HttpHandlers / Modules :: Get The Html Through Proxy?
Aug 27, 2010
I am looking for the solution of how do I get the html of a web page through proxy. I have an input of proxy server name, port number, url of web page and accelerated_pac_base.pac file which contains FindProxyForURL(url, host) method. [URL] has more information about PAC file. How do I do this in c#.
How do we findout the whether the application is using any HTTPModules and httphandler in the applicaion?Is there anyway to findout from the url without checking the web.config file?
I got a website [URL] and I want to redirect to so if folder has a page called example1.aspx [URL]
It should be called in this way: Is that possible that using IIS 7 and 4.
eg: Folder/StaticPage.aspx?PageName=TestPage is re-written as
This works fine on my local dev. machine on the Cassini server. But when its hosted in IIS (5.1 & 7.0) it fails to work, with the error as 404 Page Not Found.
I am using Httphandler to access my pages. Have Loginstatus Control on the master pages.
OnLoggingOut for the Loginstatus control I am doing a Session.abandon()... But My session_end
does not get called in the Gobal.asax.I tried link button and everything. but when I take out the httphandler the Session_end gets executed in global.asax
I can handle the full session end on my own but is there any way to call Session_end in global.asax?
the project i'm working right now, client wants to make url seo friendly, if any event would enter from the admin section the url should show the name of the event itself.
right now it shows
I have 2 apps, each on a different server and with its own SS2005 db.
What I need is to grab the data entered in a form in app1 and insert that "behind the scenes" into the app2 db.
I suppose I have to do a POST in app1 and intercept that in app2, but since I've not done much http handling yet, I could use some hints or even examples if possible.
I have a form with a server side button, clicking on which session variable is added Session.Add("ABC","123")After this (in same postback event), I redirect user to a site, which returns user back to my site. And I still have session "abc" available to me.NOW, In another scenario I am trying to do the same thing but in a handler. I.e.User clicks a clinet side button which redirects users to Handler of xyz adds session variable like above and redirects user to the other site. But, this time when user returns back from other site, my session is lost. How can I imitate scenario 1 with handlers?
I have a website running on IIS7 in integrated mode (framework 4). I have added a <handler> to deal with page requests.
my web.config
my dll
When i run site.aspx in my browser, it loads for about 20 seconds, and then I get "Connection was reset" / "Webpage cannot be displayed". Google Chrome returns "Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error".
It works well in the VS2010 development webserver. It works on IIS if the handler is an appcode cs file, but as soon as I move to a DLL, i get this error. After attempting to load the page a few times, the app pool crashes and has to be restarted.