HttpUtility.HtmlDecode Cannot Decode ASCII Greater Than 127?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a list of character that display fine in WebBrowser in the form of encoded characters such as € � ... But when posting these characters onto server to I realized that HttpUtility.HtmlDecode cannot convert them to characters as browser did, they all become space.

text = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("€");

I expect it to return € but it return space instead. The same thing happen for some other characters as well.

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C# - HttpUtility.HtmlDecode Not Decoding Spaces?

Mar 31, 2011

I have this string test = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("");When I look into test it still has %20 instead of a space. Why is it not decoding this?

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Web Forms :: HttpUtility.HtmlDecode = True In Webconfig?

Jul 7, 2010

is there any way to add HttpUtility.HtmlDecode = true in webconfig.i have 1000's of textboxes. i cannot add this all of them.

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MVC :: HttpUtility.Decode Does Not Work In TextBox Or TextArea?

Jul 17, 2010

I am trying to render html encoded string that is stored in SQL Server into human readable form. The HttpUtility.Decode does not decode the text that is rendered in between the open tag and closing tag of any input tag (ie. TextBox or TextArea or Select) in my ASPX page. However, HttpUtility.Decode works fine if the text is not in an input tag. The following is my test code. For example, the value of AdmitDX field in database is "Someone's comment" which is "Someone's comment" when decoded. The first two code nuggets <%%> will show as "Someone's comment" and the thrid code nugget will show "Someone's comment".

<!-- the following two lines have html encoded text, instead of html decoded text -->
<%= Html.TextArea("AdmitDX", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisTransfer.AdmitDX))%>
<%= Html.TextBox("AdmitDX", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisTransfer.AdmitDX)) %>
<!-- the next line works fine -->
Test = <%= HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisTransfer.AdmitDX) %>

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HTML Decode Using C# / Decode A String Response And Display It To The User?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to decode a string response and display it to the user without any luck. I'm using URL encoding char : %3C >, %3E <


The response variable look like this:


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Reverse Function Of HttpUtility.ParseQueryString?

Apr 9, 2010

.Net's System.Web.HttpUtility class defines the following function to parse a query string into a NameValueCollection:

public static NameValueCollection ParseQueryString(string query);

Is there any function to do the reverse (i.e. to convert a NameValueCollection into a query string)?

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C# - HttpUtility.ParseQueryString Without Decoding Special Characters?

Jan 5, 2011

Uri uri = new Uri(redirectionUrl);
NameValueCollection col = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query)

uri.Query is already decoded - so is there any way I can prevent ParseQueryString decoding it again?Apart from that - is there another method to retrieve a name value collection from a Uri without modifying any components?

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C# - HTMLencode HTMLdecode?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a text area and I want to store the text entered by user in database with html formatting like paragraph break, numbered list. I am using HTMLencode and HTMLdecode for this.Sample of my code is like this:

string str1 = Server.HtmlEncode(TextBox1.Text);

If user entered text with 2 paragraphs, str1 shows characters between paragraphs. but when it writes it to screen, just append 2nd paragraph with 1st. While I'm decoding it, why doesn't it print 2 paragraphs?

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HTMLDecode In A Object DataSource?

Jun 3, 2010

I have written a tiered application for a mate of mine to store and manage his massive CD collection. When I save the Album name I HTMLEnchode the input. I then use a drop down list on another page that pulls back all the Albums liked to a Specific artist but when i get the data back from my Object data source the data is still enchoded. At what point do i need to decode the data? Is it right at the begining in the DAL or in the actual drop down list.

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Security :: Mitigate The XSS / HTMLEncode And HTMLDecode?

Oct 6, 2010

Trying to protect against XSS on a CMS I'm working and I therefore encode all necessary client input but on retrieval from DB, I'm getting all these funny HTML characters displayed on the HTML Page as a result of the encoding.

I'm considering appending a decode on retrieval but I'm wondering what the point of the inital encoding is if I decode eventually.

Please how do I effectively mitigate the XSS issue using the encode/decode avenue.

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Web Forms :: HtmlEncode() And HtmlDecode() Not Working Correctly?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a url which I wish to encode that contains a couple of encrypted querystring parameters:


I've been asked by a client I'm working with to html encode this url. I've used HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() to do this. This returned the following:


This appears to be correct as the '&' has been replaced with '&'. However a problem arises when I try to use HttpUtility.HtmlDecode() on this new value as I get the following returned:


What appears to have occurred is the '&' has had the 'amp' removed and the ';' has been html encoded (I checked the value of '%3b' and it corresponds with the html encoded value of a semi-colon). I'm not sure why this is happening?

I realise I could manually do a .Replace("%3b", "") as a temporary fix but I can't see this being a good long-term solution.

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Manually Converting Between ASCII And Net Characters?

Feb 5, 2010

I am working on writing some code to scrub user input to my ASP.NET site. I need to scrub input to remove all references to ASCII characters 145, 146, 147, 148 which are occasionally getting input from my mac users who are copying and pasting content they write in a word processor on their macs.

My issue is the following three strings I am led to believe should output the same text.

string test1 = Convert.ToChar(147).ToString();
string test2 = String.Format("'{0}'", Convert.ToChar(147));
char[] characters = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(new byte[] { 147 });
string test3 = new string(characters);

Yet when I set an ASP TextBox to equal the following

txtShowValues.Text = test1 + "*" + test2 + "*" + test3;

I get a blank value for test1, test2 works correctly, and test3 outputs as a '?'.

Can someone explain what is happening differently. I am hoping this will help me understand how .NET is using ASCII values for characters over 128 so that I can write a good scrubbing script.

The values I mentioned (145 - 148) are curly quotes. So single left, single right, double left, double right.

By "works correctly" I mean it outputs a curly quote to my browser.

The following code (mentioned in an answer) outputs the curly quotes as well. So maybe the problem was using ASCII in test 3.

char[] characters2 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetChars(new byte[] { 147 });
string test4 = new string(characters2);

I found a mac that I could borrow and was able to duplicate the problem. When I copy and paste text that has quote symbols in them from Word into my web app on the mac it pastes curly quotes (147 and 148). When I hit save curly quotes are saved to the database, so I will use the code you all helped me with to scrub that content.

Spent some time writing more sample code based on the responses here and noticed it has something to do with MultiLine TextBoxes in ASP.NET. There was good info here, so I decided to just start a new question:

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C# - How To Get ASCII For Non-numeric Characters In A Given String

Nov 12, 2010

I will have my string as follows

String S="AB-1233-444";

From this i would like to separate AB and would like to find out the ASCII for that 2 alphabets.

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What Does The 0 Stand For In Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str) [0]?

Jan 20, 2010

,What does the [0] in this code stand for ?I know the line gets the number of bytes in the ASCII characters, if its less than 91 and greater than 64.But why the [0] string str = strs[i];
if (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str)[0] <= 64 || Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str)[0] >= 91)
else if (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str)[0] != 88)

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Convert Text In Textbox To Ascii?

Mar 10, 2010

In .net streams are by default encoded in utf-8. so what i want to do is to simply read the text in a textbox in which i paste the russian characters and then convert them to ascii. but when i debug the code then in my resulting string ? appears. how i can convert the string into its ascii equivalent. my code is given below

string inputString = txtName.Text;
ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
Encoding encoder = ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoding("us-ascii", new EncoderReplacementFallback(string.Empty), new DecoderExceptionFallback());
byte[] bAsciiString = encoder.GetBytes(inputString);
string cleanString = ascii.GetString(bAsciiString);

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Open Web Application If It Is Hosted In Non-ascii Computername?

Jul 10, 2010

My computername is in non-ascii character like ÄÖßÜÄÖßÜ. I am opening the web application using the url http://localhost/test/login.aspx. It opens with that url. But when i try to open with the url like http://ÄÖßÜÄÖßÜ/processmanager/login.aspx, it is not opening the page.

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Convert Ascii HTML Code To Character?

Jan 5, 2011

i get some data from imdb using regexwhen getting title like Miller's Crossing and inserting it to my database there is a problemi get data and write on screen Response.Write(imdb.Title) it shows as Miller's Crossing that is the correct onebut after insert it to my database in Title field of table it is shown as Miller's Crossing so i dont want thishow can i convert those special characters when inserting to my datasbase ?

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Access :: Server.HtmlDecode The Right Tool / Preserve The Line Breaks Od Course?

Oct 29, 2010

This stems from a recent similiar issue: I have since add edit capabilities.My access db is made up of imported records from recipes. In the memo fields are paragraphs users have typed replete with ingredients listed in succession (1 per line) then a normal paragraph follows. When in editmode(multi line textbox), suddenly in each line ends with <br>. How to fix this? I want to preserve the line breaks od course.

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Decode S-JIS String To UTF-8?

Jan 7, 2011

I am working on a Japanese File and I have no knowledge of the language. The file is encoded in S-JIS. Now, I am supposed to convert the contents into UTF-8 so that the content looks like Japanese. And here I am completely blank. I tried the following code that I found somewhere on Internet but no luck:

byte[] arrByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(arrActualData[x]);
string str = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(arrByte);

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How To Decode HTML In .NET MVC 3

Sep 8, 2010

in mvc 3 preview 1 automaticly encodes html, is there an alternative way to let there be html?think of this cenario:@view.BestSitesEver.Replace("stackoverflow", "<h1>StackOverflow</h1>")That would just print out: <h1>stackoverflow</h1>

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Strings Clarification - Biggest Character Using Ascii Values?

Mar 22, 2010

i have i doubt. any body clarify this doubts. Find biggest character in a string. using ascii values.

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SQL Server :: Selecting ASCII Characters From Ntext Column?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a Table with three columns :

MessageID (int)
MessageText (ntext)
ChannelID (int)

Now i want to get the list of message IDs where the message Text Contains some Special characters as like the characters from the below image. how to query to get the list of message ids where the message text contains any one of this special characters.

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Website Not Producing ASCII Code For Small Alphabets?

Jan 12, 2011

i am developing a web site in which i need keyboard handling. My code for keyboard handling is working properly, but the problem is this, it produce same ASCII code for small and capital alphabets. For example when I execute my web site and press "A" without Caps-Lock it produce 65 ASCII code which is actually code of capital "A", But logically it has to produce "97" code of small "a"..

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Outputing A Text File Of 1s And 0s - Convert Binary To Ascii?

Feb 13, 2010

I am outputing a text file of 1s and 0s. I want to shrink the file so I'm going to convert it to ascii. Its going to be used on a clientside web application so I can convert it back to binary with some scripting later on.

So, I want to convert the string of binary to a string of ascii serverside in I have spent much time searching the web for a solution, and, what a mess!! everyone thinks they know how to do it, but none of the solutions have worked so far!!

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AJAX :: Server.HTMLDecode Works But Modal Popup Doesn't Close

Oct 19, 2010

As the title of this post already mentioned, I'm using a modal popup window to edit rows in the gridview. One column in the gridview contains an URL code. When I fire the edit button a popup opens and show the URL in a textbox in this format: [URL]

When I am using the Server.HTMLDecode function, the modal popup doesn't close anymore.

I am using the following code:


The funny thing is, when I change it to: txtURL.Text = row.Cells[3].Text; then I can close the modal popup, but unfortunately it is not decoded.

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