How To Parse Atom Feed With OpenSearch Namespace

Feb 4, 2010

How can I parse this [URL] to assign all <tel:> e.g. <tel:prename> elements to textboxes?

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Accessing Data In An Atom Feed?

Mar 7, 2010

I've wanted to incorporate my blog into my website, and be able to organize the data in the blog based on the keyword tags- so I can use the single blog and present relevant blog entries on different sections of my website, where I have control over the formatting, etc.

After exhaustive research (where I've learned a lot about RSS, XML, ATOM), it looks like I'm going to have to write one heck of an extensive xsl file to be able to access the XML data in an atom feed, and it seems that surely I am trying to reinvent the wheel.

Does Visual Web Developer Express have a better way to create a website with atom feed elements? If not, is there another way I should go about this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Odata Feed (Atom + Xml) To A Grid View?

Nov 23, 2010

I have to bind OData feed, which is a response from WCF Data Service, to a gridview. The structure is as follows:



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C# - How To Get The Author From SyndicationFeed Object Where Feed Has A Namespace

Dec 22, 2010

I have an RSS feed. I am using the ASP.NET SyndicationFeed object to trawl through this feed.

In this feed the authors of each post have the element name <dc:creator>. How do I get the data from this feed when the author are not nicely in the tag like it should be?

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Configuration :: Project Build On Web Server / Parse Error : Could Not Load Type 'Namespace.PageName'

Mar 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 website application using C# and SQL 2005 running on a web server. Now the application has the ability to create new aspx pages with content and the relative aspx.cs and design.cs pages needed on the fly and store them in the base directory on the server. Think of it as a crued Visual Studio website on the server for admin to click a few options on a page then the new pages are created for them without the need of a web developer. This all works fine and the code is working 100% (for the moment).

My problem now is the following: When i now navigate to this newly created page i get the following error - Parse Error : Could not load type 'Namespace.PageName'

I've looked into the reasoning and microsoft say "These errors occur if the .aspx page contains a reference to a code-behind module and if the application has not been built." Which now makes sense the application does not realise that these new pages are part of its system even though i can navigate to them.How do i get the system to recognise these new pages and rebuild itself accordingly?Now i cannot rebuild the system localy then reupload to the server, this needs to be accomplished on the server by the system, because the site cannot afford to have down time everytime admin decide to add new pages.

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C# - Displaying RSS Or Atom Content In ListView?

Feb 6, 2011

I am using SyndicationFeed to pull the data down and parse it. I am able to accomplish this but not without quite a bit of code.

I feel like there should be a while of doing this in a few lines of code and bind that to the ListView.

Can anyone point me at a 'really simple' way to pull rss or atom feed off of another site and bind its contents into a ListView control on my page, including the content of each item?

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Type Or Namespace Name Syndication Does Not Exist In The Namespace System.ServiceModel

Apr 19, 2010

i get the following error when trying to compile my site after updating the project from vs2008 to vs2010The type or namespace name 'Syndication' does not exist in the namespace 'System.ServiceModel' (are you missing an assembly reference?)I have the site targeting 3.5 framework (as it did in vs2008)I also added a reference to System.ServiceModel.Web

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Type Or Namespace Name Objects Does Not Exist In The Namespace System.Data

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using MonoDevelop on Mac OS X Snow Leopard to develop an ASP.NET MVC Application. I have tested it on Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 and it worked fine, but when compiling it on MonoDevelop it throws the error: The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data' under this line: public partial class MoviesDBEntities : global::System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext

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MVC :: The Type Or Namespace Name 'Controllers' Does Not Exist In The Namespace 'XXX' Error In VS2008

Jan 23, 2010

I use vs2008 and my MVC 1.0 and 2.0 Projects were working perfectly but all of a sudden i have an error on trying to compile all of them;

The error is of the form;

Error 1 The type or namespace name 'Controllers' does not exist in the namespace 'XXX' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Error 3 The type or namespace name 'Models' does not exist in the namespace 'XXX' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Error 4 The type or namespace name 'AccountController' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 5 The type or namespace name 'IFormsAuthenticationService' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 6 The type or namespace name 'IMembershipService' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

These errors seem to come from the HomeControllerTest and the AccountControllerTest.

note that i recently installed Azure Tools using the Web Installer..Dunno if that could be the cause or problem.

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An Error Message With Namespace / The Type Or Namespace Name 'X509Certificate' Could Not Be Found

Nov 3, 2010

when I put a break point i get this error message:

Error 1 The type or namespace name 'X509Certificate' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) D:UsersatttDesktop
etetrtDefault.aspx.cs 7 53 D:...attt

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CS0234: The Type Or Namespace Name 'Windows' Does Not Exist In The Namespace 'System'

Sep 9, 2010

I have a ASMX web service. When I access it from a client the ASMX get compiled but I get this error:

Looking at csc.exe command line from the error detail the System.Windows.Forms asseembly is not referenced.

Compilation Error

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Windows' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Source Error:

Line 3: using System.ComponentModel;
Line 4: using System.Drawing;
Line 5: using System.Windows.Forms;
Line 6: using System.Xml;
Line 7: using Idp.Core.Configuration;

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Type Or Namespace Name Linq Does Not Exist In The Namespace System'

Sep 2, 2010

I uploaded my website to the server, and I have there a working with wcf - it should be fw 3.5I saw that fw 3.5 is installed on the server and also we have re fw 3.0 sp1.I run my website : www.qenglishcenter.comand I'm getting an error : The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)shouldn't System.linq be already existed ?

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C# The Type Or Namespace Name 'Secure' Does Not Exist In The Namespace 'source_extranet'

May 26, 2010

I was earlier having a problem with referencing a 3rd Party Dll (Here) but have overcome this problem and am now having a problem referencing my own classes!

Everything seems fine at build with no errors at all but when I go to run the application it comes up with the following Compilation

Error:Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Secure' does not exist in the namespace 'source_extranet' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

The line that the Error points to this line in the class:

source_extranet.Secure.BackendCustomData newdata =
new source_extranet.Secure.BackendCustomData();

This line of code points to a class in the same folder as the calling code class.

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Type Or Namespace Name WebReference Does Not Exist In The Namespace

Apr 14, 2010

I just added web reference to my web application.When running the application its giving the compilation error.Following is the exact problemThe web service which i am referring is also developed by me.The web service is working fine.

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Type Or Namespace Name Script Does Not Exist In The Namespace ?

Nov 8, 2010

When I am running my application, I am getting this erro like this:The type or namespace name 'Script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you issing an assembly reference

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class SlideService : System.Web.Services.WebService

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When Adding Namespace It Is Not Getting The Service Name ( Not Able To Add The Namespace Of Websercice?

Mar 25, 2010

i write a simple webservice code in when i build the service and run the service it is working fine. when i try to access the webservice it is giving some problem , problem means i am not getting that method (webservice method). After completing writing the webserivce i take a page (.aspx) and in solution explorer i add a webservices and it is added successfully. but when i adding namespace it is not getting the service name ( i not able to add the namespace of websercice

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DataSource Controls :: Server Error: Namespace Linq Does Not Exist In Namespace "System"

May 7, 2010

I am getting this compilation error"

All my pages are receiving this error - website is down; here's the code:


Except my web config file shows linq is accounted for? [Code]....

I would note that I updated to VWD Express 2010 then had to revert back to 3.5 because my host at Arvixe had not updated my server yet. He then said he updated it and I reverted up to 4.0 again. It turned out he hadn't and I tried to revert back...and then this showed up and numerous other errors.

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C# - The Type Or Namespace Name "Exchange" Doesn't Exist In The Namespace

Mar 26, 2011

When I run my app I get this error: Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Exchange' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Source Error:
Line 06: using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
Line 07: using System.Data.OleDb;
Line 08: using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data; // error
Line 09: using System.Net;
Line 10: using System.Data.SqlClient;

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How To Get RSS Feed Injection

Dec 15, 2010

I want to display the world's top 100 IT giants list up-to-date on my webapge. from where can i get the informaiton? Is it possible to get the RSS feed for this?

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How To Create Rss Feed Using C#

Feb 24, 2010

Any one can post this problem.

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How To Add Rss Feed In Website

Jun 29, 2010

I m adding rss feed in out publish website which is related to advocate .

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Ampersand In URL Of RSS Feed

Jan 14, 2011

As part of our app, user can save some data as XML on server which becomes RSS feed for them. Now some of the file user created have & in file name as BB&T_RSS.xml. So when user point this to [URL], they won't get his. I tried BB%26T.xml, BB&T.xml without any success with IE, Chrome

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C# - Best Way To Consume An RSS Feed

Jan 14, 2010

I'm currently working on an ASP.NET Website where I want to retrieve data from an RSS feed. I can easily retrieve the data I want and get it to show in i.e. a Repeater control.My problem is, that the blog (Wordpress) that I'm getting the RSS from uses for linebreaks which I obviously can't use in HTML. I need to replace these with a <br /> tag.

SyndicationFeed myFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(XmlReader.Create("urltofeed/"));
IEnumerable<SyndicationItem> items = myFeed.Items;
foreach(SyndicationItem item in items)

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How To Create An RSS Feed / Want To Output

Dec 6, 2010

How do I create an RSS feed in ASP.NET?Actualy I want to output like this. Clik on an RSS icon, open the RSS bookmark box and subscribe the user. After that, clik on the RSS feed link, create RSS bookmark to show RSS, update data.

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Rss Feed Operation Timed Out?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to load the digg favorites rss items. But getting error as operation timed out.Please let me know if anyone have solved this issue before.

Public Shared Function HasRssItems() As Boolean
Dim doc As New XmlDocument
Return doc.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item").Count > 0
End Function

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