MVC :: Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference In Code Generated?
Oct 4, 2010
I am working on converting a project from C# to VB and am facing this weird issue. 1 page cannot compile and I get the reference error, but the weird thing is that the compiler shows the error as coming from ASP.NET generated code. Visual Studio shows me that error is coming from my ASPX page. I cannot seem to figure out why or where this error is occuring. Also if I take the inherits attribute out I don't get the compilation error. The code in aspx page is below:
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Apr 22, 2010
I am using VS2005, and a newbie at table adapters, DAL & BLL. I have a single dataset (in DAL) and 2 classes (in BLL) named Class1.vb and Class2.vb.
When I try to call a function from Class1 within Class2 I get the error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference".
Here is a sketch of my code structure:
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Oct 8, 2010
I do not receive this error when I open my website application in vs 2005. When I open in vs 2008, I get this error. What gives?
These lines are underlined in blue:
Businesslogic area is imported into each of 3 pages with this line.
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Mar 14, 2011
Given an instance of a control SomeControl that is in a some file (could be a usercontrol/ascx, or an aspx) how can I get a reference to the class to which it belongs?
In a usercontrol, SomeControl.NamingContainer seems to be reliable.
In a page that inherits from a MasterPage, this will return a reference to the ContentPlaceHolder, not the actual class that defines the aspx. What I would want in that case is SomeControl.Page
Parent will return the parent control in the heirarchy so isn't much use.
Is there any method for getting this directly regardless of what kind of thing it is?
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Sep 30, 2010
in my default.aspx page i have a dropdown List and a textbox with a submit button below that there are 2 listbox... and the dropdown list holds the names of the listbox
my logic here is to select an item from the dropdown list and put some text in the text box and submit the form which will add an item to the listbox selected.. but when i do this i get an error saying Object reference not set to an instance of an object. i tried to figure out the problem and found that when i remove the reference to the Site Master Page it works fine and when i undo and apply my reference back to the Site Master Page i get the same error.
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Jan 21, 2010
I am using grid view as mentioned below, it is giving me error "object reference not set", but if comment allowpaging and pagesize lines, it works. let me know whats wrong I am doing?
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Aug 25, 2010
I have a url like this: In this page, when I click on a link it takes me to a page So in the cental.aspx.cs page I did the following in the page load:
if(request.querystring["comp"].tostring() != null)
//do some thing [code].....
So I got an error like: object reference not set to an instance of reference.My problem is, I am using the same page. So when I go from some page, I will have "comp". but other times not. So when there is no "comp", how do I handle it in request.querystring?
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Dec 1, 2010
When i run the following code it the error as :
""Object reference not set to an instance of an object.""
Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.Load
Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 EmployeeId FROM a1_admins Order by Id DESC", SQLData)
Dim label11 As Label = CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Label11")
Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
If dtrReader.HasRows Then
While dtrReader.Read()
label11.Text = dtrReader("EmployeeId")
End While
End If
End Sub
End Class
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Feb 8, 2010
Everything works fine on my dev machine which is running Windows 7. However, when I deploy my app to my production server at MaximumASP running 64 bit Windows 2008 R2 Standard, I just can't access those pages that are handled by my URL Routing logic. I'm getting the infamous "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error.
The code below is my URL handler for Mailbox module in my application. I've defined mail folders in my database. All this does is if user is looking for /mailbox/Inbox, it looks up the folderID and sends the user the mailbox.aspx page which is expecting a folderID
And this is the part in Global.asax
And finally, the code in the mailbox page:
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Oct 18, 2010
I need reference a Treeview from a shared sub so I can run a databind on it after the the sub has finished doing it's thing.
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Jul 30, 2010
Can we get a reference to a boundfield column value which has been made invisible ina dynamically created and databound gridview. I am able to get a reference to a
button field which is added to the grid dynamically like this:LinkButton _singleClickButton = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[0];
(the button field is the 5th column in the gridview and it is made invisible through visibility property)
View 6 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
In the VS2005 environment, when I test my session to make sure the page redirects to the main page (itself) if the session is null, it works. There is no error.
The function I use for this is:
However, when it is in the production environment in IIS 6.0, when the session has timed out, and I then do a postback by doing some slider control, I see the page reload but immediately thereafter, it throws a Server Error exception of : Object reference not set to an instance of object.
Looking at the stack trace, the event occured:
AJAXEnabledWebApplication1._Default.Slider1_TextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
however, why is it that the Slider1_TextChanged event fired even even after during page_load, the page was told to do a ?? shouldn't the entire page have gone through a full-page refresh life cycle ? why did it continue on to attempt to raise the Slider1_TextChanged event?
View 1 Replies
Apr 20, 2010
im tryin to create a login form.
and am receiving the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
and heres my aspx page:
Stored procedure:
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Dec 23, 2010
this works fine on my local site but as soon as i upload the site to my live server i get stem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
on the first line of this:
if (!Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
pnlSignIn.Visible = true;
pnlSignOut.Visible = false;
View 1 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
can you please help me to brainstorm the possible causes of this error. I've got a paged repeater with localisation bound programitcally to an sqldatasource using a stored proc. I can post code if needs be but it's rather long. I'm looking for typical causes of this error + will make note for future reference!
erver Error in '/WebSite4' Application.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 233:Line 234: Repeater1.DataSource = PagedResultsLine 235: Repeater1.DataBind()Line 236: doPaging()Line 237: End Sub
View 9 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I am trying to get the value of the id field in my gridview but I keep coming up with this error when i do selectedValue or selecteIndex
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
How do I get that id? What I am trying to do is when the user select that link it will delete that information from the database. Here's my code:
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Mar 6, 2010
I'm new to programming in ASP.NET, but I'm making my way through Wrox's Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and VB.NET.
I'm at a section where I'm creating a BasePage. I successfully created a BasePage by creating a new class file in my App_Code folder called BasePage.cs with the following code:
If I run that code everything works out fine. The page loads and all is well. But, if I try to do the same thing to a page that uses my MasterPage.master file, I get the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Why is that? In the example code from the book (that also uses a MasterPage.master file), everything excutes and runs just fine. But in my test, I get the above error. I've tried comparing my pages to the books included source pages, but I can't find any differences.
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Apr 19, 2010
In the same Code behind file I have:
// This works
Label lblTopNavBarInfo = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblTopNavBarInfo");
lblTopNavBarInfo.Text = "Currently Serving: + FirstName + " " + LastName ;
// This compiles but throws an error in the browser
LinkButton lnkBtnProductsOwned = (LinkButton)LeftNav_CustServ1.FindControl("ProductsOwned"); // The Control is visible
lnkBtnProductsOwned.Enabled = false; // Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
View 6 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
I have a website written in C# that was running fine on one server. We moved it to another server and have a couple issues. I am mainly a VB.NET coder but can do a few things in C#. This is not a project - it is a website and can open it in VS2008 no problem. This is an admin site for the whole website where the user can add customer comments, etc. When logging in, it works fine. I can go to one of the admin pages after logging in and works. If I go to two other different pages, I get this error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
It turns out this is in the main.master page and it is used by the other pages that load fine. The ApplicationTitle variable is set right in the web.config file and like I said, it shows on the other pages.
My question is why would this code work fine for some pages and not two others? All of these admin pages are under a folder called Admin and the web.config file is in the root folder of the website. Its almost like these two pages cannot see the web.config file in the root folder? Why would that be if thats the case?
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Aug 19, 2010
We have an applicaiton that was converted to the new framework using the wizard in Visual Studio 2008. When we install the applicaiton in production and change the iis settings to use the 2.0 framework we start to see these errors in the event viewer on the web servers. We are using SQL Server Session State and have 3 web servers in a load balancer. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</Message><StackTrace> at System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.PollLockedSessionCallback...
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a webservice, it has few webmethods. when i create a client proxy and invoke the methods to check its response, i am getting this error. Can someone tell me what things can i check to know the cause of this? The error is not saying much hence blocked on this.
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Dec 22, 2013
I am trying to implement the code URL...I have a database table with Integer type.Here is the running code line: Code in GridView:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="RegionNavn">
<%# Eval("RegionNavn")%>
<asp:Label ID="lblRegionNavn" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("RegionNavn")%>' Visible = "false"></asp:Label>
On Edit Click, the DropDownList in the GridView brings the previously selected value.On Update Click, the error is: "System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format."
dCmd.Parameters.Add("@KystverketRegionID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = int.Parse(ddKystverketRegionID.SelectedValue);
When I use the following code:
ddlRegionNavn.DataTextField = "RegionNavn";
ddlRegionNavn.DataValueField = "RegionID"; // from RegionNavn to RegionID
On Edit Click, the DropDownList values in the GridView is not firing and the following error shows.Object reference not set to an instance of an object. How to implement the code when having a value of type Int ?
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May 7, 2015
I am getting object refernce error at line:if (Session["Tax"].ToString() == "9")
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["Tax"].ToString() == "9")
lblTax.Text = Session["Tax"].ToString();
lblTax.Text = "0";
Is anything wrong I have done?
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May 30, 2013
I have this part in the Gridview.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Student">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddl_IndexChanged" runat="server">
After the change, when it is to bind data, I get this Exception message. Why?Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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Aug 27, 2010
private void FillDetails(string pId, out string Name, out string Address)
I have method called Filldetails(),This method uses stored procedure to retrieve information for product name and address based on productid passed from productdetails table.I am working on globalization project.We have this product information for US country but there is no product information for germany country.So dataset is empty for germany.As result I am getting error object reference not set to an instance of the object.
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