How To Use ASPxGridView Without Client Scripts And Postback Data

Feb 7, 2011

I added DevExpress GridVIew into my ASP .NET WebForms app. GridView works fine but it generates a huge hidden input with base64-encoded postback data and loads several large javascript files. I don't need any client-side functionality. So, how to disable client-side functionality of this control?

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JQuery :: Uframe Postback Button Control Getting Postback The Page Even The Client Side Method Call Also?

Jan 28, 2011

iam using the Jquery Uframe with project.Iam getting a postback problem here.

In side the uframe ,button control getting postback the page even the client side method call also.

i tried with the Html button Control also by setting the type="submit" ,iam facing the same problem.

And I got very limited reference about the uframe(codeflex,codeProject).

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Javascript - How To Return Data After AJAX Postback Back To The Client

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I have a simple question - I use update panel with custom server control inside. I call __doPostBack from javascript and RaisePostBackEvent on the server fires (I implement IPostBackEventHandler).This is client to server call. Could I return data back to the client (after this partial postback)? What is the best way to achieve this?

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AJAX :: Send Receive Data Between Server And Client Without Postback

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Forms Data Controls :: ASPxGridView RowClick

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I am new DEVEXPRESS controls . In my project i need to work with ASPxGridView , where i need to make all the row value clickable (for a particular record). When clicked it takes the user to the next page where it displays all the information regarding that record.

give me some insights regading how to approach this problem and how to use rowClick event

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How To Prevent PostBack On The Client Side

Jun 11, 2010

I have some validation JS code on client, that must be executed befor PostBack.If this validation code return 'false', postback is needless.How it can be disabled?

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Call RequiredFieldValidator On Client Before Postback?

Mar 22, 2010

I've inherited some code which breaks a page up into tabs using divs. On the first page there are many required field and regex validators. The problem is a user can switch to another tab, trigger a postback and fail the validators on the first page, leaving things in a mess.

What I want to be able to do is perform the validation on the first page as a user selects another tab, thus preventing them from moving to a new tab until the first page is valid.

<li><a href="#tab1">Tab 1</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tab2" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab3" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 3</a></li>


Note use of jQuery for cross-browser compatibility with click event. And this only works if there are no validators on other tabs, as per Thomas' answer, I'll need to use validation groups and extra logic in isValid if any get added.

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MVC :: Client Scripts Not Running After Async Postback?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a MVC view, say,:


somepartialview calls other partial views, that also contains client javascript. This loads and works fine, the javascript-based effects (vertical ticker, horizontal ticker) work fine as well.

The problem is that somepartialview has several AJAX.ActionLink(s) like this:

Ajax.ActionLink("LinkText", "SetIcons", new { id = l.ID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ajaxdiv" })
Namely, an <a> element which upon click changes the content of <div id="ajaxdiv"> using a 'SetIcons' controller:


But this works only partially: the page gets refreshed with the new HTML content, but the scripts that worked before the async postback do not run anymore. How do I get them to work?

I think that I am looking for the MVC alternative of the WebForms' ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript

OSDBDataContext db = new OSDBDataContext();

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Create Postback Delay Client Side?

May 14, 2010

I am developing a web page where a user will submit some "Comments" on a form. When they click the submit button, I fire off some javascript that captures their current GPS location, which I store in a visible Text Box (for testing purposes). If the user is updating from a device that doesn't support gps, I add text to my textbox that says "Device does not support GPS".

When I get to the server, using a device that doesn't support GPS, that text comes through just fine. When I use my iPhone, I see the GPS Coords in my textbox, but that textbox value doesn't make it to the server.I'm thinking that there is a 2-3 second delay from the time that the button is clicked to the time that the java finishes retrieving the GPS. So the textbox text isn't set fast enough.I'm wanting to prevent a postback for 3 seconds (for example) to give the javascript time to update the textbox.

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Jquery - Access Client Side Update On Postback?

Mar 1, 2011

I am using two listbox for moving items from one to another using jquery. Auto postback is set to false for both the listboxes. Is there a way to access the items server side on postback?

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UpdatePanel Not Doing Asyc Postback On Client Id Mode Set To Static

Dec 22, 2010

Once I set it to static for my jquery purpose its not doing asyc postbacks and it always getting full post backs with page flickering...

<asp:Button ID="btntwo" runat="server" Text="Next" OnClick="btntwo_Click" UseSubmitBehavior="false" ClientIDMode="Static" />

i have to use UseSubmitBehavior="false" for my validation purposes....if i remove this property it is working fine.

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Tradeoffs With Client Vs Server Side Postback Handling

Aug 26, 2010

I have a ListView that contains a large collection of rows with textboxes that users can optionally fill out. These textboxes are not databound. When the user clicks "next" i need to iterate over the rows and determine which fields the user has filled out, and then update a sort of "cart" with the data and move to a confirmation page ("you have selected a, g, v, zz, is this correct?" sort of thing).

I can think of two ways to deal with this. The first is, server side, to walk the items in the listview, get the control ID's, save this data to a list, then save it to a database cart table for the next screen to read.I can use jquery to collect all the values client side, then pass it back to the form in a hidden field and use something like Newton.Json to get the data into a similar list.What are the tradoffs of these two approaches?

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Javascript - Get Client - Side Script To Execute On Postback (from An UpdatePanel)?

Jul 15, 2010

Basically I want to get some javascript to be sent back to the client and executed from a postback inside an UpdatePanel. Furthermore this is inside of a reusable WebControl. I've tried

this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript and this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock but Firebug shows that those scripts aren't sent back in the postback's response.

I also tried straight up writing a <script> tag inside the control's main div in the Render method, which does get sent back but isn't executed. I got a hacky solution working, but ideally looking for a cleaner solution. The hack is to add a 1x1 pixel img with width/height set to 0 and use that for an onload event to execute the script and that works, but it seems like there has to be a cleaner way to do this.

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C# - Preserve TableCell BackColor Seted On Client Side On Postback

Feb 28, 2010

What is the best way to save BackColor of asp:Tabel TableCell set on client side by javascript on posback ?

What property do I override while creating custom control based on Table ?

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control - How To Maintain Client Directory Path On Postback

May 4, 2010

I'm using five FileUpload controls on a single web form. Besides allowing the user to upload a file I also am collecting user data. Problem I run into is during the server side validation if any of the user data is invalid on a post back when content it redisplayed the FileUpload controls loose the client url that was selected when browsing. How can I keep that path or set the pathing on the control so they do not have to keep rebrowsing for the files on data validation errors? Right now breaking up the two form sets user data and file upload into two pages is being frowned upon and requirments would like it to be on all one page.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender: After Postback, Client-side Show() No Longer Works

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using what I believe is a pretty common/boring/generic implementation of a ModalPopupExtender. I'm using client-side JS to show the dialog when the user clicks a link, and hide it if they click "cancel". I only do a postback if they truly want to save the data.

I can click the link to show the dialog, then click the cancel button to hide it, then click the link to show it... ad infinitum. If I decide to save the data via a postback, everything works well, and the dialog is hidden as a result of the postback, all as expected.

However, once the postback completes, my client-side JS show() never works again. Any attempts to click the link fail quietly; no error messages, the dialog just never shows again.

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How To Force The User To Have At Least One Selected Checkbox And Postback From Client-side JavaScript

Jul 8, 2010

I have two checkboxes: cb1 and cb2. They are both hooked up to an onClick event which checks if at least one checkbox is clicked. If this is not the case, it throws an alert and reverts the change. If a legal change was made (e.g. cb2 was checked, followed by cb1 being unchecked), the function calls the server function checkChange() which needs the object and eventargs.

I'm having trouble with the following:

Reverting the change: how can i find out which checkbox was clicked without adding an extra javascript function for the second checkbox? This has to be a scalable solution as more checkboxes may be added later.
How do I call the server function checkChange(). I am aware of "this.Page.GetPostbackEventReference" but I am confused as to the parameters it takes.

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C# - Client-Side Validation Prvent Manually Postback By JavaScript Eval ()

Mar 8, 2010

I encouter some postback issue when using GetPostBackEventReference. Here is the Scenario:I have a javascript modal popup dialog and got a button in this modal dialog which used to select things (this is NOT an asp:button control)

When this javascript dialog HTML button is clicked, it will call the MS AJAX web service call by the javascript: eval() method. And this MS AJAX web service call is dynamically generated. So the code is like this:

var serviceCall = svcCall + "(" + parameters + ")"; //dynamically generate the MS AJAX web service call here

//use eval to trigger the MS AJAX web service call

As you may all know, after complete the MS AJAX web service, you can define a callback function to handle the completion:

function OnComplete(result, userContext, methodName) {

//force to call postback manually
eval($(userContext[0]).val()); [code]...

As you can see, this is how I bound the asp:button (i.e. btnSelectUser) 's Click Event to the asp:hiddenfield using the GetPostBackEventReference, and set the registerForEventValidation argument to false. I have also tried to use different ValidationGroup and set the CausesValidation to false.In summarize, I bound the asp:button's Click PostBackEventReference(i.e. __doPostback(....)) to the asp:hidden field's Value attribute, and using javascript eval() to eval this hidden field's value in order to manually trigger postback.

p.s. the btnSelectUser is an asp:button control and used to call out the javascript modal dialog.

Ok, here is the Problem:In the same page, there is some asp:validator, e.g. and , and of coz, when the page run into error, this validator and callout will display to the user. e.g. When the user didn't fill in anything and submit the form, the ValidatorCalloutExtender will display a ballon and tell the user. Imagine one of this ballon/validatorCalloutExtender come out and on top of your screen at the moment.

Then you click the btnSelectUser (asp:button) to show the javascript modal dialog, and in the dialog, you Add some users, and once you hit the SELECT button inside this modal dialog, a MS AJAX web service is trigger as mentioned above, and once this web service is complete, it eval() the asp:hidden field's value (i.e. __doPostback(...))......and do the postback manually.

However, because of the validatorCalloutExtender ballon has display, it somehow cannot trigger the postback in this way, but when I close the ballon/validatorCalloutExtender, the manual postback using eval() is just working fine. Even more strange is that, when the ballon is displayed, the first time I click the SELECT button inside this modal dialog it doesn't fire the postback, however, if I do the same thing again (i.e. open up the javascript dialog, and choose some users, then click the SELECT button again). It able to do the manual postback....and I don't understand why the first time doesn't work.

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Javascript - Client Side Href Lost / Want To Send It Back On Postback?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm losing client side href. Is it possible to send it back to the server on the button submit using a variable or something?

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How To Invoke AspxGridView Update

Jan 18, 2011

I want to know if I can invoke AspxGridView update. I catch a data on AspxGridView Focused Row in server side. And if this data equles 0, I want to invoke update for this row. Else if this data equles 1, i want to invoke new row. Is it possible?

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C# - ASPxGridView Header And Subheader?

Aug 13, 2010

I currently use the ASPxGridView from DevExpress (2010 v1). Has anyone had any success creating double headers where the first set of headers span across multiple subheaders?

------- ------- -------
header1| header2| header3
------- ------- -------
3 4 bob

There doesn't seem to be much verbage about this on their support site since it isn't officially supported.

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C# - ASPxGridView Rows Per Page?

Sep 8, 2010

How can I set maximum number of rows per page to 5? Default is 10.

<SettingsPager PageSize="5">

... doesnt work

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C# - Fill AspxPopupControl With AspxGridView?

Feb 7, 2011

Im using aspxPopupControl with AspxGridView in it. Is it possible to set control to fill all popup cause now when I try to resize that popup there is a lot of free space at the top and bottom when I increase width od the popup.

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ASPxGridView POST Timeout?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a ASPxGridView with DetailRow in this row there are three additional ASPxGridViews. Each detail ASPxGridView contains EmptyDataRow templates with link to create a new row:

<a href="javascript:gridViewDetails1.AddNewRow();">AddNewRecord</a>

When master ASPxGridView rows is 1 or 2 then new rows in detail grids adding fine, but if in master ASPxGridView rows about 10 or more then when I clicking on detail grids link to add new row the loading panel appers for unlimited time and FireBug->Net shows that status of POST is timeout and time is about 1 sec.

How can I repair it?

To AGoodDisplayName:

are the detail row gridviews bound to anything?

yes of course, inside the details row of master gridView there are 3 another gridView and each of them have a separate ObjectDataSource.

Are you expanding more than row at a time?No, I have only one row at time:


Yep:<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="dsMaster" runat="server" TypeName="..." SelectMethod="...">
<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="gridViewMaster" ClientInstanceName="gridViewMaster" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsMaster">[code].....

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Show Combo On AspxGridview?

Jul 21, 2010

*i work on northwind database .*In my AspxGridview i want to show comboBox.I fill grid on back end C#.i also want my combo will fill back end.

<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="CategoryID"

When i run the code AspxGridview fill well but when i click on Edit or New Command on left side of my grid show me bellow error message ;

**Object reference not set to an instance of an object.**

What's the problem is?How to solve this problem.How to bind cell combo on aspx gridview

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