HttpHandlers / Modules :: Displaying Png Image With Handler?

Jun 30, 2010

a silverlight app sends an image to a webservice which store the image in a database and then a handler retrieves the image from the db to display it... quite common so far.

Everything is working absolutely fine on my test server (IIS on my development machine) but, as soon as i try it on the production server : no way, the image is never displaying (in any browser). Firefox says that it cannot display it because it contains error...

I tried to download the database from the production server just after saving an image to the db and, locally, the image is displaying...

The image is in png format.

Here is my code :


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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Get An Image From A Handler?

Dec 29, 2010

v4 NET framework / ASP.NET

I am trying to retrieve an image created by a handler. Here is the code for the handler:


Here is how i call it from an aspx file:


The image is missing from the webpage generated.

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I wrote a generic handler like this:


and on the other page I would like to retrieve the database image using :

<img alt="" src="ShowImage.ashx?ID=467711" />

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Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Next, i write C# client application as follows.


This works very fine, s == "Test1".Now i want to make nonblocking call as follows.


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/// <summary>

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Aug 20, 2010

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1.) context.Session["ID"]
2.) HttpContext.Session["ID"]
3.) HttpContext.Current.Cache["ID"]

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Feb 6, 2010

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RFC 822 format - Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
iPhone Format - Sun, 6 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT

I dont know much about handlers or modules. Is it possible to write a handler or module that could intercept this request and reformat the If-Modified-Since date format to the standard. Currently when IIS recieves this request it immediately sends back a 400 Error because of this invalid format.

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Aug 16, 2010

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Here is my Handler.ashx class:


...and here is my repeater code in my webpage:


...and when pulling it from the database and loading my Product object, I convert it to a Byte array:



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Sep 21, 2010

I'm having a heck of a time getting an image to display from a SQL database. When I view the source of the page in Firefox and then click on the link in the source for the image control, I see the following message:

The image "view-source:[URL] cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Here are the details:

The column holding the image is an "image" data type.

Code on the ~/some_members/members.aspx page:


Handler.ashx code:


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