MVC :: Relative Virtual Path Is Not Allowed Here?

Oct 29, 2010

OK, I've seen a lot of ambiguous errors, but this was is in the top 20 or so. I have a RenderPartial that looks like this:


When the view loads, I get this error:

The relative virtual path '~Areas/User/Views/Shared/ProjectStats.ascx' is not allowed here. That really helps. Why isn't it allowed there? What's wrong with it? Just above it I have other PartialRender calls that work without a problem. They're created exactly the same way. Here's another:


This works fine. I thought maybe it was due to accessing a view from another Area, but I added a partial view to that Area's folder and it still didn't work.

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Virtual Path Map Error Application Not Allowed

Feb 8, 2011

I ahev seen many discussion related to this , but I could not find proper answer , I have live web site set up on IIS 6, and set virtual path MYSite and then phisical path to the web.config file on actual location.

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Once I have copied the site give this error virtual path '/includes/menu.htm' maps to another application, which is not allowed

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<% Url.Action("Logon") %>
the mvc framework generates
/Account/Logon ({controller}/{action})
as path.
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C# - Absolute Path And Relative Path?

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i am fetching image using webservice into dataset and displaying for that its to be get worked after deployment i have done following line of code but its still not able to display the image after deployment

String imageName = row["ImageName"].ToString();
String physicalPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
String imagePath = physicalPath.Substring(0, physicalPath.LastIndexOf("/",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1) + imageName;

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string virtualTargetFolder = String.Format("~/UserImages/{0}/Images/", user.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
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Getting Relative Path In JavaScript?

Jun 21, 2010

I've got this app where I'm using an IHttpHandler to serve JSON data to my JavaScript method.


This works fine on my "localhost" webserver, but I've also got a staging server for my clients to use.

The problem that I'm having is that when the app is hosted on the staging server, the theSource is mapped incorrectly (contains /ClientSite/). I could do something like a String.Replace but I'm looking for a more elegant way of achieving this.

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Apr 24, 2010

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1. Does the FileStream only works if the file is on a local Hard Dive?

2. Also if it works from the local hard drive, then does my application needs some permission to read the file from C Drive?

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Web Forms :: How To Return A Relative Path

Apr 19, 2010

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C# - Use A Relative Path In XDocument.Load?

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I have an XML file named PageData.xml in my App_Data folder. I want to populate an XDocument with this file using XDocument.Load.

If I supply the full physical path it works, i.e.:

XDocument vXDoc = XDocument.Load("/Work/Project/Web/100413 Dev/App_Data/PageData.xml");

...where "Work" is a folder on my C: drive.

If I try a relative path like this, though, I get a DirectoryNotFoundException:

XDocument vXDoc = XDocument.Load("AppData/PageData.xml");

"Could not find a part of the path 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedDevServer10.0AppDataPageData.xml'."

This is obviously wrong, but there must be an easy way to set the correct relative path?

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Jan 22, 2010

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Get The Relative Path In The Class Library?

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Configuration :: Relative Path For Data Source?

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May 19, 2010

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