How To Merge The Facebook Connect With Existing Website's Authentication
Jan 7, 2011
Im testing something on a MojoPortal where i need to seperately add a Facebook connect button and make the user get registered with the website's registration! How do i do that?
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Dec 13, 2010
What is the best way to invite users to an existing event? We'd like to do the following:
create an event, make it public while on our (external) website give the user a dialog (fb:multi-friend-selector) to select their friends to invite to the event
It's established the new Graph API can't be used (, but the documentation for the REST API ( implies that it's not possible to invite users to existing events.
provide any clarity on this I'd be grateful - reading the vague and contradictory facebook documentation is getting me nowhere.
Specifically, who/where/how should the event be created? - and how can I then invite users to that event from an external website?
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Feb 26, 2011
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Dec 15, 2010
I want to create a webservice that allows user to connect to Facebook. In my webservice, there is a method named "connect" which requires 2 parameters: the username and password (of the Facebook account).
I have to use this username and password to connect to Facebook from the webservice. After that, I want to allow the user to post on their walls...Is is it possible to connect to Facebook using a webservice?
I tried a lot, and I can login to Facebook account, but I can't get the sessionkey and userid.
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Sep 16, 2010
I'm using the following step by step guide to connect to Facebook Connect:
However I have a problem at the 'Authentication and Initiating a Session' stage.
When I go through the steps, I click on 'Connect' in my browser, which opens a popup, where I login to Facebook and 'Allow' the application to access my account. I'm then redirected to the filename I specify in thw 2nd parameter of the javascript function 'FB.init'.
However, this page then displays:
"Please sign-in with Facebook."
Why is this happening? I'm developing this on localhost,
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May 21, 2010
i can't logout a user when it's connected through facebook connect. I'm using the facebook developer toolkit. Anyone know how to "disconnect" a user ?
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Apr 22, 2010
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Apr 2, 2010
how revoking authorization works in the ASP.NET Toolkit. I've tried issuing the following:
ConnectSession connect =
new ConnectSession(FacebookHelper.ApiKey(), FacebookHelper.SecretKey());
Auth x = new Auth(fbSession);
But I get an object reference error during the RevokeAuthorization call. Here's the call definition.
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Jan 25, 2010
ASP.Net C# and FaceBook Connect.
I'm using Facebook connect on my site. If a new user connects through FB i create an account for them and all is fine. What i would also like to do is check to see if they already have a registered account.
So if someone connects that has not logged in but has an account i would like to be able to locate the account in my application a link it. I hoping this could be done via the email address?
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Oct 8, 2010
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Dec 19, 2010
I'm looking for template project that uses Facebook Connect instead of ASP.NET Membership service with ASP.NET MVC 1.0/2.0/3.0. It should support connect (login) and logof and storing user data to the database. Is there something like that?
And second question: Would YOU like to participate in building such tamplate? (if similar project doesn't exist)
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Jul 26, 2010
I've integrated my website with Facebook Connect, authorization/single-sign on all working great.
Now im trying to post something to the user's wall, which im having some problems with.
First of all, im using the "old" JavaScript API (FeatureLoader.js).
These are the Graph API URL's im using:
private const string UserDetails_Url = @"{0}?access_token={1}";
private const string Feed_Url = @"{0}/feed?access_token={1}";
private const string TokenExchange_Url = @"{0}";
I'm using the TokenExchange_Url URL to receive the unique user OAuth token to make calls with.
This is working fine, because a) i receive the token back, and b) i can issue HTTP Get Requests to the Graph API (i.e UserDetails_Url) and it works fine.
But, i cannot Post to the User's wall using the Feed_Url.I'm pretty sure the issue is i haven't got the appropriate user permissions to post to a wall (i.e facebook-side setting).
Now, i realise i can use the fbPublish API method client-side to do this, but i want to do it server-side with the Graph API.
I wont bother showing my code which attempts the call to the Graph API to post to the user's wall, as its pretty straightforward (HttpWebRequest, set method to "POST', set content type/length, write bytes to Stream, etc).
I think the problem is i need the user to grant my aplpication "publish_stream" extended permissions.
The Facebook Graph API doco says to do this in your authorization request:
Which confuses me because im using the following URL to get the OAuth token:
Am i using the wrong Token Exchange URL? Why is there two different URL's to seemingly get the same piece of information?
Yes - i have read the Facebook API doco (numerous times), and yes i have read other similar SO questions, but they all result in using the client-side API to publish to wall, i want to do it server side.
For the actual "Facebook Connect" button, i'm using the standard FBML:
<fb:login-button length="long" size="medium" autologoutlink="false" background="light" onlogin="facebookLogin('/login')" class=" fb_login_not_logged_in FB_login_button FB_ElementReady"><a id="RES_ID_fb_login" class="fbconnect_login_button"><img id="RES_ID_fb_login_image" src="" alt="Connect"></a></fb:login-button>
When i click this (and not logged into Facebook), it pops up a window which the user can login. But it doesnt have the "Request Extended Permissions" dialog - shouldnt it? Or is that another popup i need to manually trigger?
So to sum up, here are my questions:
How do i grant extended permissions to publish to the user's wall?What is the correct URL for obtaining an OAuth token?Is there a definitive source for showing how to post to a user's wall using server-side Graph API calls?
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Aug 25, 2010
I noticed that whenever my clients connect their accounts to my application, the Sys.UI returns null and the MaskEditTextBox is not longer showing the mask ... in other words is not working.
Did anybody have been thru this kind of scenario?
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Feb 16, 2010
I've been reading through the fb developer api documentation and I'm trying to find out what would be the easiest way to post information on a website to the website's own facebook page. for instance - the assumed workflow is like this:
an admin user adds new content to the company website - and once submitted that content should automatically appear as a link on the company's facebook page.
Do I use the API, facebook Connect, a facebook Share button etc. Looking for some recommendations based on my assumed workflow. Project will be coded in c# (although I'm really looking for recommendations of which tool to use from someone's experiences with the api)
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Jan 26, 2010
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Feb 19, 2010
How do I migrate users from a existing users table to Forms Authentication?
There seems to be three options:
T-SQL - Iterate through the existing users table and insert into Forms Authentication tables using the stored procedure aspnet_Membership_CreateUser Code - create a utility that will iterate through the existing users table and insert into Forms Authentication tables using Membership.CreateUser() Code - as users login verify credentials against existing users table and insert into Forms Authentication tables using Membership.CreateUser()
Which is the most practical?
I have been currently trying option 1 but I am running into difficulties using the password salt to create the encrypted password from a plain text password
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Nov 3, 2012
How to test facebook authentication in localhost. I want to debug it on localhost..I tried creating app id but it was not allowing localhost.
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