IIS Configuration :: Uploading Files Not Working On Shared Web Hosting
May 7, 2015
I am using below link to upload files , the code wrking fine on my system with win 8 and studio2012 but when i put code on my hosting with shared hosting package the page giving error . my hosting runs on iis7.5. what to keep in web.config and what to remove. URL...
I am uploading file through ftp using asp.net,c#. If my file size is small(3 MB) then it is uploading file bit if my file size is large then it is not uploading all file. it is uploading only about 3500 kb. i am using the following code.
i have implemented URL Routing in asp.net website using article (URL...) and it working file offline on my local system but when im trying to run online (from my hosting site) then it is showing error..
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found..
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I have in the past used Godaddy shared hosting with .net 4.0 and had no problems viewing and logging into the administration pages of a asp.net 4.0 website, using the default ASPNETDB.MDF. I don't remember if there was any changes to the web.config file. I can view the site but can't log into the site throws a error which has no detail just the custom error message explaining to change the custom tags for a more detailed message and even then it don't work get same message.
I have developed an e-comm web site in asp.net with sql server as a database. Now I want to upload that web site with DB to hosting server. This is my first web hosting and I don't know how to do it.
I've created the DB script to recreate the DB at the hosting server, but I don't know how to run it on server.
What changes need to be done in my connection string in web.config file for connecting the DB which will be on hosting server.
I also have ftp client "Filezilla" which i am able to use for uploading static html pages on server.
i have database that is stored on local.user should also be able to upload the database to online server . i am able to save it on local .But it is not saving on server.It shows request time out. Is it due to server not allowing external access.
Why remember me doesn't work? As you can see in picture below Expire date is at the end of session although I set expiration to 1 month. This is my login button codes
protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { if (GetMemberAuthenticate(txt_uname.Text, FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txt_pass.Text, "MD5")))
The error is mentioned below, the cssfriendly.dll is in bin, and browser file is in there app_browsers folder. And it is working in same PC (developping PC), on remote server that belong to my company (i just installed .net 3.5 on that server)
I tried uploading the same site on 2 dufferents hosting, and finally i got the same error. What could gone wrong ? I tried contacting the hosting support but they work in ticketing system and this is extremely slow.
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter'.
This will be my first time trying to upload a ASP.NET site. I would like to upload my site by simply using ftp and transferring the contents of the project directory so that the site will be easy for me to make future updates. Where can I find directions for uploading a ASP.NET site via ftp? I am assuming that I will need to edit the connection string in the web.config file. However, my hosting company told me to just make a full backup of of the database into .BAK file format and upload it via FTP to your the "private" folder. Anyone have any experience with something like this and can tell me how this would affect the connection string? Can I back up the database to a .BAK file from within Visual Studio 2008 or do I have to use Management Studio? I am using Visual Studio 2008 with ASP.NET 3.5, C#, and SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
have a web application which will allow me to upload files to my web folder. I have used the following code for uploading files (VB) on click of BUTTON UPLOAD
If FileUpload1.HasFile Then Try FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/UPLOADS/" & FileUpload1.FileName))
I have made an application for some customer that I'm going to transfer to a webhotel.I want to make sure that the application is not copied and used elsewhere without my knowledge. So I have thought of stripping the aspx files from their code behind, that is not the aspx.cs file itself. But from all code inside the cs file, not the one that is automatically generated like page_load etc, but everything else. And when done, then just upload the compiled DLL file(s). Does this work? Are there something to be mindful of if I carry out with this plan.
I am trying to convert the Plugin's (Interfaces) developed in VB6.0 to .NET web services. Basically what I am trying to do is that making use of VB6.0 dlls in the web services. This works fine when I am checking the services in the debug mode but It fails to work in the Host enviornment(From IIS).Server: windows 2003Error : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {3FF6ABC1-5FAC-45D3-AFA5-B3472443CAA7} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80010105.
I was curious if there is a shared hosting platform for asp.net web sites that would allow me to setup a service that would do something at predetermined intervals. Dedicated hosting is not an option due to budget constraints.
So far, it looks like my solution will have to be to set an object in the cache and use the expired callback.
Has any one used the above method? and how successful was it?
I'm wanting to use DB4o on an asp.net MVC project i'm working on but wondering if anyone has got this working on shared hosting plan, have contacted discountasp and asked them and they said go to the forum as they were not sure if they supported it or not or any configuration that would be needed. but the forum wont let my post on because its all filtered to only show comments they like the look of? anyone had any joy with this with another host and one that runs asp.net MVC as it should be run?
Is there anyway to convert any video that has been uploaded by the uplaod control to a flv fromat in a shared hosted enviroment or is there any dll etc to use ?.
I was surprised at their NOT having AJAX / ASP.NET support as practically every other shared hosting provider does and it's not like it's all that new, right? So to conclusively confirm that it was a no-go, I put the standard "update timer" sample AJAX app into a sub "test" directory and it works as it should. (The middle section that has the AJAX UpdatePanel updates.) Also, since I did not also upload a BIN directory for the AJAX DLLs I am assuming that this would indicate that the necessary AJAX components *are* somewhere in the shared kernel.