How To Enable Html Select Post Back Apsx Page When Selection Changed
May 5, 2010
With asp.NET control dropdownlist, there is a property AutoPostBack, if it is set "True", the whole page will be posted back.
If the aspx page include a html element "select" like:
<select id="list" name="list" runat="server"
DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="ID" ></select>
and it data is filled by code-behind.
Question is: how to allow this Select have AutoPostBack function too?
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protected void txtBDID_TextChanged(object sender,
EventArgs e)
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If not otherwise specified in the code behind or markup, will a default value of 0 be used for the SelectedIndex in a postback with a DropDownList? If yes, is this part of the HTML standard for selection lists, or is this just the way it is implemented for ASP.NET?
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Apr 7, 2010
I was wondering if anyone can help me work out what the user has selected in this selection changed event?his is what I have so far:
protected void rblNavigation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = (GetCurrentPageName()).ToString() + "?" + Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"];
The problem is that rblNavigation.SelectedValue is not the value that the user has selected to trigger this event. How do I get the value the user has just selected?I'm using C# and this selection event is inside my MasterPage.
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Nov 30, 2010
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Jul 14, 2010
Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).
Not so strange is that the Button doesn't work since it sends post back to the server - reloading the UpdatePanel. I think I should use a different controller like the CheckBox and style it hard using CSS (which isn't a problem). Is this the correct way to go, or should I make use of JavaScript AJAX instead?
Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.
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I have a post-only action that has a different route. In my form, I need to post to it, but also keep the querystring values I currently have.
Initial response: /my/first/path/?val1=hello
Needs to post to: /my/other/path/?val1=hello
It seems when I specify a route, it of course only returns the route and doesn't append the querystring values of my original page (for obvious reasons).Is it possible to cleanly append querystring values to my the action attribute of the form tag?
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Mar 29, 2010
I have a View that has a select drop-down list and an edit button within a form. What I want to do is have the user select one of the options from the select element, click on the edit button, and get the value of the selected option in the Controller method.
I created my form with <% Html.BeginForm(): %>
and the Controller "Edit" method should be called.
I looked through several online examples, but each one focused on how to set values and the default selected value of the select element, rather than retrieving it from the code in the Controller method. I tried grabbing it from the Request.Form collection like:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"].ToString();
and also:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"];
Obviously I didn't do this correctly, because I get a null reference exception. Does anyone have the solution to this issue?
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May 27, 2010
i have a PayPal button, and i've been trying to add it to my site, but since my page is in a masterpage, and ovcourse, the form tag is editable only in masterpage, theres no way i could add the code inside the form tag, as so:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="K92PCJ9ULE8LC">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
But as i tried to create another form tag, it came up saying i could only have 1 server side form tag.So is there any way i could do this?
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Jun 7, 2010
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Jan 18, 2010
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a gridview with paging. I have a style set for a selected row (highlights the row in light orange). What i would like to do is that each time a user chamges the page, the selectedIndex & selectedRow automatically becomes the 1st row of the selected page. So i would like to see the orange highlight on the 1st row of the page to indicate that the row has been selected.
I have tried GridView1.SelectedIndex=0 but this only seems to select the index of the 1st record in the whole datagrid. Does anyone know of how to set the 1st row of the page to the selected row each time the pageindex is changed?
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Nov 17, 2010
I have an aspx page that postsback when it should not. there are two text boxes, two listboxes and two buttons on the page. if at any-point the enter key is pressed the first button is given focus and "clicked" resulting in a loss of selection within the listboxes.
How do I disable this? there are tons of tutorials on how to capture the enter button and execute a method but I could find one on how to simply disable the neat "let me grab the first button I find and click it" feature mentioned above.
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Jul 15, 2010
I searched google and found asynchronise post back trigger is used if we want update panel to post back on some event of control if it is out side the update panel. Than what is purpose of post back trigger ?
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Feb 28, 2011
I have an input form on a page along with gridview and combo box. a user first select a filter combo box then click on search, to see a return values in a grid view format. then a user can enter new row once he / she cick add, i want the page to reload and the new inserted value to show in the gridview.
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Jan 6, 2010
We are having a button in an user control where this button is surrounded by update panel.
We are using above user control twice in a single page, then we will get 2 buttons in that page.
If we click on any of the button then page gets post back twice. Can some one let me know why it is happening and how to fix this?
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm working in a SharePoint application. I've a tree view control (Telerik) in my page where I load the children on demand. But after the partial postback the page title is getting disappeared (or showing some junk text which has couple of boxes(?)).
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Mar 22, 2010
I need to have a gif loading image on every request/postback/button click/crystal report loading , and when getting result from database.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am writting an application that displays 3 visable text boxes and 1 hidden text box and one hidden button.
My application sets focus to the hidden text box.
The input comes from a barcode scanning gun which gives the "enter" command after the scan is complete...this essentially clicks the hidden submit button which moves the text from the hidden text box to the currently active visable text box.
To start the application does some verification on what was scanned then gives the user feedback on what was scanned then enters it into SQL.
My problem comes with the last scan...the page does not actually post back to give the user the neccessary confirmation before commiting the info to SQL and resetting the form.
Is there a way to either do somethig after the page has been rendered or do an additional post back somehow before calling the commit and reset functions?
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