How To Share Webpage With Social Network

Mar 29, 2011

Hey I have a web page and I wish to share a link or tell a friend about this page.So,when I click the share link then the System shall execute AddThis Wigit(fb,twitter,google,myspace...) etc.

What is the C# code that execute this implimention.

I am using MVC

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Javascript - How To Share Contents Of A Webpage With Social Networks

Aug 29, 2010

I'm Looking for a free(or Open Source) Sharing Script to put it in my content pages(I do I want to allow my visitors to share contents(ex: articles) in social networks like Facebook or on-line bookmark services like google bookmarks.what's the best way to do that? i found JQUERY SHARING(you can see demo here) Plugin from the web. do you know any better choice!?

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Social Networking :: Share Images On Facebook Using Share Button

Jun 29, 2013

I am showing thumbnail images in dataList on a page of my website. When i click on any image they open in big size. How i will share(Facebook). that particular big size image. My code is given below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var CurrentPage = 1;
function GetImageIndex(obj) {
while (obj.parentNode.tagName != "TD")
obj = obj.parentNode;
var td = obj.parentNode;


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create A Folder On A Network Share

Mar 7, 2011

I have a web application that uses Windows Authentication, not forms, and has identity impersonate = true.

From an .aspx page, the following code can create a folder on a network share successfully but fails in my .asmx page.

dirPolicyFolder.CreateDirectory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("PolicyApplicationsPath") & strFolderName

I have confirmed that the same user is logged in both examples, permissions on the parent folder are set correctly, and the logged user has propper right to do this.

If I change the path to a local one, the asmx page can create the folder.Why would this fail when running in the .asmx page?

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Web Forms :: Can Access Network Share Folder With Impersonating

Sep 29, 2010

I am stumped. i want my website to access a network share folder which is located at say, //hero/superman. I can do it manually.

I've done the following:

1. Included <identity impersonate="true" userName="IUSR_TEST" password="test" /> in my web.config.

2. Set anonymous access in IIS 5.1 with username IUSR_TEST and password: test in the account that is used for anonymous access. Checked integrated windows authentication.

3. Created a profile for IUSR_TEST in computer/management/local users and created the password: test for it. It is a member of guest.

4. Created a user account IUSR_TEST for the network share computer. gave it the same username and password.

4. On the network share computer, I've enabled access for the following people: ASPNET, NETWORK SERVICE, and IUSR_TEST.. all with full potential (for now) for the directory path in question //hero/superman which is really located on: c:herosuperman. I've given it full access.

But when I StreamReader fs = File.OpenText(Server.MapPath(@"\herosuperman est.txt"); I get the error "UnauthorizedAccess Exception". Access to the path \herosuperman est.txt is denied.

So what did I miss, what am I doing wrong. The key thing here are:

the webserver is on a domain. the network share computer is NOT on a domain, it is on it's own workgroup. This workgroup, lets just say is called "villains". So if I have to manually map the network drive to access the files, I must type: /villains/IUSR_Test and password: test to be able to map it on my webserver local computer.

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Security :: Anonymous Access, Impersonation, Network Share?

Apr 26, 2010

If you use anonymous access + impersonation of a windows domain account to access a file on a network share, is the password sent in clear text?

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Security :: Accessing Network Share Via UNC / Virtual Directory ?

Oct 27, 2010

A month ago I got everything working but now my code has changed and my server may have been misconfigured.

Basically, I'm running IIS 6.0 and Win2k 2003. The webserver will map a network path UNC share at: //wave/test

Also, I have webconfig set up to do: impersonate = true (no username/password defined)

the path //wave/test is another computer that runs Windows XP. Wave is the computer name, test is the folder name. So C: est is the folder to access. The current permissions under C: est on the file server is: Administrator, IUSR_WEB (read-only) and "Wave_user" (read-only)

Back in WinServer 2003, i've added a virtual directory and mapped to \wave est and applied a local username/password for Wave_user. I am able to see/browse all the files in IIS 6.0 and see the files/folders. I call the virtual directory alias: "Waves". Inside Authentication method for this virtual directory, i applied Wave_user and the local password of the local file-server PC , and checked enable anonymous access w/ integrated windows authentication.

Also, back in virtual directory, I set "Connect As" to wave est as username and password as the local password.

When I access the webapplication, using my current local PC credential, and try to access the network share, which in C# is the command: server.mappath@("wave"... i get a Server Error 401. in the browser.

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Security :: How To Access Network Share On Domain By Using An AD Account Credentials

Apr 23, 2010

I've been researching and I've spent pratically all day on this. Here's my issue. The website uses forms authentication that we authenticate against active directory. I've been attempting to access files we have on a network share and push them down to the user (when they request them) in an http response. I keep getting "Access to the path <unc path> is denied".

Here's the code:


Things I've tried:1) When I add the "Computer" to the permissions of the folder it works and I dont even need to emulate a user (essentially just commenting out this code), but I'm not sure we want to explicitly give the computer access to some of our network shares 2) I've verified it's the correct username and password for the active directory account and that they have permissions on these network shares 3) I've fooled around with the WebProxy class with no luck (as I'm not entirely familiar with it) 4) I've tried impersonating the user by creating a windows token and passing the token as credentials (i've done this with similar websites) with no luck, plus this seemed a bit complicated for something I figured would be relatively easy.Its almost as if, the WebClient class isn't even using the credentials i've passed it.We've got it working now, but only by giving the "Computer" specific permissions on the network shares, which we'd like to avoid.

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MVC :: Error In Opening A Pdf File On Network Share / Access To The Path Is Denied

Nov 23, 2010

I'm not able to open the file when I click on the link on page in MVC. I get the following message. I've added the impersonation in the code. I'm able to delete and save the file.

Access to the path '\servernamefolder1folder2folder3foder4filename.pdf' is denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '......same as above....' is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

Source Error:


Source File: C:Posfx runkposfxcamonlineControllersApplicationController.vb Line: 37 Stack Trace:


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Social Networking :: Facebook Share With ListView

Mar 26, 2016

I have listview which has bind with database, i need facebook share button with each record in list view and when user click the post share on the facebook wall.

i want to show the post which user has click on to share on facebook not whole page e.g

listview is bind with sql and fetching following record

1. record one  <facebook share button> when user click on this button so record one should be share on facebook wall.

2. record two <facebook share button>

3. record three <facebook share button>


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C# - Social Network Directed Graph Library?

Jan 4, 2011

I am on a project where I have multiple users of a portal and they are connected to other users of the portal, now we are asked to draw a "Social Network" relationship graph to see the relationships. The constraint is that this graph has to be seen on the WEB BROWSER.

The graph has to be something like:

Is there any C# library or component to draw this type of graphs? We have already checked these:
.NET graph library around?

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Social Networking :: Share TextBox Text On Facebook?

Dec 9, 2013

having 4 radio buttons, a mutiline textbox and button on page.all radio button getting values from database all radiobutton having same group name.

I want if user selects any radiobutton and write something on textbox , then clicks on button should get posted on Facebook.

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Social Networking :: Share Text And Images On Google Plus?

Dec 11, 2013

I want to share text and images on Google Plus using C# application. I have alredy implemented this  for  Facebook wall Post and Twitter Twitt using your refrance code.

(I am using 3- tire architeture (C# ASP.NET) for implementing website )

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May 7, 2015

I want to share text and images on Google Plus using C# application.

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Social Networking :: Add Custom Image To Facebook Share Button

May 3, 2014

I want to create my own face book share link, but it's not going to take image of perticular home or not even name.Why it's behave like that?

Below is my code.

<a title="send to Facebook" href="[title]=home&p[summary]=sum_my&p[url][images][0]


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Social Networking :: Increase Twitter Share Content Length Limit?

Jan 8, 2013

we have added Twitter Share button in our one of website

 if you see this page


when we click on twitter share button length issue come

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Jan 2, 2013

I want to display  facebook, twitter and g+ like button on my .net website like [URL] ....

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Social Networking :: Add This Share Buttons / Remove Auto Generated String At The End Of URL?

Jan 4, 2013

I use facebook, twitter likes in my website ...

I use "addThis" code for that

But, I get a code after url complete like "#.UOZvKXdRL4Y" as in [URL] also display so, it creates a problem in seo.

What to do for remove this.

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Social Networking :: Mobile Version Post Publish And Share Facebook

Aug 28, 2013

Post Publish and Share content on user’s FaceBook Wall or Timeline using Graph  does not work on the mobile version.

Redirects to a page with an error, the desktop version works on mobile no, is how to fix it

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Social Networking :: Share Selected Image In ListView To Facebook Wall

Feb 25, 2016

i am not able to share image on facebook wall. Here i attach my cs code and aspx code. Also added namespace "using ASPSnippets.FaceBookAPI;"

// ");
function GetScreenCordinates(obj) {


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Web Forms :: How To Share Variable From One Webpage To Another

Aug 15, 2013

I have a problem,related to sharing variable between 2 pages.i am using session for it but it does not work,below is my code

protectedvoid LinkButton7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
Session["catagory"] = LinkButton7.Text;

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// string catagory = Convert.ToString( Request.QueryString["catagory"]);// string month1 = Request.QueryString["monthtest"];

[Code] ....

But on secondpage.aspx  i am not able to access value of session["catagory"] that means it have stored null value automatically. How I will access it....

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Web Forms :: Can Upload A File On A Network Share Folder Using File Upload Control

Aug 6, 2010

I want to upload files to the web servers from the client machines.

Can i upload a file on a network share folder using file upload control?

I would like to create a share folder on a file server sitting next to the web server. If i upload the file from the network share folder instead of uploading it from the client machine does it make any difference?

Will the file be stored in a temporary location before copying to the final destination? Where will be the file stored in this case of uploading it from share folder?

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Entring Or Writing To Webpage Enter Automatically To Social Networking Sites?

Mar 24, 2010

i m creating a website regarding my products now i want connect my site to facebook,twitter,myspace now i want is that i can enter or write on my webpage ,links etc should automatically write to my walls of facebook and me n also automaticaaly tit to my twitter is this possible what should i use

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Jun 10, 2010

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