How To Use Forms Authentication On A Virtual Routed Url
Nov 23, 2010
In ~/tools/ I have a webconfig file that contains the following:
<allow roles="admin" />
<deny users="*" />
Requests to ~/tools/mypage.aspx require the user to be in the admin role. If I use URL routing and have requests to ~/categories/mytools route to that above page, forms authentication does not require the user to be in the admin role. How do I use forms authentication on a virtual routed url?
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In details.aspx i have datalist that have 3 lable and 1 image when i write this code in global.aspx
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Add("BikeSaleRoute", new Route
new CustomRouteHandler("~/Details.aspx")
When i type in addressbar it go to details.aspx and show this page with datalist that fill from my db 3 lables and 1 image but when i write this code in my global.asax
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Add("BikeSaleRoute", new Route
new CustomRouteHandler("~/Details.aspx")
I should type in address bar it go to details.asax but in my datalist just show 3labales that i bind from db it didn't show image that i bind from DB what should i do? I want use second code.
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Nov 2, 2010
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Is this something I can configure in my website's web.config, or does the request never hit any server side code in this case? If it never hits server side code (and feeds the request directly to IIS), how can I change my implementation to require my site to authenticate/authorize and then serve my file.
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May 3, 2010
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Each virtual directory is configured on IIS6.0 as an application with own AppPool.
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<httpModules> <remove name="Session" /> <add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/>
This doesn't change anything either... still I have no access to the Session object.SessionState is enabled, otherwise Session would not work on non-routed pages.I'm sure there is a way to get routes and sessions to work together on IIS6, but I don't know how.
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'm using the AutoCompleteExtender from the AJAX control toolkit on my aspx page - I have it wired up to a WCF service that is returning a string array and everything works happily.
If I change my service definition to include a demand for the caller to be authenticated, like so:
<OperationContract(), PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Authenticated:=True)> _Public Function GetLookupValues(ByVal prefixText As String, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal contextKey As String) As String()
Then the autocomplete extender stops working, and I get an authentication error in the service. The service is set up to use ASPNetCompatibility mode, and I was hoping that the extender would pass the authentication credentials for my logged in user - does anyone know how to make this work?
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Jun 3, 2010
I have developed the authenticated rss feed using the basic http authentication for my site.I also have the admin module for the site which uses the Forms Authentication .Both are in the same project.When i turn on the forms authentication module to None in my web.config.My rss feed authentication works fine(the browser pop up the dialog box for the username and password) and upon entering the username and password the rss feed gets displayed.But with forms authentication turn on when i click the rss feed link i am getting redirected to the administrator login page.
If i set my authentication mode to none than the feed works like dream but the admin module do not work as it uses forms authentication.
How can i resolve the conflict for that one.I am using the mvc filter on my feed contoller to pop up the dialog box for the username and password.
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Sep 15, 2010
I've been asked to convert an application from forms authentication with roles using the aspnetdb database to use windows authentication instead.
what is required to do this? can I still use the roles defined in the app and stored in aspnetdb?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table.
For users who are part of our domain I store their domain account name in the secondary users table, and I want to automatically log in users whose domain account name matches a name stored in the table.
I have read the guides which are available - they're all from two years ago or more and assume that you are able to activate Windows Authentication on a separate login page that allows you to extract the domain account name. From what I can tell, though, this is not possible in IIS7 (the overall authentication method is applied on all pages and cannot be selectively deactivated, and both authentication methods can't be applied on the same page).
Is there a way of getting IIS to pass through the windows domain account name of the requesting user? I don't need proper AD authentication, just the domain name.
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Aug 19, 2010
We have a non-SSL ASP.NET web app that allows a user to login (ASP forms authentication, inproc).
Once authenticated, we redirect their browser to an external, SSL secured page on another web site / domain altogether that we do not control.
The client is redirected back to a pre-configured url on our original http web app when done.
However, the customer is then asked to "re-login" again on our side which is undesired...
It seems the forms authentication cookie is destroyed when transitioning between HTTP and HTTPS and back again.
How can I keep the forms authentication cookie alive so that the customer does not have to re-authenticate on the round trip?
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Feb 16, 2011
I'm developing an internal booking sytem. Users log in to the sytem and can view existing bookings and search for bookings. They can also create new or edit existing bookings. When completing such actions I need a confirmation prior to completing the booking or updating the recorded. The confirmation is based on a reauthentication of the user.... in otherwords he needs to enter his passord again.
How can I achieve this? The system is internam and I'm using Forms Authentication. I an also using roles as som of the admin forms can only be viewed by administrators.
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Oct 13, 2010
It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. this error occured in web.config file.
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="30"/>
<authentication mode="Forms"/>
<compilation debug="true">
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Sep 21, 2010
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Jul 14, 2010
This could be very straight forward for some of you, but I got caught up. I am doing very simple test - browsing from IIS Manager to see the default page or "under Construction", however I am being challenged to provide my login credential . When I provide my login credential, I am able to see the default page. I wanted to see the default page without providing my credential since Enable anoymous access + basic authentication I am simply wanted to see the default page asit is working on other servers except this one. I have included screen print to make sure may question is clear.
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Feb 15, 2010
I'm not sure that what I need to do is possible.I'm using the SQL SiteMap Provider as the source for my main navigation menu. When a user hits my site, they are asked to enter their location (town name). This preference setting is being stored using the Profile Provider. The page then reloads to in the address bar, for example. The information shown on this page is relevant to where they are. I'm using URL rewriting to map this to a page that is passed a parameter (eg. viewZone.aspx?ZoneID=234). I now need to insert the town name into some of the URLs generated from the sitemap. For URLs would need to remain unchanged such as you know if this is possible? If needed I could put a placeholder inside the URL in the database - **townName**/cars-for-sale and then run some kind of replacement procedure at run-time, but I don't know where in the execution process I could do that.
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Jan 4, 2011
What's the difference between Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS?
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