MVC :: Creating Web Form From Xml - Use Sterilization?

Jan 3, 2011

I am assigned to web part of some project.There are two parts in this project,window and web. In window part,User can create their own customized template like visual studio IDE, you can add form and other controls.And then,we save this template with data in xml file.My duty is to read from this xml file and create webform.For web part,just showing information that created from window part.our xml file format is like below.For web part,we used mvc with

<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.Form">
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.Label">
<Property name="Name">lblCity</Property>
<Property name="Text">City</Property>
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.TextBox">
<Property name="Name">txtCity</Property>
<Property name="Text">England</Property>
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.Label">
<Property name="Name">lblNRIC</Property>
<Property name="Text">NRIC</Property>
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.TextBox">
<Property name="Name">txtNRIC</Property>
<Property name="Text">ABC01234</Property>
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton">
<Property name="Name">RadioButton1</Property>
<Property name="Text">OptionA</Property>
<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox">
<Property name="Name">CheckBox1</Property>
<Property name="Text">Yes</Property>

We know it should not be create web form like window part,but,we really need it. So,how i solve my problem?can i use xml serilization?

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Creating A Web Form From An XML Description Of It?

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i am assigned to web part of some project.My duty is to create web form from xml.These xml comes from window part and tells which controls are include in my web form and their properties.My xml Format is like below.

<Object type="System.Windows.Forms.Form">
<Property name="Name">Form1</Property>
<Property name="Text">Option</Property>


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MVC :: Creating A Complex Form With C#?

Feb 10, 2011

How can I create a form that creates or updates a complex type that takes a form like:[Code]....

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An Error Occurred Creating The Form?

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I was developing a project. It was running fine. But suddenly it shows the following error:


An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))

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VS 2008 - Creating A Form That Upload A File

Apr 10, 2010

I'm not sure where this should go (I don't know whether it's a database problem, or a code problem), but I think it's a code problem, so I'm posting here.

I'm working with a database that is storing images (actually, it's a modified version of the AdventureWorks database from Microsoft), and I'm creating a form that will let you upload a file. I've got a business object based on the table that I'm using (Production.ProductPhoto) and I'm using two stored procedures to either get (Production.ProductPhoto_Get) or add (Production.ProductPhoto_Add) an entry from/to the table. The image is being stored as a varbinary field in the database, and a Byte() in my business object.

The problem I'm having is that when I'm adding a new entry and uploading a file, the length of the file uploaded is correct (so I assume everything is going smoothly), and it gets passed along to my ProductPhotoProvider DAL class where I create a DbCommand and add the parameters for my stored procedure. The information is all added to the database successfully, and I'm returned the identity of the new entry as expected -- however, when I try to read this image back, it seems that the length is 1. I've put in break points and stepped through everything, and I don't know what's going on.

I think that I know my ProductPhotoProvider class is at least reading things correctly -- I can display other images from the database (that came with the database, that is) just fine. Mine just all come back with a length of 1.

I'm just hoping someone knows what the hell I'm talking about; I have a lot of programming experience, but this is my first major venture into ASP.NET. I have no idea which parts of my code are relevant, so I'll just post my Add and Lookup functions for now?!


My ProductPhotoProvider class is based off of an abstract class called AbstractDALProvider (which I can also provide if needed). I can provide the rest of my project, if needed, too.

Oh, and for good measure: I was told that when you used to store images in Microsoft Access, there was some sort of problem when retrieving the data and you'd have to strip the first 72 bytes of data from it, or something. I can only assume that this is not a problem here, because I have no problem displaying other photos that were not created by me.

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Web Forms :: Creating Form With Image Map And Upload

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Javascript - Creating A Form To Input Multiple Contacts?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm trying to devise a form that will allow me to input multiple contacts. It's a pretty long form so far and I want to keep it as short as possible. I was thinking of just having one set of fields for contact inputting which will add this contact to a list box or gridview but I'm not sure that is the most elegant solution. Could anyone else point me in the right direction to something good I can use?

I'm writing in HTML / / javascript.

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VS 2008 Registration Form - Creating Expiring Cache

Sep 27, 2011

So I'm attempting to limit user's access to my database through the web. I have a registration form that asks the user for a name and password, then verifies this against a DB. In order to prevent DB overload, I will limit the user's attempts to 10 in 10 minutes. This is how I am trying to solve this, but cannot verify that i'm using the right approach.

Dim timeout As Integer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("timeout")
Dim userIPkey As String = Me.Context.Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
Dim i As Integer
If HttpContext.Current.Cache(userIPkey) = Nothing Then
i = 1

[Code] .....

For some reason I can hit the service with a for loop and get to the DB every time. If I try doing this through the browser while debugging the webpage, I get the right error message after 10 attempts, while on the server, or through a reference to localhost I will not get the error message.

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C# - Creating A DropDownList From Database Entries And Then Binding It In Form Submission?

Jul 4, 2010

I have entries for an enumeration stored inside a database table with only the following fields: ID and Name. I want to show the values stored inside this table inside a DropDownList on a form. The user then chooses a value and submits the form.

I found a way to easily create a DropDownList from an enumeration (although it would probably be best to just populate the DropDownList with the Name fields of all the records in the table). However, I haven't found a way to later bind the DropDownList in the form submission to an integer value to put into the database (FK - PK) with the other form values.

is it possible to fetch DropDownList content via AJAX and have it be put into the DropDownList and into the SelectList in the ViewModel (with both the ID and Name parameters)? I want to selectively fetch content based on an input the user makes and I want the ViewModel to then be filled with that fetched data.

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Web Forms :: Creating Dynamic Form Fields And Getting Back Results?

Mar 11, 2010

I have tried various techniques that some seemed to have outlined and so far none of them have worked. I have a situation where the Page_Load() needs to build a set of <input id=<dynamic name'>> that are build dynamically inside a <ul>. The form gets created fine but when I click the button and look at the results returned to the server I cannot seem to find the input values. Is there a defined way of accomplishing this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Form With An Unknown Number Of Rows?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm pretty new at ASP .NET but not to ASP. I've got a form I need to create where I don't know how many entries will be added. It has the following format:

"Age" "Duration" "Period of Duration" "etc..."


1-5 Months ago

6-11 Months ago





So the Age column always has the first 3 options and then an unknown number of Age values that can be inserted. I've created a table that has the first four fields (Last30days, 1-5months, 6-11months, age) and I was thinking I could just order by those 4 columns for display. The problem I have is I'm not sure on how to proceed. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to handle this situation? Ideally data entry people could use the same form for both entering and displaying the data.

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Security :: Creating A New User Register Form Manually Without CreateUserWizard Control?

May 4, 2010

i have following issue: I am creating a new user register form manually without CreateUserWizard control, and all works perfectly unitil I intentionaly (for test purposes) enter existing username (for example BLABLABLA) into username.textbox. After that i get my error message as expected that says "username BLABLABLA allready exist", now when I tray (as a future user who could be in the same situation) to correct the username and enter another one (for example TRATRATRA), it still gives me this error "username BLABLABLA allready exist!" This is the second day that I'm traying to solve this!

Here is a part of my code:


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C# - Creating An Executable Script Which Accesses Aspx Form Components And Runs Function?

Jul 28, 2010

I have created and application which contains a gridview that is populated by an SQL database. I built a function which converts the gridview into an excel file and stores it on the server.

I would just like to know how I can write an executable script(which I will set to run at a certain time on the server) that will access the gridview in the .aspx file containing the gridview and run the convertToExcel() function located in the .cs file attached to the .aspx file and then close.

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Creating A Template Item From A Web Form And Auto Generating The Inherits Page Directive?

Jan 27, 2010

OK, so I'm trying to create a template item from a web form.

I have referenced this article: [URL] and it exports the template and installs it fine.

When you try and use the template item within a project though it leaves the inherits="_Default" in the page directive like shown below:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="FormTemplateDev.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

So it thinks all the new template items use the original form name pre-template generation. This is an issue in the code behind too as shown here:

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

I have seen example of passing paramater strings through but havent managed to get anything to compile. I found something like below:

public partial class $safeitemname$ : System.Web.UI.Page

This was the link to the list of available template parameters i found:

Project Template Parameters

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C# - Creating A List Of Dataset Fields And Form Fields For Easy Updating?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a relatively complex dataset (numerous tables, some with multiple records) generated from reading in an XML file. I need to connect said dataset fields to an ASP form. At the moment I'm assigning them manually, like so in the pageload:

txt_first_init.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"].ToString();
txt_last_name.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString();
ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue = formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"].ToString();

And conversely when it's time to submit.

formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"] = txt_first_init.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"] = txt_last_name.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"] = ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue.ToString();

I did some looking into binding the textboxes (and dropdownlists, and checkboxes, and and and...) directly, but it seemed to be too many formats to use.

So this works fine, but as the number of fields increases, those load and unload lists are going to get unwieldy.

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Web Forms :: How To Post Data From One Form To Other Form Using Cross-Page Technique

Jan 14, 2011

I have Master Page and ascx user controls in my application.

how would I use the Cross-Page technique using the @ PreviousPageType directive.

useful links or samples to achieve this.

I am trying to use the Page class that exposes a property named PreviousPage from my User Control.

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Sharepoint - Simple Web Form That Writes To A Database... Access Web Form Or Custom .NET?

Feb 21, 2011

I am working in a school and we recently installed a new server running WinServer 2008R2. I want to be able to point people to a URL on our intranet and have them fill out a simple registration form and have this data written to a database. It would also be nice to have some data auto-populate (such as their name).

Is it overkill to set up a sharepoint server and try to do this with Access Webforms? Could I use something like dotnetnuke and find a module that works? Or how about options for writing custom forms?

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How To Store And Retriew Xls File Into Sql Database In The Form Form Of Byte[] Using C# In Web Application

Jul 9, 2010

how to store into sql data base and and how to retriew xls file as xls file from database in the form form of byte[] using c# in application.

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AJAX :: Sync Postback To Form With A Different URL / PORT When Form Contains ScriptManager / UpdatePanel?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a page with a ScriptManager / UpdatePanel. I currently need to PostBack to a https page from an http page (different ports). I also need the same session data. Currently, I copy my form to a new form, and when I postback to my new Target on a new Port, I get a crash in xmlHttp..something. I will have to post more details later.

I'm currently wondering if this is possible. And does anyone know of such a fix. I even tried to Turn off Partial Rendering and I still get crashes. I can't do this until I pull out the scriptManager / UpdatePanel.

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