MVC :: Dictionary Class / How To Access Menu's Properties And Display Name On The Page

Sep 8, 2010

I do have Dictionary<Guid, Menu> where Guid is ID and Menu is my model for view which contains different properties

that is :

public class Menu
{ [code]....

now i do have extension method in which thru services i m assigning value to it..

extension method is like this :

public static Dictionary<Guid, Menu> GetMenuCategoriesModel(this IRService irService, IMCService imcService, Guid rId

my question is that i have view named "Index" and in that view i wanna display "name" and i am generating strongly typed view and i have to use Dictionary<Guid, Menu> as model , how do i access Menu's properties as i wanna display name on the page ?

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width="<%= getWidthSize() %>"

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

public partial class MyMasterPage : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public string MessagePlaceholder


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success: function(result) {
if(result.LookCount > 0)
var Info = "";
for(var i = 0;i < result.LookUps.length; i++)
Info += CreateLookUpGrid(result.LookUps[i].Client,result.LookUps[i].ClientOrg);

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Obviously this is not going to work - but how can I achieve this?

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public class Controller : System.Web.Services.WebService {
public void save_client(aClientArgs client)
// Save client data
Then defining aClientArgs as a sub-class:
public class aArgs
public string id = null;
public string name = null;
public class aClientArgs : aArgs
public string address = null;
public string website = null;
Returns the following WSDL fragment for the save_client args:
<save_client xmlns="">
When I'm expecting the following:
<save_client xmlns="">

So it appears that the .NET WebService is not treating inherited properties as arguments/variables for purposes of a web service. How do I get .NET to also use the properties of the base class?

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C# - Way To Implement Class As A Key To Dictionary

Jan 17, 2011

class A {
string name;
string code;
A1: name="blabla", code="kuku"
A2: name="blabla", code=null
A3: name=null, code="kuku"
Dictionary<A, string> d=new Dictionary<A, string>();
results: d[A1]="bbb";

Is there a way to implement class A as a Key to dictionary?

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I could'nt understand how to define these Properties,Sub and Functions. How i start?

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Web Forms :: Access Public Properties Of Master From Content Page?

Mar 9, 2010

Here's the scenario: A class based on System.Web.UI.Page has been created. A number of content pages derive from this class. All of these content pages use the same master page. The content pages define controls which need to access things on the master page (in code-behind). This is fine - no problem. In particular, each content page has its own data grid. The grid on each page has the same name, so that common code can reference it. In fact, some event handling for the grids on each content page is identical, so would like to factor that code to the base class. Interestingly, I can actually define the event handler entirely in the base class, with no stub in the content class at all, because the wire-up of event handlers uses the event-handler name defined in the grid, and that name happens to be found in the inherited base class. All good and dandy... very cool in fact. The problem comes when the code in the base class needs to access any of the common elements from the content page's master. Remember, the master is the same, and I know the type of the master. I would like to do something like this in the base-class code:


The problem is, that myMasterType - the type of the master page the content pages are using - is not available at compile time, at least not from a class definition for a base page. I've found articles that claim that the class name of the master is available - and it is, but not from a separate class. I CAN see it and compile with the master's class name from, for example, the code behind of the various content pages. But the actually class simply isn't available, it seems, from a pure class (the base page class). Judging from other times this question has been asked, here are common misunderstandings offered as solutions: 1. Use a page directive to declare the master type. This is not even vaguely a part of the problem, as the issue is not code in the content page, but in a separate base class which content pages inherit from. That base class is a pure class -- no .ASPX file at all. 2. Pass a reference to the master object from the content page to the base class. This can be done, but is pointless, because I can already get it, using "this.Master" from the base class! But because the type of the master is not available at compile time from the base class, it can't be passed from the content page either - unless it is passed with type MasterPage, thus losing all the properties/methods publically defined in the specific master page class. 3. Move the base page class out of the App_Code folder because the app_code folder is compiled before the other classes, and thus before the master page class. Doesn't work -- put the master page class file right in the same folder with these content pages and their master page, and the master page class is still not available at compile time from within the class. Re-summarized: Base page inherited by content pages. Content pages all use a common master page. Want to access the public properties of that master page from the base page, at runtime. Barrier is that I can find no way from within the base class to cast the master page object to the actual master page subclass being used.

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Web Forms :: Can't Access Master Page Properties In Visual Studio?

Oct 8, 2010

I have created a Master Page and exposed a Literal control on it by way of a public property.


In my content page I have referenced the Master Page like so :


However in my content page code behind I cannot see the custom properties of the master page in Visual Studio.

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Access :: Data Access Class / Helper Class For Access Databases?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Load UserControl, Access Properties In Parent Page Without Recreating In PostBack

Nov 15, 2010

I have several usercontrols which are loaded based on business logic.However, all of them have webcontrols whose selected/entered value needs to be accessible in parent page on an event.Since there can be any combination of UserControls, I do not want to load all the UserControls in the Parent Page, since they are heavy.

I would like to load only those controls which are supposed to appear on the page, yet access the value from the usercontrol which caused the postback. (I would rather not access using Request.Form) (ViewState is open, but unsuccessful to store value in parent page's viewstate in onClick)Here is a sample scenario

Page: Home

Dynamically Loads: UserControls1

UserControls has TextBox tb and Button btn, causing onClick

When btn is clicked, I want to get value of tb in parent page on PostBack, Page creates UserControl2

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C# - Access Master Page Public Method From User Control/class/page

Oct 25, 2010

I am to access a method on my master page. I have an error label which I want to update based on error messages I get from my site.

public string ErrorText
get { return this.infoLabel.Text; }
set { this.infoLabel.Text = value; }

How can I access this from my user control or classes that I set up?

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C# - Access Master Page / Child Page Controls From Class?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a div on my master page and I want to use it for showing page errors. I have an error display class and it works fine. My problem is that in some instances, the error gets displayed even before the tag resulting in (non)-display of the message. This is mostly with code that has response.redirect.

I want to counter this by having the error shown on a div within my master page.

How can I access <div id="errorSegment" runat="server">?

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Display Menu.aspx Page In All The Pages?

Apr 26, 2010

I have created one main.aspx page and one menu.aspx page. Now i want to display menu.aspx page in my all the page and for that i am using this code

<!-- #include file="includesIncludeHeader.html" -->
<!-- #include file="Menu.aspx" --> but getting error "There can be only one 'page' directive."

how to display menu page in my all the pages.


Menu Page ASPX

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C# - Display Dictionary In ListBox?

Jan 10, 2011

I've got a little problem with displaying my Dictionary in ListBox.

public static Dictionary<String, List<String>> MyDict = new Dictionary<string,
if(MyDict[value1] == null){
List<String> Temp_List = new List<String>();
MyDict[value1] = Temp_List;
else if(MyDict[value1].Count < 4){
List<String> Temp_List = new List<String>();
Temp_List = MyDict[value1];
MyDict[value1] = Temp_List;

and I'd like to display in Page_Load (after logging) a ListBox which will have List from MyDict for this login. Eg.
Login is : sally
And list contains of: she, no, then
And after sally logging I'd like to see result like this:


and I cannot use BindingSource

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Access Class From Within The Aspx Page

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to do something such as:

<%= Class1.GetName %>

in my ASPX page, but my class1.vb can't work like this, I have to declare it first in the aspx page, how can I make my Class1.vb file be shared among the whole website?

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Access Page Header From Within A Class

Feb 9, 2010

Does anyone know how to access a Page Header (Me.Page.Header) from within a class?

I'm working in ASP.NET

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Web Forms :: How To Access A Queue In Class Page

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to access an item default.aspx.vb which is in the class page in the app_code folder. Why am I unable to access this through intellisense?

Not m_qKnown.Contains(HRefs(i))

here is the class page. In my vs, m_qknown is underlined in blue. How come I can't access this queue in this code behind page for the default.aspx? In my intellisense, if I try to prefix it with the name of the page (Charlotte.vb) Charlotte.Webcrawler. after this dot there is no m_qKnown. There are some queuing event handlers and that's about it.

I'm trying to avoid adding more items to a queue if the item is already in the known queue. I'm happy to email this website application to anyone who would like to test it.


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C# - Access To An Object Created In Page From A Class?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a page, Default.aspx, with its own code-behind file like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
public int[] anArray;

What I'd like to do is access to "anArray" from a C# class (not tied to a page) declared in App_Code folder. What can I do?

Edit: As said in the first comment, I really apreciate your about refactoring my connection objects. However, what I'm really doing here is to rewrite an old PHP application in order to get comfortable with basic C# and ASP.NET, so this code will never go really live. So, I'm still intersted in a way (if any) to access an object declared in a code-behind code from a standard C# class.

Edit2: I removed the OdbcConnection object in order to focus to the real problem: how to refer to an object istantiated in a code-behind file from a C# class situated in App_Code?

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Web Forms :: Display Page When User Click On The Menu Item?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created menu on my page and on the same page I have "Iframe" control in that I want to display page when user click on the menu item.Where can i give path for Iframe so it display page in Frame,or is there any configuration in the Menu property. Below is the code for creating the menu and menu item:

<asp:Menu Width="100px" ID="Menu1" runat="server">

Code behind File :

Dim mainMenu As New MenuItem("CustInfo", "", "", "~/DetailView.aspx?CatID=1002", "_parent")
Dim subItems As New MenuItem("DocumentInfo", "", "", "~/DetailView.aspx?CatID=10021", "_parent") [code]...

how can I display page in IFrame which is on the same page as MenuItem.

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C# - Menu Displaying Different Menu Items Depending On Access Level

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to create an asp menu for a website. The site will have 2 levels of user Master users (which will have more options) and Sub users which will have limited menu options.

I was wonder does anyone knows if a way to hide menu items? I've tried google but I can't really find much.

Here's the Asp code


I have worked out how to hide the whole menu when the user is not logged in

MainMenu.Visible = false

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