How To Use 2 Languages In 3.5

Jan 18, 2010

I need to develop my website in 2 languages (English and Hindi). I'm using 3.5

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Similar Messages: - Get Available Languages?

Jan 10, 2010

i am trying to get the available languages installed in visitors pc's. The problem is that i don't want to get the languages from the internet browser.

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Web Forms :: How To Use GlobalResources For Different Languages

Feb 11, 2011

in create user wizard i need a scrollable text area for term of use i use GlobalResources for difrent languages let me know what shuold i use for a text area that be scrollable and also work with resources text i also need to give little format to that text inside of scrollable control

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Make Website With More Languages?

Jul 27, 2010

How to make web site with more languages ?

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MVC :: OutputCache'ing With Multiple Languages?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm looking into using the OutputCache-attribute for my ASP.NET MVC website. However, my website is using resources (*.res-files) to display two different languages (based on the user's settings in a cookie and/or database setting). Is there any way I can cache actions for my two languages separately?

Setting a "VaryByHeader" isn't gonna cut it since I have lots of visitors so every second visitor has probably another language set than the visitor before him. This would cause the cached action/page to always be updated since it's a different language.

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AJAX :: Way To Combine Script Languages

Dec 14, 2010

I had to rebuild my development environment after my hard drive crashed. Before the crash I used ScriptManager with CompositeScript tags to combine js files using AjaxControlToolkit, version 3.0.20820.29441. Now I am forced to use AjaxcontrolToolkit version 3.5.40412.0 which insists that I use ToolkitScriptManager which seems to combine ALL Ajax controls instead of the ones I specifiy in CompositeScript. And when I use the attribute CombineScriptsHandlerUrl="~/CombineScriptHandler.ashx" (the latter from SampleWebSitethat comes with AjaxControlToolkit) I see in Fiddler that the ashx file cannot be found.

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Localization :: Enter The Text In Other Languages?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a page with two textboxes (one for english and one for korean)..

I want users to be able to enter an english word or enter a korean word...

Now I can only enter english in both of them... Even if my keyboard language is switched to Korean.. I can not type in Korean in the Korean text box....

I thought I could simply change this using something like:


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Managing Multiple Languages In A Web Application?

Apr 19, 2010

I am part of a development team building a new ASP.NET 3.5 web application. Two of us are C# coders, and the other is a VB.NET coder.

I know that we can mix languages on a per-project basis, and one can build classes in one language that inherit from classes written in the other language in a different project (which we are already doing), but I can see us getting into a situation where we might well end up with cyclic dependencies between our various project DLLs.

Other than simply having a high number of projects (more seperation of concerns into more libraries), how have you managed this situation on your own projects?

Note - I believe this question to be different enough from the only similar match I could find (this one) on the basis that we are not wanting to use different languages in order to take advantage of their specific features per se, but rather to make use of what developer resource is available to us (i.e. one dev just happens to be VB.NET only).

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Localization :: How To Create A Website In 4 Languages

Apr 7, 2010

i am creating a website in 4 languages. all the labels and buttons should chage as per the users choice. the language details should not be hard coded and it has to come from the databse for each language. Instead of doing it manually(depends upon the language selection fetch the data from the databse and show the labels etc) do we have any inbuild Techno ledge to achieve this in a faster way.

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C# - What Languages Can Use The System.Net.CookieContainer Class

Aug 10, 2010

I'm working on a webservice that needs to be contacted from different clients. Since I never know what language the client will be using I was wondering if every language can retrieve and pass a Class of the type "System.Net.CookieContainer". Ex: I have a webservice that authenticates a client and returns a CookieContainer (this can be passed in the following requests). This way I can keep that session active.

Client 1 will use .net (this works obviously).
Client 2 will use php (will this work?).
Client 3 will use java (will this work?).

The reason why I would like to use this is because a user can authenticate with our webservice and in the following requests he doesn't need to do the authentication again. After some searching arround I've found the CookieContainer solution.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Different Languages?

Feb 5, 2010

I use the HTML editor to capture a users post. It saves to an Access database and is displayed on our intranet. In english it works fine but we have users who post in spanish. Any special Spanish characture with accents (Such as Á ) do not get stored and redisplayed properly. Once saved to the db it appears as a black diamond with a question mark in it. When it's displayed on the web page it shows just a square box. I use server.htmlencode and decode if that helps. I can switch to HTML text view and put in the escape codes, but it's not an efficient way of expecting my users to work.

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Localization :: Maintain A Web Application In Different Languages?

Aug 18, 2010

How to maintain a web application in different languages.

For Examplel(English, Chinees,German...)

Need any Detailed Example.

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Getting Funny Characters When Trying To Use The Text In Foreign Languages?

Jul 5, 2010

I am getting funny characters when trying to use the text in foreign languages, it comes with # and numbers in between.I am using getraw<string> to get the raw string. How can i use this on aspx page?

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Building A Website Supporting Many Languages / Cultures?

Sep 19, 2010

I am building my first ASP.NET MVC site and this site needs to be in 2 languages.

When a user selects a language from the menu, the site would present itself in that language.

The content likely will be loaded all from resource files. Can I respond to a change in the culture definition at runtime so it load the correct resource file?

I want different URLs for both languages. Perhaps something like

Is this possible? The users should be able to forward and save links and that the site will be loaded in their language.

How can this be done with ASP.NET MVC?

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Localization - How To Support Multiple Languages In A Web Application

Jul 15, 2010

I am working on a web forms application that needs to support multiple languages based on a user's preference. Here are some considerations to keep in mind about the needed solution:

I want to avoid using resource files to store the different text translations because I'd like the ability to change them without having to recompile and deploy the application.

Also the translations ideally need to be adminstratable.

It seems its a considerable amount of effort to add this support to an existing application.

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Localization :: How To Make The Web Application To Available In Multiple Languages

Sep 21, 2010

I want my web application to support multiple langauges like english,german,etc

Is there a way we can do this in visual studio or is ther any other way

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How To Speed Up Compilation Of 30 Languages Website In VS.NET 2010

Feb 15, 2011

Recently, I added a massive amount of new languages (as RESX files) to an ASP.NET Web Site project in VS.NET 2010.

The project has approximately 50 ASPX pages and did build rather fast, before I added the languages.

Since the languages were added the compiler takes several minutes (well, at least 1-2) until the browser sees a page.

Now I'm currently investigating, whether I could speed up compilation time inside my development environment. I can think of:

Leaving out the RESX files in VS.NET and copy them from another, external folder, when deploying to the web server, only.
Change the project type from Web Site to Web Application.

My question:

how you would improve development speed of a large multi-language website in ASP.NET 4.0?

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Popular Languages For HTML Pages Generation?

Feb 1, 2010, php, jsp What other popular (used alot in production) languages for HTML pages generation are there?

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Web Forms :: Can Check How Many Languages Are Set In User Browser

Jul 25, 2010

I am creating an application which will offer option to users to select language manually instead of culture settings. But I need to offer only those languages which are installed/setup in browser. This will be used to judge user preferences.

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Localization :: Button.text Not Working For Different Languages?

Jan 24, 2010

i do have more than one language being supported on my website and currently working with localization, which raises some question marks to me.

guess, i have the following line(s) of code for a button:

<asp:button id="btnSubmit" style="left: 245px; position: absolute; width:100px"
onclick="OnBtnSendClicked" runat="server" text="Submit" tabindex="5">

i do want to have 'text="Submit"' exchanged against something like

<%=GetGlobalResourceObject("Lokalisierung", "resSubmit")%>

as i am working with global resources. however this does not work as the button.text is filled with '<%=GetGlobalResourceObject("Lokalisierung", "resSubmit")%>' (without '').

note: 'Lokalisierung.resx' is my resource file already existing and perfectly working for other "things" here.

what is the correct syntax here?

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Localization :: Textbox Needs To Accept Text From Other Languages?

Nov 8, 2010

how non English language input works with textboxes.

1. Can a regular textarea or a textbox accept text from languages other than English?

2. If yes, then how does the user enter non English language text

3. Is there a way to detect what language the user has entered text and make UI changes accordingly. (Ex: Make a button visible if non English text is entered)

4. Can non English text be stored in a varchar column in a SQL Server database? If not, how do I store this text?

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Css,Html,Xml Style Sheet / Difference Between 3 Languages?

Dec 26, 2010

I am new to and i saw many tutorials talking about css and Html and Xml Style sheet so please can anyone tell me what is the difference between those 3 Languages and what they are used for ? Also i want to know if we need to know HTML since when i was training on visual studio i saw that it is automatically generated when we add a control from the tool box .

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Web Forms :: Display Multiple Languages In Site

Dec 3, 2012

i  am going to develop search engine portal before enter into home page select the language. i used to display content english or malayalam

so once page is opened popup will be there . user has to select the language then display it in selected language.

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Web Forms :: Convert The Text Of A Web App That Was Developed In English To Other Languages?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a web app that I would like to convert to other dialects. I know that a language specialist would have to check it, but am I correct that I can us a tool to convert the english to spanish, chinese, etc?

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Website For Multiple Spoken Languages

Jan 15, 2010

I am creating a website for an international organization. The initial default page provides a list of languages for the user to select from, but then every page thereafter must be created at runtime with every text field inserted with the selected language. I am using tables in an SQL Server database that provides the translations for every text field on every page. My question is: How do I create a new web page at runtime that is seen by the user in the proper language? I know how to go from one web page to another existing web page. I just do not know how to transfer execution to a new web page.

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