MVC :: Passing Data From View To The Controller With Dropdownlist
Jul 14, 2010
I have a table with a ID, CodeID,LibelleID field. I am using oracle connection. i want to display in a drop downlist (textfield) CodeID+LibelleID for exemple "100-SalaryBase" where CodeID=100 and LibelleID="SalaryBase" is it possible to obtain it if the user selects an element from the dropdownlist how to post both the codeID and ID to the controller
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Nov 16, 2010
I have setup an httppost that sends a string into my controller, searches for some results using linq, and then sends the results to a view. In debug stepping through the code I can see the data that I am looking for being passed into the return view statement, but the page just appears to refresh (it doesn't render the view as expected with the result). why my controller fails to redender the view? (note: I didn't include the view because I can send a ToList() to it without an issue. For example, return View(_entities.Persons.ToList());
public ActionResult RenderSearch(string usersearchtext)
if (usersearchtext != null)
var search_results = from s in _entities.Persons
where s.Description.Contains(usersearchtext)
select s;
return View("SearchResult", search_results.ToList());
throw new NotImplementedException();
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Apr 22, 2010
I have a dictionary I'm passing to a View. I want to be able to pass the values of that dictionary back to a Controller action from this same View. Is there anyway this can be accomplished without using a form? The situation is that I need to be able to pass these back to a controller action that is called when a user clicks an ActionLink from the View, and in my experience an ActionLink cannot be used to submit a values of a form, i.e. I've only been able to submit values of a form using the form's submit button. Unless there's a way to use an ActionLink to submit values in a form.Controller Action passes Dictionary to Controller in ViewData:
public ActionResult ModifyNewCrossListing(FormCollection form)
Dictionary<int, string> prefixlist = new Dictionary<int, String>();
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Sep 23, 2010
I have following situation - I am pasing user info object from Controller to View. It contains GUID UserID, which i dont want to be seen on page. So I removed every Html.LabelFor(model => model.UserID), Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.UserID) etc... from generated View source. And because of this when Html.BeginForm() returns that object back to Controller all values is there but UserID is lost??
If I leave Html.LabelFor(model => model.UserID), Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.UserID) etc.. in View everything is fine. But I dont want to show UserID? Where is the problem here?
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.C__User_Id) %>
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Dec 13, 2010
I am trying to pass a view model of mine, which has multiple list in it, to my view. Then in my view i need to edit the different list. Then on my post i need to save the edits. Although, when i pass my viewmodel back to my post, it is empty! Can somebody explain what i am doing wrong? Controller
here is my View
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Apr 29, 2010
I am getting started with MVC. For that i chose to practice it by build an application. Im using MVC 2 and Linq To SQL, and i would like to passing another Query to the view. For example, i have this:
So i would like to pass data1 and data2 to the View. I can use return View(data1), but the View function accept just one data. So what technique i can use to pass the tow data to the view
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Mar 4, 2011
I have the following to get the Json abject passed from the controller and populate the various textboxes in the view. However, nothing is happening even though controller is passing a valid Json object. What is wrong with this code?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var url = '<%=Url.Action("DropDownChange") %>';
$("#vendorID").change(function() {
var selectedID = $(this).val();
if (selectedID != "New Vendor Id") {
//$.post('Url.Action("DropDownChange","Refunds")', function(result) {
$.post(url, { dropdownValue: selectedID }, function(result) {
This is the code in my controller;
public JsonResult DropDownChange(string dropdownValue)
// This action method gets called via an ajax request
if (dropdownValue != null && Request.IsAjaxRequest() == true)
paymentApplicationRefund =
return Json(paymentApplicationRefund,"application/json");
return null;
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Aug 6, 2010
I've got problem with my app .
I've got such classes (this is some kind of tree structure):
in Index() action i've got this piece of code
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Sep 2, 2010
I would like to pass List<SelectListItem> (not selected item but the whole "List" object) back to controller.
for example in my GET controller i would have this
ViewData["list"] = some select list from repository;
then on post I would like to get the list back from view..pretty much i'm trying to use ViewData["list"] as storage..this way I would use ajax to remove or add items to/from the list.
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Jan 20, 2010
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Unfortunately ViewData doesn't look like it can pass boolean values. I should be able to pass any datatype to a view (string, int, bool, etc...)
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Mar 26, 2010
ss a list of objects as a paramter in an actionlinkAt the moment when I try to do this the list is always empty by the time it reaches the controller!
<%= Url.Action("ActionName", new { list = Model.ListOfObjects}) %>
public ActionResult ActionName(List<Object> list)
//Do stuff
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Aug 5, 2010
I need to pass a list of Entity Objects from Controller to View but not put it in the Model context. It is the users homepage, but I am putting a list of alerts on the users home page(somewhat like facebook). So I need the User Context as the Model I pass but need to pass the Alert model as well so I can show the list of alerts.. How would I do that? The code below is what I have so far..
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a form that I don't want to post back so I need to get the form values into my controller via jquery's ajax method.Here is my test controller method:
When I debug the controller method and look at the lineItems parameter, it always contains 0 items. I've tried various formats for the javascipt lineItems parameter but still 0 items. I'm also open to some other way of getting these values in like the jquery form serialze method or something else.
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Jun 1, 2010
I am new to MVC, and trying something and got stuck somewhere in between.I have a user control there I have three textbox html type(ID, Lastname, firstname) and a submit buttom. I set the button like
<input type="button" value="Search"
onclick="location.href='<%= Url.Action("action", "controller") %>'" />
I have called this usercontrol on some view through
<%= Html.Partial("ucName") %>
Now on pressing that button(on user control) I need to pass the data from these textboxes to controller again to some specific action(Http Post action). By using this data I want to do some database interaction and storing the result in a dataset and pass this data set to same view again to show up in some Grid.I know the first part in conventional can be done by raising the event through delegate but don't know how to do that in MVC.
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Jan 27, 2010
Can i create a partial view and a controller that will feed data to the view, and if i render that partial in a Master page, the Data will show on whatever URL i am?
Or is there another way of showing content from database on every page(view)?
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Feb 3, 2010
Basically, I have an HTML Form and would want to pass the data from the form to n mvc controller, then the controller would return an XML for client side manipulation.
Here is my initial code:
When I run and debug, I get a message that says "attr(..) is null or not an object. I am still trying to learn web development using ASP.NET MVC.
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May 17, 2010
I have a view which takes two objects: booking and list of reasons for canceling that booking.I have two classes: clsBooking, clsBookingCancelationReason I can read both objects in my view - no problems there. After I read the objects, I display the booking details and I generate a list of cancelation reasons in the following way:
The code above generates a list of cancelation reasons.How do I pick up the selected ReasonId from the list?
I need to generate a link that will contain the bookingId and the selected reason for canceling the booking.I can get the bookingId out easily since it's stored in the Model...but how do I go about the selected ReasonId?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a simple model where a Person has Gifts. I have a view which is a list of Gifts belonging to one Person.
My problem is with the Create action for a new Gift. I want it to default to the PersonID that we are already viewing the list of Gifts for. I tried simply passing the last PersonID (they are all the same)
Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create", new { id = Model.Last().PersonID }) which works fine if there is already at least one Gift for that person but if this is the first Gift I don't have a value.
My Gift List controller knows the PersonID I want to pass but the view doesn't.
How do I pass this PersonID from my Gift List controller to my Gift Create controller via the Gift List view? Or is there a better way to do this?
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a website. there's master page with a menu implemented as a partial view Menu.ascx. This menu is a list of available categories which can be choosen. There's a separate controller for this view. the controller just gets all available categories from database and passes to the view as a list. here's the view's code
and controller for this view
there's other controller which is responsible to retrieve data for content page when one of categories is seletced.
So, i want somehow to get the current category in Menu.ascx.
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Mar 24, 2010
I'm a php programmer (code igniter) but interested in learning MVC, I have a few question regarding this new exciting framework In php codeigniter's controller I can easily catch a post variable using
In comparison in MVC we can create an action method that will accept post variable (but the parameter can get very crowded if we're passing a lot)
Or using FormCollection
Is there a way to catch post variable in that looks like php's codeigniter? I mean not by adding the parameter, because I wanted a controller method that is flexible in receiving post request A controller that can accept and process any post request like in php (where we don't have to put that parameter to the controller method, we just call them
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Jan 19, 2011
So I have a dropdown in a form which when at item is selected postback to database and get some values which I am now storing in an object. I need to get the values from this object into textboxes on the form in the can I do this???
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Jan 13, 2011
Im having trouble with posting data from a view that also contains a partialview. Im using a viewmodel that has 2 objects in it. The data that comes from the view is correct and fine, but the data that im trying to get from the partialview is null, or rather the object is null. The partialview doesnt contain that much, the user can check/uncheck some checkboxes and thats it. Heres how the partialview looks like
And heres the View
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Sep 28, 2010
MVC basics or looks like I am doing something terribly wrong, but have not slightly idea what is it? Want to delete user from MVC Framework's Built in Security Module. So first I define Delete() in AccountController:
and this works fine. Second: I added view (for delete) DeleteUser.aspx
<h3>Are you sure you want to delete this?</h3>
<div class="display-label">UserId</div>
<div class="display-field"><%= Html.Encode(Model.UserId) %></div>
<div class="display-label">UserName</div>
<div class="display-field"><%= Html.Encode(Model.UserName) %></div>
<div class="display-label">LoweredUserName</div>
<div class="display-field"><%= Html.Encode(Model.LoweredUserName) %></div>
.... etc
And this works fine.
And then finaly when I submit this values for delete, and run back to the Controller and DeleteUser:
public ActionResult DeleteUser(aspnet_Users inUser)
It is a problem. Not a single value from View are pased?? For example:
inUser.UserName is null,
inUser.UserId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,
... etc.
All values form view are losted? Why and how this can be?
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Feb 23, 2010
I've started using ASP.NET MVC on a project and have gotten a few working pages, but I recently ran into a problem where data I was carrying through a hidden field didn't carry for some reason. I can think of a couple of possible reasons and I could try things until something works but I prefer to work on observable empirical data. Thus the point of this inquiry.
I've got a controller (several), a model (several), a view (several), and data in the browser for the JavaScript to chew on. I can unit test my JavaScript code. The browser / view interactions go over the wire, and I can capture that either with Firebug or (if I want to punish myself) Ethereal. I can write unit tests for the controller and for components of the model. The thing that appears to happen in a pure "black box" is the mapping between the model objects and the view form fields. Somewhere in that process, it tries to map data from form fields into model objects before it hands a request to the controller and it tries to map data from the model objects to form fields when it processes the response. Even with the helpers in play, this is a source of bugs. There can be spelling disconnects, or a page might be inadvertently missing one of the fields of a model object because it didn't use it. It would be nice to know if a field didn't map and why.
Since it is happening on the server, this seems like the handoffs should be unit testable or at least loggable. The problem seems pretty bounded. I can't be the first person to have run into this question. Are there any hooks I can use for this? What are the best observation points in the framework to tap the process, both incoming and outgoing?
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Mar 25, 2011
what's a recommended way to page data to a view from a controller into a table?
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