Online Compilation Of Code?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to create a web application in which, when the client opens it he will get an textbox to write his C / C++ code then on clicking SUBMIT I want to compile the code and if perfect deliver back the exe or if it has errors then display the errors. How do I go about the compiling part.

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Web Forms :: Compilation Error (C# Code Behind)?

May 2, 2010

I have an execute insert mmethod in my code behind page to trigger an insert on a database, which the button click event for the insertion calls. However I get this error when clicking on the "submit" button when I run the application:

Index was outside the bounds of the array.Here's my code for this code behind page. The line of code highlighted in bold is where this error message points to.


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ASMX Web Service Online Works When All Of The Code Is In One File Without Code-behind?

May 3, 2010

I have an ASMX Web Service that has its code entirely in a code-behind file, so that the entire contents of the .asmx file is:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/AddressValidation.cs" Class="AddressValidation" %>

On my test machine (Windows XP with IIS 5), I set up a virtual directory just for this ASP.NET 2.0 solution and everything works great. All my code is separated nicely and it just works.However, when we deployed this solution to our Windows Server 2003 development environment, we noticed that the code only compiled when all of the code was dropped directly into the .asmx file, meaning that the solution didn't work with code-behind. We can't figure out why this is happening.

One thing that's different about our setup in our development environment is that instead of creating a separate virual directory just for this solution, we dropped it into an existing directory that runs a classic ASP application. So here we have a folder with an ASP.NET 2.0 application within a directory that contains a classic ASP application. Granted, everything in the ASP.NET 2.0 application works if all of the code is within the .asmx file and not in code-behind, but we'd really like to know why it's not recognizing the code-behind files and compiling it correctly.

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Code So That When Published Online

Oct 3, 2010

I have the following code in visual studio 2010:

TextBox1.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:UsersBabyDesktopSimulator websiteResourcesTextFile.txt")

It reads the text in the textfile and displays it in the textbox. However, this link only works on my computer. How do I change the code so that when published online, it still works on anybody's PC? I think i need to refer to a relative path, but do not know how this should be done.

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C# - An Online Code Cleaner/Helper Like Resharper?

Oct 29, 2010

Basically until i had resharper i noticed my code quality was good...but due to tight deadlines I hardly payed any attention to why the code was modified and what the new code did better. I would like to write my own code, but check it once in a while at my leisure to see how things can be made better.Is there any online tool which helps clean code or write smaller code somewhat like what resharper does?Something similar to for JavascriptIs there any online tool which can do this on C# code snippets?

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Visual Studio :: Publish Website Online - Only Displays Code

Oct 1, 2010

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Developing A Simple Online DBMS To Browse Database Online?

Dec 6, 2010

I am developing a simple online DBMS to browse my database online.... the main concern for me is to clear everything from the PC when the user disconnect so no body can go and click (Back) on the browser and see the pages if the user forgot to close it.. what I have done so far is :


I am sure this is not enough.. am I right? so what else I should include there?

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Architecture :: Using GMT Time(Online) In Online Exam Website

Feb 25, 2010

I want to create a Online Exam site in ASP.NET .In that i want to display Test based on the Date and time and the user can take the test at the time set my the Teacher.

For Example:

Teacher want to take C Test for the Mid Semester Test and the test is schedule on 1 May 2010,then the test should appear on the test page on the 1st may only and the user should be able to take the test on the set time.

The problem is that if i use System time then user can change the system time and can take the test schedule in future.

So i want to know how can implement this thing.I have given many online test but dont know how they work out the time and date logic.

View 2 Replies - Strange IIS/ASP.NET JIT Compilation

Jan 19, 2010

I've got extremely strange behavior on one of my pages. I was able to get a work-around in place, but I'd like to get input on why this error is happening (and why my work-around actually works).

(Let me also say that this is in no way, shape, or form my please don't bash me too hard)

When loading the page, we're getting

BC30456 'InitializeCulture' is not a
member of...

I worked through the tips here and nothing worked:

BC30456 Fixes

I was able to get the page back up and working by changing

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeFile="newsproduct_rss.aspx.vb" Inherits="product_nrss" %>


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeFile="newsproduct_rss.aspx.vb" Inherits="product_nrss" Debug="true" %>

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Cannot Access System.Web.Compilation

Jan 19, 2011

I am attempting to build my first custom ExpressionBuilder and have created a new C# Class Library in my visual studio 2010 solution.

From the very beginning, I am doomed. I cannot seem to gain access to classes I need to accomplish, such as:

(a) using System.Web.Compilation -- the ".Compilation" is errored/underlined.

(b) using System.Web.UI -- the ".UI" is errored/underlined.

(c) using System.Web.SessionState -- the ".SessionState" is underlined.

Prior to any of these lines of code, I have a "using System.Web" which is accepted.

Following these errored lines, I try to declare the "[ExpressionPrefix("xxxxxxx")] and the public partial class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : ExpressionBuilder -- and both "ExpressionPrefix" and "ExpressionBuilder" are errored, as well (I'm assuming because I cannot get the correct references in my "using" statements).

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Pre Compilation Error In Asp - CS0433?

Jul 31, 2010

When I run my web applicatin it is giving this compilation error..

CS0433: The type
'BusinessLayer.Videos' exists in both
Line 36: static string VideoId;
Line 37: public int count;
Line 38: Videos obj = new Videos();
Line 39: TopRated clsTopratedBL = new TopRated();
Line 40: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Compilation Error On Each Page?

Mar 15, 2010

i am developing a application in which i have used master pages and child pages....i have update panel and scriptmanager in the application but i am getting the following error on each page..

Element 'ScriptManager' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site.

and after that i am unable to view the design...

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C# - Compilation Files Directory?

Jul 25, 2010

By default ASP.NET's compiled files (Along with VB or C#) are saved and created in
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesoot...Is there a way to change it? or is it recommended to keep it at default?I am asking about changing it because what if you format the c drive? or some other reason as keeping functional files in a separate folder away from windows files.

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C# - Dynamic Application Compilation?

Aug 1, 2010

My web application (ASP.NET v3.5 / C#) dynamically creates other applications (creates aspx, aspx.cs, classes, web.config, project.csproj file etc.).The thing is even after I configure the 'new' application folder as APPLICATION in the IIS, When I try to browse it, I get the following parser error: Could not load type 'Template48.Template48' (where Template48 is my application).When I manually browse to the new application folder, and re-build it, all works perfect.How can I re-compile this WHOLE application, but in it's folder ?

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How To Access Compilation Element In Web.config

May 18, 2010

I want to be able to determine if the web.config element <compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" /> if the property is debug is set to true or false. Public Shared Function isDebug() as Boolean

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Page Compilation Error In A Webpage?

Apr 6, 2010

to get out of this hell i used to remove inherit attribute in Page Directive.After that it is showing compliation error???How to solve it ???? what i have to do for the page compilation problem and page parser error tooo?????And 1 more thing is i had written the code of a button1 click event k after after i had opened that project if i double click on that button i am going to inline coding.. How to solve it..Even though i took 1 button in that button events i doube clicked
on a event still there is no use...I am redirecting to inline coding.

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C# - App_GlobalResources Compilation Error On Apache?

Jul 14, 2010

I wrote an ASP.NET application and am running it on apache with mod mono. I get this error when trying to run it. It runs fine in Visual Studio and Mono Develop

Compilation Error

Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.

Compiler Error Message: App_GlobalResources.383ec40d.resources.dll

I have resx files in App_GlobalResources. Not sure why I am getting this.

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C# - Extending LinkButton Gives Compilation Error

Mar 12, 2010

I extend LinkButton and i get this error:

Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

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Configuration :: Compilation Of Webpages Uploaded It To FTP?

Oct 28, 2010

I have compiled my pages and have uploaded it to my FTP...Now all other pages that arent compiled wont work as it says u need to compile dem aswell.....I dont want to compile these other pages wht shll i do

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Configuration :: Compilation Error After Publishing?

Jun 23, 2010

I am having a page which is working fine on my local machine.I am able to publish the project but when i deploy the page i am getting error.I am not understanding what is the problem.Why i am getting this error.

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.NET OnClick Event Compilation Error?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm modifying nopCommerce internet shopping software and I've a strange looking compilation error..

in file : CheckoutShipping.aspx I have:

<div class="button">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnNextStep" Text="<% $NopResources:Checkout.NextButton %>"
CssClass="newaddressnextstepbutton" ValidationGroup="EnterAddress" OnClick="btnA"/>[code]...

I've double checked the if class name & code file in aspx and aspx.cs files match(and they do). Removing the OnClick part of the button declaration in aspx file (or changing it to ie. OnClick="Page_Load").What might be the reason for this? Do I have to register my functions somewhere?

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2.0 Compilation Error BC30002 Type Is Not Defined

Jul 12, 2010

First of all, let me explain the situation, I know this is a bit complicated.
And I apologize for my poor English.I have created a dll library which contains the classes I created.I tested the library with Console Application and web site created with Visual Studio 2005,everything works fine.So I copied the dll to the "Bin" folder of a running ASP.NET 2.0 web site, added reference to the dll file, imported the namespace, then trying to initiate instances of objects in the dll.

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How To Speed Up Compilation Of 30 Languages Website In VS.NET 2010

Feb 15, 2011

Recently, I added a massive amount of new languages (as RESX files) to an ASP.NET Web Site project in VS.NET 2010.

The project has approximately 50 ASPX pages and did build rather fast, before I added the languages.

Since the languages were added the compiler takes several minutes (well, at least 1-2) until the browser sees a page.

Now I'm currently investigating, whether I could speed up compilation time inside my development environment. I can think of:

Leaving out the RESX files in VS.NET and copy them from another, external folder, when deploying to the web server, only.
Change the project type from Web Site to Web Application.

My question:

how you would improve development speed of a large multi-language website in ASP.NET 4.0?

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Compilation Error When Type Sp.DBOperations' Exists

May 8, 2010

The type sp.DBOperations' exists in both c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
ootaf585a885de14bd0assemblydl3966aa64b5c4f1868_c3eeca01sp.DLL' and 'c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files

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Configuration :: Web Confg Compilation Section Error

Mar 21, 2011

Why would I be getting this error message ? I have not touched this part of my application ?Error 5 Section or group name 'compilation' is already defined. Updates to this may only occur at the configuration level where it is defined. C:Documents and Settingsk4gp5My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010WebSitesweb.config 6

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