MVC :: Inability To Recognize A Web.config In The Areas Sub Folder?

Nov 16, 2010

I've seen a few postings about MVC's inability to recognize a web.config in the areas sub folder.

I have a situation where each area is in a separate solution/project. There is history and organizational goals that prevents us from following the current standard. Is there anyway possible mechanism for me to dynamically load the web.config located anywhere within the area?

I've looked at the WebConfigManager but I believe that just opens the config and returns a configuration object. It doesn't really load the web.config in the current context.

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How To Change The Default Name "Areas" To "<MyOwnAreaName>Areas" In MVC2

Feb 20, 2011

I'm using MVC 2, I need to change the default name "Areas" to <MyOwnAreaName>.

Is't possible to change default name "Areas" to my own name?

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MVC :: Web.config In Views Folder?

Dec 30, 2010

I had just a little question. I create an empty MVC 2 web site and in the Views folder there is a "web.config" file why? why in "Views" folder and not in the "Controllers" folder?It's not a big problem for me, but i just want to understand

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Deny Access To 'admin' Folder In Web.config?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to deny access to my 'Admin' folder via web.config. I looked at another answer to a similar question and they recommend using the <location> folder, however when I insert "Admin/" into the path I get the following error:


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How To Restrict Access To All Files In A Folder Without Web.config

Jun 14, 2010

I need to restric access to my admin folder to certain people. Those with no authentication ticket should be redirectered to a "not allowed page". How do I identify all pages in my admin folder. I have so far but is it OK?

If url.Contains("/admin") Then
'If authentication ticket incorrect then
End If

And not, I cannot use my web.config for this particular issue.

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Register WebUserControl's On The Web.config File For Sub-app Folder

Jan 5, 2010

I seem to be having a problem with my visual studio 2005/2008 installation or something because it isn't providing any IntelliSense whatsoever for controls registered on web.config files in folders different from the root, but it isn't showing any errors neither. Is this behavior normal?

I have access only to the folder of my sub-app, so I can't modify the root's web.config file. Well I COULD, but I'm NOT allowed to.

What I'm trying is to register some WebUserControl's on the web.config file for sub-app folder, so all the pages in my sub-app can use the WebUserControl's without having to register them on every page, but I'm not getting IntelliSense for those controls registered on the web.config file on my sub-app folder, but I do get IntelliSense if I register them on the root's web.config file. IntelliSense for everything else appears to be working fine.

In the web.config file on my sub-app folder I have something like the following:


am I doing something wrong?

Update Now I have upgraded to VS2008 SP1 and the issue persist

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How To Apply Master Pages By Folder In Web.config

Nov 4, 2010

I have folder called Email which contains 20 aspx pages I am trying to apply master page to this email folder through web.config

i Got following error The relative virtual path 'MasterPage.Master' is not allowed here.

code in web.config

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MVC :: Custom Template For Web.config In View Folder?

Dec 6, 2010

I've created a class which extends System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage which I want to be the default class each view inherits from. This is controlled by the "pageBaseType" attribute in the "pages" element in the web.config file in each Views folder. If I add a Views folder in Visual Studio, it creates the web.config.

I would like to change the template it uses to do this to use a different value for pagBaseType. I assume there is a template somewhere I could modify, but I don't know where it is.

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Configuration :: Prevent Web.config Inheritance From Parent Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

I have the following IIS folder configuration:WebSiteX - a web site contains a ASP.NET application with a web.config file WebSiteXApp - a virtual directory (App) under WebSiteX, with a different ASP.NET application and a different web.config file.What can I do to prevent the web.config file from the WebSiteX to be inherited when accesing the ASP.NET application from WebSiteXApp, in other words, when I access the WebSiteX/App ASP.NET application I want only the web.config from that application to be considered.

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Security ::redirect If A Folder Is Protected By A Web.config File?

Jun 9, 2010

There are some folders in my application that are only accessible by users in certain roles.In order to protect the contents of these folders, I placed web.config files in them which look like so:


Also,in the main web.config file, I have this configured:


However,when I try to access a folder that I'm not authorized to access, I'm not being redirected to unauthorized.aspx page as indicated in the main web.config. Instead,I'm getting sent to the login page.Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here's the authentication section from the main web.config:


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Security :: Configuring Web.config For A Folder That Requires Logging In?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a problem configuring web.config file. In root directory I have a web site that doesn't require logging in to be viewed (public section of the web site) and I also have a folder ("Administration") that needs logging in to get access to it. Login.aspx is located in folder "Administration".

The question is how to properly set up the web.config to connect Administration/Login.aspx with Administration/Default.aspx. I tried editing web.config in root directory by adding the following lines, but it only shows me Login.aspx and it redirects me to the public section:


Do I also have to add web.config in "Administration" folder and with which parameters?

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Restrict Access To Folder Or Directory Through Web Config

Aug 19, 2013

I am upload the Pdf Files And Save in Folder But any one easily open this folder 

http://localhost:8748/Lib/Admin/Files/ like that

And see all the uploaded pdf and click any pdf open this pdf 

like that


So this URL cannot be open what I can restrict this URL .....

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Control Website Folder Access Using Web.config And Session Variable ?

Jan 27, 2011

the following web.config file is placed in a specific sub-folder on a website. It will allow the user John.Doe to access the pages inside the folder but will deny anonymous users

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<system.web> [code]...

Is it possible to replace users in the following web.config file with certain session variable for example getting the day(sunday, monday, etc) from date and storing it in session("DayVar")

then the code should be something like this for the subfolder monday

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<system.web> [code]...

is this doable ?

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Configuration :: Setting Authorization For Images Folder Using Location Tag In Web.config Is Not Working?

Oct 28, 2010

I implemented the Location tag in the web.config file to authorize the anonymous users for Images folder. I deployed the code in IIS6.0 with Forms authentication mode enabled for the virtual directory. I disabled all other authentication modes. When I browse the login page, Images are not displaying. When I set Anonymous authentication in IIS6.0 for the Image folder, it works fine.

See below the code implemented in web.config:


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Security :: Forms Authentication In Web.config / Access To Folder Be Made Via Login Form?

May 28, 2010

i have a problem with forms authentication. i have a website and want to restrict access to an especific folder. i want the access to this folder be made via the login form this is what i have in the web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="Compra" loginUrl="wfLogin.aspx" path="/" protection="All" timeout="30" />
<allow users="*"/>

Then this to restrict folder

<location path="Admin">
<deny users="*"/>

the problem is that when the user login with valid information the website return to the login form.

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Security :: Non-asp Files / Moved The Pages And Files To Other Folders And Set The Web.config File On This Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I was following the tutorials from this two sites:

Following the first site, it had worked but when I´ve moved the pages and files to other folders and set the web.config file on this folder, now it won´t work at all!!!

The file is an *.swf object. I did put the asapi.dll to map the extension on the website root, I´ve put the


on the web.config new folder and on the web.config website´s root.

It won´t work!!! I can access the file directly!!! on the web.config of the folder that contains the file, there is a <deny users="*" /> line.

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Web Forms :: How To Access Connection Connection String From Sub Folder Web.config File

Mar 15, 2011

just for my testing purpose i know i can define both the connection's outside in a single web config file by different name's and access them in my front end according to it but what if i want to have seprate for both connection's web.config situation is like this see image so i want to access my connections from second web config file how i can do that.


i tired this but its giving error


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C# - Using ELMAH With Areas In MVC 2?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm following this blog post about setting up ELMAH with MVC: [URL] I've only done part 1. Everything works correctly if I simply go to the Home controller, and then cause an error. I can view /elmah.axd as well, and my errors are logging in the database correctly.

However, I've added an area to my application named Admin. If I navigate to /Admin, I receive the following error:

System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
public override IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
var controller = base.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName); //Error here
var c = controller as Controller;

I'm assuming this has something to do with my Area.

EDIT for jfar:

For instance, I have an Employees controller in my Admin area:

public class EmployeesController : Controller
private IEmployeesRepository employeesRepository;
public EmployeesController(IEmployeesRepository employeesRepository)
this.employeesRepository = employeesRepository;

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How To Use An Areas Mechanism With MVC 1

Apr 14, 2010

To use separation of concern and to optimize the clearness of the controllers we decided to split each action of a controller into different controllers (FunctionalLocationEditController, FunctionalLocationCreateController and such).

Problem now is the Global.asax is currently a bit big for just a few pages registered in routes.

We would need to use an area type of mechanism but for business reason we are not ready to upgrade just yet to MVC2.

Basically, is there a way in MVC1 to map the Urls to something like <folder>/<controller>/<action> ?

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MVC :: Use Areas Or Not In Web Configure?

Jan 18, 2010

Been starting a new project (MVC 2) based on the first version of the same application (MVC 1).In the first we breaked out Controllers and Views into seperate projects, which resuted in a clean and organized structure.Now with version 2, I've been reading about this "Areas".Keeping the old structure and using areas sounds like overkill to me. Keeping the old way OR use Areas is what I'm trying to decide on.Just wanted to hear your thoughts about this.... Is it really that usefull (ie have other benifits)? No use to make some major changes just because something is there IMHO

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MVC :: Iterate Through All Areas?

Sep 2, 2010

I am wondering if MVC offers a handy function to iterate through all areas. I know I can search the sub-directories of Areas to achieve this. I am just curious.

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Sub Areas To Group The Controllers?

Feb 17, 2011

Does the current MvcRouteHandler support something similar to Monorail's concept of an controller area? a way to group the controllers.

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How To Use Areas With Controllers From A Different Assembly

Jan 29, 2011

I'm starting a new ASP.NET MVC project, and I decided to put my controllers in a different assembly. Evertyhing works fine, but I have hit a problem: I created a new area in my MVC Project, called Administration. I have an AdminController Class in my seperate assembly which is supposed to return views from my Admin area, but everytime it tries to return a view, it looks for it in the wrong place (~/Admin/SomeView.cshtml Instead of ~/Administration/Admin/SomeView.cshtml) How can I tell the controller to look for views in the wanted area?

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MVC - Share Partials Between Areas

Mar 5, 2011

is there some way to share a partial razor view between areas? For example a login partial, it is found if i use @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial") but the URLs Html.ActionLink generates are local to the calling area (even though the partial itself is not part of the area).

_LoginPartial.cshtml is in /Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml
Calling view is inside /Areas/Somearea/Views

Links generated are like: [URL]
But should always be: [URL]

Partial view source:

@if(Request.IsAuthenticated) {
<text>Welcome <b>@Context.User.Identity.Name</b>!
[ @Html.ActionLink(@Messages.Logout, "Logout", "Account") ]</text>
else {
@:[ @Html.ActionLink(@Messages.Login, "Login", "Account") ]

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MVC :: Do Areas Have To Reside Off The Root

Feb 12, 2011

If I create an Area, does it have to reside off of the root? Or can I create it in a sub-folder? If so, how to you set the MapRoute so you can navigate to rootSecureAreasAdmin?

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