MVC :: Edit Models In Different Project Layer?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a MVC3 solution named "SampleProject". I have 4 projects in the solution.

The project names of the solution are

SampleProject.Data (holds entity classes, DAL classes, and filter classes)
SampleProject.Service (something like BLL in standard ERP)
SampleProject.Tests (test project)
SampleProject.Web (holds controllers and views)

I am calling the Service classes from my controllers. The service classes are calling Data classes and performing the database operations.

I have done create, list and details part. Now I stucked in Edit part. None of the examples (NerdDinner,MVCMusicStore etc) using my architecture. In the provided examples, they are just using built in UpdateModel method which I don't want to use. I want to manually get the model object from my view and send it to my Data layer for update.

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I've half written an app which has just one model for adding and editing a particular entity.I am trying to embrace modelmetadata and where possible reduce my form code to just calls for EditorForModel. One of the key issues I am having it managing the
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Take "User" editing for example, in an Add scenario I want "Password" to be a required field, in an update scenario I dont' want it to be a required field. The model-centric approach would have me create two models, one for adding and one for editing. My
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public class EntityDataRepository : IRepository
static EntityDataRepository()
// other mappings removed
// Data. objects are EF objects, mapping to my DTO classes

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public ProductBLL
public int GetProductName(string productId)
ProductDataSet.ProductDataTable prodData = Adapter.GetProductById(productId);

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I've even got my JQuery Ajax submission going on now but I've encountered another problem. I *think* it's something to do with the structure I'm using but like I say, I'm fairly newo this.I have my AJAX form submission which builds my "PersonViewModel" (model for the presentation layer) in JSON and sends it to "@Url.Action("RegisterSubmit")" in my Person Controller. Now, I seperate my business layer from my View/presentation layer so in "RegisterSubmit"I'm verifying the model is valid then instantiating a new instance of my business model "Person", adding the values from "PersonViewModel" and then calling my "Save" function.

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Jan 26, 2011

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DataAccess typically consists of Entity Framework 4 and Repository classes. I attempt to follow the Aggregate Root concept in order to avoid having a repository for table, easier said than done in my experience. I tend to have ~70% match between Repositories and Tables.

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I like my design in a sense that I can reuse a business layer method in multiple service calls, however I hate the fact that for every repository I have a matching business layer manager, creating tons of extra work. Maybe the solution is a different type of grouping at the Business Layer level? For example combine individual Manager classes like PhoneManager and EmailManager (note I have Phone entities and Email entities) into a logical Manager class such as ContactsManager (note I don't have a "Contact" entity type). With methods such as ContactManager.GetPhones() and ContactManager.GetEmail(), etc.

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How To Get Code Coverage Working On A VS 2010 Project/Cannot Initialize The Project 'Project Name'

May 23, 2010

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Cannot initialize the ASP.NET project'{Project Name}'.

The event log specifies the following reason:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Version=2.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified.

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Architecture :: Should The Unit Of Work Point To The Service Layer Or The Repository And Then The Repository Point To The Service Layer

Jan 26, 2011

Just wondering, in an ASP.NET MVC3 environnement with entity framework. Should the Unit of Work point to the service layer or the repository (and then the repository point to the service layer) ?

Ive saw two example:

* One where the unit of work and repository both have an instance to the service layer..

Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.

* Second where the unit of work have an instance to the repository which have an instance to the service layer..


What would be better ?

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MVC :: Getting 2 Models From A Form?

Mar 17, 2011

I am doing a registration form where the user enters his account information, and some other misc. information.

The misc. information are stored in another table and hence has its own model.

How do I have the model binder creates 2 model, or should I have one combined model?

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C# - EF4 Two Models One Database?

Jan 21, 2011

I have been searching for this answer and can't seem to find anything, but with EF4 I want to create a base model and put in our 'foundation' and any new project we create if we need to add custom tables to that sites db is it possible to add a model with just those specific tables and link it to the model in our 'foundation' I can't seem to find a good resource on something like this and this seems to be like it would be a normal thing to have a reusable base model and a separate one for any one off's

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MVC :: How To Have Multiple Models Per View

Apr 14, 2010

<%@ Page
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<JCIOrange.Models.UserProfile>" %>

How do I display more than one model per view? The above line limits me to only display UserProfiles. I want to also display other models, like UserJob and would I go about doing so?

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I created a model via adding an ADO.Net Entity Data Model (.edmx file), which brought in all my tables from my database. Is it possible to add validation attributes like [Required] or [Display] to a model created like this? Otherwise, the only alternative I can see is to hand-create a model class with public properties where I can annonate them with the attributes I need.

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Mar 18, 2010

I want to use RenderPartial twice in my view with different models associated. The problem is that some properties are present in both models (nickname, password). They have no prefix, so even the id's or names are equal in the output. Now, if I have model errors for nickname or password, both fields get highlighted.

Main View:


How can I change this?

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MVC :: Two Models Passed To A One View?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to develop my application and I've got a master page where I'm planning to create a div container, where my "news" will be loaded from my database and will be shown always on a main site. Then inside of the main placeholder I'm planning to load some extra data too from my database... and there's the question: how to solve that ? is there any possibility to pass a model to a master page ? or two viemodels to a view page inside the main placeholder on my page ? (one with news, and other containing some other data).

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MVC :: Use Multiple Models In A Page?

Mar 8, 2011

Is it possible to do something like this?

Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<List<SectionAdmin.Models.ADirectory>>, <List<SectionAdmin.Models.BDirectory>>"

I am trying to use both models in my page.

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