How To Subtract A Month From Date Object
Feb 3, 2010
How do I subtract a month from a date object in VB.NET?
I have tried:
However, given that Today is 01-Jan-2010, the result I get is 01-Dec-2010. The answer I want is 01-Dec-2009.
Is there a convenient way of doing this within the .NET framework?
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string query= "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS Month FROM HolidayTable";
DataSet ds = new DataSet(query)
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<asp:textbox id="d1" runat="server Text="1-Jan-2011"/>
<asp:textbox id="d2" runat="server Text="11-Jan-2011"/>
the final output is
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Jan 20, 2010
I have 3 textboxes.
1 Textbox = Start date and time
2 Textbox = End date and time
3 Textbox = End date and time SUBTRACT Start date and time
Any idea on how to subtract these two dates.
Textbox 1 = 2010-01-20 11:33:52
Textbox 2 = 2010-01-20 12:53:59
Textbox 3 = the difference of textbox 1 and textbox 2 which is 2010-01-20 01:20:07
Im doing this in VB.
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Jun 7, 2012
lblperiod.Text = " period " + "01/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedItem.Text + "---" + System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedValue;
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i mean whever the user selcts in dropdown for month & year i want the period for the same
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Ex: JAN/11
How can I do this?
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Jan 23, 2011
Is there a way to get the difference between two dates in Month. I would like decimal for the day.
EX :
First Date : 2010-12-20
Second Date : 2011-12-30
This is like 1 months and 10 days between these date.
The difference should give me : 1.33
DateTime dt = new DateTime();
dt = Convert.ToDateTime("2011-12-30"); ;
DateTime dt2 = new DateTime();
dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime("2010-12-20");
int monthDiff = System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods.DateDiffMonth(dt,dt2);
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Feb 17, 2010
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Nov 23, 2010
I have a textbox that gets the date from an AJAX Calendar extender. What I need to do is extract the "month," "day," and "year," and put them into seperate string variables to use in my code to do various things based on the month, day or year respectively.
Here is what I have so far:
But I don't want the year NOW, I want the year from the textbox.
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