MVC :: Creating Partial Views Of Thumb Image Display Like Grid Wall
Jul 9, 2010
I'm just returning to .NET and I am still getting used to the structure and setup for MVC.. I have a query about partial views /user controls - (i guess). I want to create a partial view of thumb image display (grid-wall like) reusable across the site/solution. The model for this already serves detail pages across the site. I want to use one attribute of the model collection e.g. 'model.thumbImage' to create a grid of thumb images.
My question is do I have to create a separate controller for this partial view e.g. Controllers/GridController.cs and then a view Views/Grid/index.ascx ? What is the best way to apprach this? I do not want the grid to be served/ routed directly i.e grid/index.ascx.
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I have an MVC view that contains a number of partial views. These partial views are populated using partial requests so the controller for the view itself doesn't pass any data to them. Is it possible to reload the data in one of those partial views if an action was triggered in another? For example, one partial view has a jqGrid and I want to refresh the data in another partial view when a user selects a new row in this grid. Is there a code example for this scenario (in C#) that I can look at to see what am I doing wrong? I am using ajax calls to trigger a new request but non of the partial views are refreshed so I am not sure if the issue is with the routing, the controller,
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Jan 31, 2011
I have to create facebook style wall in my project. So far I assume that I will get X(the number that needs to be shown be default) number of wall posts from database, bind them to some control like Repeater and add update panel in each row in repeater so that only the portion of page only related to that post is updated once any new comment is added in that post.
Now, since I am new to AJAX so cant figure out how to display the "older post" link functionality there. As we have link at the bottom of facebook wall which once clicked appends the certain number of older posts at the end of the wall.
Similarly, once a new post is added by someone, it gets added at the top of the wall, how can I acheive that so tha only the limited portion at the top of the wall gets refersed and updated instead of whole page post back.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have done partial views in ASP.NET MVC but now I want to convert it to ASP.NET. I have used AJAX and JavaScript. How can I convert the following:
<a href="#" onclick="LoadPartialView('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("AdminHome", "Admin")%>')">Home</a> ,
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="LoadPartialViewPost('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("ViewPage", "Controller")%>', $('form').serialize())" />
to ASP.NET, or in other words, how can I load a partial view in ASP.NET?
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Jul 23, 2010
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<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("HandleAddForm", "Home", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ContentDiv", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, OnBegin = "beginFormLoadEffect", OnSuccess = "successFormLoadEffect" }, new { id = "AddForm" }))
{ %>
<% } %>
When user lefts the computer after five minutes he is beign automatiacally logged out . And when I submit form by clicking submit button the ContentDiv is beign filled with full site with login panel. I.e. I want to show the full site with login panel NOT in the ContentDiv. Is there any way to avoid this behaviour?
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Nov 17, 2010
I have following architecture. My Model:
The partial view "PersonsView" has the same model and looks like this:<%@ Control Language="C#"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Web.Models.WebModel>" %><%Html.RenderPartial("Person", Model.Persons.First); %><%Html.RenderPartial("Person", Model.Persons.Second); %>
And the the partial view "Person" has an other model:[Code].... If I press the "Submit-Button" on the first view I get to the follwing controler: [Code]....
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Feb 22, 2011
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view model 1
view model 2
View 4 Replies
Jun 1, 2010
Maybe this question is quite simple because I'm new to MVC2. I have a simple demo MVC project.
(1) A weak-typed view: Index.aspx
<% Html.RenderPartial("ArticalList", ViewData["AllArticals"] as List<Artical>); %>
(2) A strong-typed partial view: ArticalList.ascx
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<List<Artical>>" %>
<% foreach (Artical a in Model) { %>
<%= Html.ActionLink(a.Title, "About", new { id = a.ID })%><br />
<%} %>
(3) Here is the HomeController.cs
public ActionResult Index()
ViewData["AllArticals"] = Artical.GetArticals();
return View();
public ActionResult ArticalList()
return PartialView(Artical.GetArticals());
Sorry I'm using a Web-Form "angle", because if I'm using a Web-Form, when I visit Index.aspx, rendering ArticalList.ascx will call public ActionResult ArticalList(). But here I need to write Artical.GetArticals() twice in two actions. How can I put them in one?
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Mar 16, 2011
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$(document).ready( [code].....
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Jan 31, 2011
I am wondering if Java Spring MVC has some sort of implementation that relates to returning partial views like ASP.NET MVC? Basically I want to return HTML, that is bound to an object and return it to a javascript callback to append to the dom, stead of building the html with Jquery (which is tedious). If not I may go with Jquery templates.
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Feb 22, 2011
I want a view that contains 2 partialviews. 1 partial view should be a create or edit view (of items) and in the second partial view there should be a list with the items that are created (and which can be edited). When an item in the list is selected for editing the 1st partial view should show the edit view with the item to be edited.
After saving the data, the create view should be shown in the 1st partial view again. When the view comes up for the first time the 1st partialview should contain the create view. In normal I would do this with a formview (with insert and edit mode based on the itemselected in the gridview) and a gridview (and of course everything in an AJAX update panel).
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Feb 21, 2010
I've got a section of code that is common to a whole load of pages, so it makes sense to put it in a partial view. However, part of it's function is declaring and assigning a set of variable that will be used throughout the main page. However, if I move that code off to a partial view and use renderpartial to include it, I get a compiler error saying the variable isn't defined - "The name '<variable name>' does not exist in the current context". Am I missing something basic/silly?
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Nov 5, 2010
I have an "Instruction" view, which have partial views for entering instruction details, different attributes for the instruction, different input values etc for the instruction. Each of which is seperate partial view. The main view have a save button which save all these details. "InstructionDetails" partial view have instruction name, description and its model is "Instruction". "Attribute" partial view have dropdown to select attribute and a textbox to enter its value. It also has an button "Add to list" which is intended to add attribute details to a table which is in the same partial view for attribute, its model is "Attribute". Same is the senario with input values. I have few problems where i am struck up with.When the "Add to list" is clicked in Attribute partial view, the values from the dropdown and textbx need to be listed to the table.When "Save" button is clicked the entire view need to be saved.
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Jan 20, 2011
Using the Razor engine how do I create Partial Views. Do I create a normal View and calling the PartialView() in the controller will only output the body content and when calling View() in the controller will output the full page with layout. If not, do I need to create specific Partial Views and then use RenderPartial in the View.
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Feb 3, 2010
I am trying to get JQuery events to work with partial views in ASP.NET MVC. However, after you load a partial view through Ajax, JQuery seems not able to fire events for any of the elements in the partial view. I suspect that this issue will also happen if you are using other frameworks or JavaScript libraries to load partial html code with Ajax.
For instance, consider the following example:
Once the page loads for the first time, you can click on the "Click here to display a Javascript message" and you will get a Javascript alert message that says "button clicked". However, once you click on the "Click here to load partial view", clicking on the button that is supposed to bring the Javascript alert message doesn't have any effect. It seems that the 'click' event is not being fired anymore.
why this issue occurs with JQuery and how to fix? This issue also occurs with other JQuery plugins that use events.
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Apr 24, 2010
What is the best place for javascript that is specific to a partial view? For example, if I have a partial view (loaded via ajax call) with some divs and I want to turn those divs into an accordian, would it be better put the $("#section").accordion() in script tags inside of the partial view, or in a .js file in the function that retrieves that partial view and inserts it into the DOM?
Obviously, common methods I will be keeping in a .js file, however I am more talking about javascript very specific to the partial view itself. Most things I find on the net seem to say to put all javascript into a separate .js but nothing addresses the idea of partial views.
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Feb 3, 2011
Scenario: Loading partial views into jquery tabs(Ajax Mode) using MVC3 &Razor . Works fine in FF but not in IE8 or IE7. I can trace the ajax request & responses in firebug fine and see partial views returned from the server (containing JqGrid Html Helper methods).This loads up fine within the tab conatiners in firefox.But in IE nothing happens and i cant see any ajax requests getting fired from changing tabs when i use Fiddler.Ive tried playing around with the ajaxOptions when i initialize jq Tabs to no avail.
Ive had this problem on MVC2 and i resorted to laying the tabs contents out statically ,which i dont want this time, as i need lazy loading. Below is a full page source dump from IE8, renedered using the razor view engine. (Links to all Csss and JS libs)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="/"><span>Home</span></a> </li>
<li><a href="/ServicesMonitored/GetServicesMonitoredTab"><span>Monitored Services</span></a> </li>
<li><a href="/ServicesMonitored/GetServicesFullTab"><span>Full Services</span></a></li>
From Controller:
public class ServicesMonitoredController : Controller
IServicesMonitoredRepository<ServiceHeaderInfo,InfoDataItem> Services;
public ServicesMonitoredController() {
Services = new ServicesMonitoredRepository();
public ActionResult GetServicesMonitoredTab()
return PartialView("ServicesMonitoredTab");
public ActionResult GetServicesFullTab()
return PartialView("ServicesFullTab");
#region Return Services
public JsonResult ReturnServices(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
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Jan 10, 2010
how to show dynamic partial views by dropdown selected value in MVC?
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Nov 15, 2010
I am new to ASP.NET MVC, how to load partial page data again when calling different views?. I have divided my site.master page into two divs: Left Menu, and Right. When the first page load. Home/Index, it get the GetSourceList() from the Home Contoller and display the item as menu on left. The issue i'm having when I click on the item on the left, it display the data on the right but doesn't show the menu. I have a site.master reference in my list page.
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Mar 11, 2010
I have a Controller set up for a certain View. This View contains 2 partial Views (ascx files). Each partial View has a Controller method that yields its DataModel. The containing View doesn't currently display any data, but just serves as a container for the 2 partial Views.
Here's the problem: The Index action of the containing View runs, but the Controller methods for the partial Views don't, so I get a null exception when the Model tries to render out the data that should be available. I'm using MVC 1.0, which is something of a bummer, since it seems that the next version is supposed to have something other than "RenderPartial" that will assist with this very issue. However, since I'm stuck for the moment with 1.0, can anyone give some advice on getting the Controller methods to run for the partial Views?
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Jul 27, 2010
I am using PartialView(.ascx) to show a Popup on my .Aspx. Partail View is PopUp.ascx and i have written a Jquery fun where i call Action Mehod of PopUp. If i use 1 id in my Route then it works fine the PopUp dialog appears fine but if i include 2 ids in my route. Then it doesnt appears as a popup. Action Method of Partial View executes fine but the PopUp appears as a plain HTML in my dialog div.
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