Is It Necessary To Understand C# Before Going

Mar 3, 2010

Do I have to get some C# class before taking C# programming lessons?

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System.Web.HttpException: Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent.
at System.Web.HttpResponse.BeforeCookieCollectionChange()
at System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Remove(String name)
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void MyMethod();

So, at least I haven't completely misunderstood that. I am unsure exactly how I am to write a method that accepts a generic collection of classes that conform to the same interface.

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<input type="button" name="reset"
onclick="return ValidateValue(); __doPostBack('ApplyBtn','')" />

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Feb 18, 2010

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<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="FileUpLoadValidator" runat="server"
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C# - Rootlevel HTTP Module - Unable To Understand The Master Page Path In The Virtual Directory

Mar 1, 2011

I have a http module at root level which resolves to the virtual directory which is a .net application on some conditions as below.

I need the have the httpmodule at root level only for some requirements.

application.Context.RewritePath("/virtualdirecotry/root/pages/sample/sample.aspx", String.Empty, "");

the sample.aspx page uses a master page as below

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Root/Pages/Master/Site.Master"

as it uses the relative path the http module is unable to understand the path and throwing following error

The file '/Root/Pages/Master/Site.Master' does not exist.

error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

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Jul 22, 2010

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I then build the deployment package and get a zip file.

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I don't understand why it makes all these folders and on top of it why is it my path to where my soultion sits. I don't like the fact that now everyone can look in the zip and see my accoutn name, where the file was sitting, that I am using subversion.

Then it makes it so confusing to when a error happens. I deployed it on my IIS windows 2008 server and ran it and I had a error show up. It pointed to the file where the error occured and the path was point to my desktop.For the longest time I could not understand why it was pointing to my windows 7 machine desktop when it was running on a windows 2008 server located in a different country.

It was not until I found out with the zip path it made sense. But that is confusing when it is pointing to paths that don't exist on that computer.

How can I change this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Understand Data Grid Control

Jul 21, 2010

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C# - Measure Time Taken By A Function And Don'T Understand Why Time Difference Is Negative

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to check how much time does a function takes to execute in my code :

I did this :

void foo()
int time = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
// code of my function. do this, that, etc.

What i get is this :


I don't understand why minus ?? & If pro-filer is an option then recommend me some simple option.

Note : Here I have shown a console app but in practice i need for a Web App in ASP.NET which may be n-tier architecture also.

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Mar 29, 2010

I am getting the error "A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field", While My code is as below:

Object selectedItem = PageVariables.slectedItemData;
MyClass selectedItems = (MyClass)selectedItem;

But the same thing works if assign the value at the constructor or in a different method , like below:

public partial class MusicPlayer : Page
Object selectedItem = PageVariables.slectedItemData;

I am just trying to understand what is the difference, Why it is looking for a static varaible declaration(in 1st case) while doesn't look for it while in a constructor or a different method

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