If I want to validate that a text box contains an integer greater than or equal to zero. Do I need to use TWO asp:CompareValidator controls: one with a DataTypeCheck operator and one with a GreaterThanEqual operator?
Or is the datatype operator redundant? Can I just use a single validator with the GreaterThanEqual operator (and the type set to Integer)?
I'm trying to use a javascript Date and Time calendar in my Insert and Edit templates in a Detailsview that is bound to SQL Fields. The reason I am trying the javascript date time selector is that I need to have the date and time, the asp.net one is just the date part.
I tried using it with an asp:textbox on just a plain aspx page and it works like a charm, however when I add it to the detailsview i keep on getting the "Error: Object required" am I missing a step here? That and seeing as I'm using a site master page where exactly do I put the:
suppose i have gridview in which i have multiple empty Textbox ; In this i want to use autocomplete property of jquery in a particular textbox ; so fro this i have to firstget the id of this textbox .so how can we get the id of this textbox that is inside a gridview
I want to get this box's current value in javascript. How can I access this element? If it was a normal html text box, with id="txtQuantity", then I could access it using "document.getElementById("txtQuantity")". But how can I access ASP.NET text box in javascript?
i have a textbox in asp.net form.... if i entered numbers not like 7 or 8 or 9, then script function should be araised with alert message.... how to achieve this.... that 7 or 8 or 9 are first digits in my texbox.
I'm writing some Javascript code for an ASP.net page. have the string "foo" assigned to a string variable myString.I would like to assign the value of myString to a JavaScript variable, so I write in my ASP.net code:
<script type='txt/javascript' language='javascript'> var stringFromDotNet = '<%=myString%>'; </script>
This works fine as long as myString does not contain quotation marks or line-breaks, but as as soon as I try to assign something with quotation marks or line-breaks, all hell breaks loose and my code doesn't work.
I thought I heard that in .net 4 we would be able to reference asp:textbox's by id and not have to use clientid to get the value. I can't find this documented anywhere. Just wondering if anyone knows if this works and what the syntax is?
II am working website which is going to be accessed by a motorola device(scanner) but the functionality needs to be same a normal/usual website. On one of the page I have a textbox -> productID and listbox which can have multiple productID. Now when the focus is on textbox and it scans the productID ,the scanner returns a tab,now after this happens I need to add the textbox value to the listbox and empty the textbox and set focus on the textbox. I also should be able to delete a productId from the list.How can I achieve this using Jquery?
I am trying to get the value of a textbox through javascript. In VS 2005, I've created a Textbox with id "SearchBox" and a Button with id "Submit". In the Click client events of "Submit", I have the following function,
But I am getting the following error. "Object Required".
I have created web application and textbox as a textarea.i am using javascript for validation.When i enter value in text box so it should be number not alphabet i have use textmode is multiple line.
My problem is that how i get multiple value from textbox and store in array in javascript and check each value is number or not.I am using the web form.
I have text boxes and it has values let say. I am calling my javascript method on one of textbox 'onblur'. my function is:
function CalculateExpectedProductPrice() { alert("hi i called"); var originalPrice = document.getElementById('hdnSelectedProductPrice').value; var numberOfLicenses = document.getElementById('txtNumberOfLicense').value;
Will there any impact master-content page . because script is in content page and html also on same content page.Also let me know you, I am using wizard control where as all these controls are resides on second step of wizard. will that make any impact ?
I think wizard control making here matter. As i started my firebug and review the generated html it assign the Id dynamically to those controls which are inside the wizard. thats why javascript unable to find the expected control . eg for txtAmount text box which is inside the wizard control getting name as :
but certainly i would not prefer to use this generated Id. So is there any remedy to find control inside the wizard control and get - set values ?
When changing the textbox's text mode to multiline the textbox becomes resizable during runtime. I can't seem to find the property to disable this, does anyone know how I can resolve this issue?
I am using javascript for customValidator to validate textboxes in ASP.Net. The code works perfectly when I am using a normal page, but as soon as I put that inside a MasterPage, the code doesn't work. Below is the code for my aspx page. If I put this code inside a MasterPage it doesn't work.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript"> function validateOrFields(source, args){ var sUser = document.getElementById('TextBox1'); if (sUser.value == "") { args.IsValid = false; } else { args.IsValid = true; } return; } <div> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:CustomValidator ID="FieldValidator" runat="server" Text="Enter either a user name" ClientValidationFunction="validateOrFields" onservervalidate="FieldValidator_ServerValidate"/> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> </div> </form> </body> </html>
I have a simple page where I want to filter a ListBox based upon a value(s) in a textbox - both are in an UpdatePanel.This works correctly, however, after the postback the textbox had lost focus...so I set focus back in the page_load.Then I noticed that the cursor was now at the beginning of the text when I want it at the end so the user can carry on typing, so I added an onfocus(...) attribute to the textbox to set the value back to itself (see code below).This works the first two times, but then it stops setting focus to the textbox?
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ListTest.aspx.cs" Inherits="SalesForceTest.ListTest" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> [code]...
n a page with textbox control, lets say this textbox is disabled on server side page load.What would happen if a javascript tries to set visibility of the textbox to false ?dit:Can the textbox be hidden by javascript even though it's disabled ?