the control (texboxes and buttons) are no longer instantiated i.e. I get a null reference exception in my Page_Load event handler when I try to reference them. The only change to the page in my original application has been to change the register statement to load the control libary dll otherwise this is identical to when the conmtrol was part of the application:


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May 25, 2010

What is the best way to create a data bound ASP.NET user control? I have a user control that contains a drop down list and three label controls. I would like to data bind the drop down list, and have the label controls display different properties of the data source. I have Googled for an example of IDataSource and User Control, but cannot find any good information. This must be a common use of a user control?

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reference to create Paging User control.

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Create A User Control Based In Gridview

May 10, 2010

I wont to create a User Control based in gridview that have the edit add delete incorporate,the problem is these:In the admin part of my web site i have to repeat the same action for view add delete update the data for different datasource.I wont to create a generic gridview that have incorporate these action.The gridview can take a xml file for configure him self dependently of the request for desplay the data.

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C# - Set Properties And Create Events For User Control?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm creating a web user control in using C# in which i can select a date from a calendar and display it in a textbox. when i select a date from the calender it has to be displayed in the textbox. now i need to set my own properties by which i can select datetime patterns in cs codefile. for example


this is one example. now i want all the datetime patterns of "en-us". when i use that usercontrol in another page i want to set any of the properties(datetime patterns) to that control.

public partial class DateControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
string dateformat;
public string Dateformat


i said that i want set properties for my user control and create events for that..

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