HttpHandlers / Modules :: Browser Not Handling Anything Else Except PDFs From HttpHandler?

Nov 30, 2010

I have this HttpHandler which works great ONLY for PDF files:


public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;


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HttpHandlers / Modules :: What Is Httphandler In .net

Mar 3, 2010

what is httphandler?what is the use ?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: HTTPHandler -> Session_End

Oct 19, 2010

I am using Httphandler to access my pages. Have Loginstatus Control on the master pages.

OnLoggingOut for the Loginstatus control I am doing a Session.abandon()... But My session_end

does not get called in the Gobal.asax.I tried link button and everything. but when I take out the httphandler the Session_end gets executed in global.asax

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Custom HttpHandler Generally Fails

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I'm trying to secure my web application so XML files it contains can't be downloaded. I thought it would be as simple as adding these to the "httpHandlers" section of web.config:

<remove verb="*" path="*.xml"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.xml" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler"/>

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: How To Pass Custom Information To Our HTTPHandler

Mar 8, 2011

We have a handler to deal with .dat files.. everything is already setup and server is acknowledging the file type and doing its thing to handle it..

But the handler requires 1 bit of information along with the HTTP request which is a physical file path.. the file name it knows based on the file we call , but how can i pass a custom header along with the request so that the handler will use that when the request is made?

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Mar 1, 2010

I am using uploadify for a photography site I am building. I have an HTTPHandler that I'm using to save the posted file. What I am wondering is if I can resize images, insert a record of the image into a db and save the image from the HTTPHandler? This is my first experience with HTTPHandlers so forgive me if there is an obivious answer for this.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Large Files Over Httphandler And IIS7 Out Of Memory?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a problem with large respones and IIS7, the server runs out of memory. I've written the test code below that works pretty much like my real code... When i start to download the file i can se the memory usage rise until it hits 100% and Firefox complaints about lost connection to server, looks like IIS7 does not release cache or something.. Works in IIS6 by the way


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Sep 16, 2010

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Search Engine Friendly URLs HttpHandler, HttpModule, IIS 6.0 / Get A 404 Error For The Friendly URL?

Mar 31, 2010

I've tried to implement two different solutions that use either and HttpModule or and HttpHandler to do URLRewriting for me. These work great on IIS 7 within my local development environment in Integrated and Classic modes. Currently the production server is running IIS 6.0 on a shared hosting environment. It appears that the request at least hits both the Module and Handler as the URL above redirect to the particular friendly url, but it doesn't redirect and hit hte Module or Handler again. Instead I get a 404 error for the friendly URL.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Creating A Large XML String And Sending That To Browser?

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to solve a problem that involves creating a very large XML string and stream that to browser. Right now i am using stringbuilder class. Here is the sample code

here i am using only just one property.


total length of the final string will be 120MB or so.

With this code i am getting out of memory errors intermittently. To resolve this issue ..i am planning to create a HTTP handler for streaming XML output to browser.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Entry Type Of IIS Custom Modules?

Jan 26, 2010

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Regarding Http Modules Execution?

Jun 8, 2010

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Modules :: HttpHandler For Retrieving Images?

Feb 17, 2011

I have an application that uses an Asynchronous HttpHandler for retrieving images from a fileshare It appears the performance of this is quite poor. I have two questions:1. Does it make sense to use an IHttpAsyncHandler for this or will an IHttpHandler work fine? I have four images on a page that need to be loaded this way and it seems that they all load sequentially instead of in parallel. Since we have some JavaScript in the body onload event, it doesn't get excuted until all four images are finished loadingy bearing on this.

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Wildcard HttpHandler Not Handling Static Files?

Jan 26, 2010

I had a look through some of the older questions, but I can't find anything.I have a Wildcard HttpHandler on my web app which is processing the url and working out if it can do anything with itIf it can't, then the StaticFile Handler should pick it up and just serve it as a static file (like an html file).The problem is, it's going through the Wildcard handler, then seemingly not going to the StaticFileHander. Is there something I need to do to the Wildcard handler, or in the web config?This is my web.config:

<add name="Wildcard" path="*" verb="*" type="Rewriter.RewriterHttpModule"
modules="IsapiModule" requireAccess="None" allowPathInfo="false"
preCondition="" responseBufferLimit="4194304" />
<add name="StaticFile" path="*.*" verb="*"
resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read" allowPathInfo="false" preCondition=""
responseBufferLimit="4194304" />

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VS 2010 - Handling File Not Found Exception From HttpHandler

Oct 27, 2011

I'm using a HttpHandler to intercept PDF file download requests and modify the PDF file. I'm stuck on what to do if the requested file doesn't exist on the webserver. If I handle the Exception and return an empty response, it gives the user a 0 byte file to download. If I ignore the Exception, then ASP.NET catches it and the user is redirected to my unfriendly customError page.

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Httphandlers And Http Modules?

Feb 7, 2011

How do we findout the whether the application is using any HTTPModules and httphandler in the applicaion?Is there anyway to findout from the url without checking the web.config file?

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folder has a page called example1.aspx [URL]

It should be called in this way: Is that possible that using IIS 7 and 4.

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Apr 1, 2010

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eg: Folder/StaticPage.aspx?PageName=TestPage is re-written as


This works fine on my local dev. machine on the Cassini server. But when its hosted in IIS (5.1 & 7.0) it fails to work, with the error as 404 Page Not Found.

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Feb 24, 2010

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