Refresh Label On Webpage Without Postback?

Sep 2, 2010

In my web page i got a button and when this button is clicked it will display message on the label.

Example : label text changed from "Start" to "Processing to "Completed". Therefore I want to refresh the label text on my web page so from user site they are able to see the text on Label is changing..

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Web Forms :: Refresh Label On Another Webpage?

Nov 4, 2010

I've 2 pages. On one page I have a button. If I click that button, then the label on another page (which is already open) should be updated with the new information.

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Refresh Small Part Of The Webpage Without Refresh The Entire Page In C# ?

Mar 11, 2011

how we can refresh small part of the web page without refresh the entire page in C# ?

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GridView Does Not Databind/refresh Upon Postback Unless The Postback Is Called By Itself?

Jul 24, 2010

Anyone with similar conclusion? GridView does not databind/refresh upon postback unless the postback is called by itself?

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How To Refresh Particular Part Of Webpage

Jan 16, 2010

I want to refresh only a single part of my page not the whole.

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C# - How To Refresh A Webpage Without Resending The Information

Mar 15, 2011

I have an aplication and when I refresh a web page which is produced after a form is submitted, example

<form name="myform" action="mypage.aspx" method="post">

then the following alert is shown.

"The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information. Click Retry to Send the information again, or click Cancel to return to the page that you were trying to view."

with two buttons:

Retry Cancel

How can I avoid the above alert and take "Cancel" as default & refresh immediately?

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C# - Refresh A Webpage Automatically From Within A Loop?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a loop that runs through a variety of websites and I'd like to put some kind of a postback in the loop so that each time through a textbox would refresh with the url that is currently being considered. I don't know AJAX yet so I'd like to redo the webpage. I am currently using a session variable to hold data for display between page loads. I have tried

1) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx");
2) Server.Transfer("Default.aspx");
3) Page_Load(sender, e);
4) this.RaisePostBackEvent(URLTextBox.Text);

but they don't work, possibly because I am not implementing them properly. I'd like to watch the current situation as it is updated within the loop.

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VS 2008 - How To Refresh Or Reload Webpage

Dec 6, 2011

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition and I'm new to it. I want to refresh or reload a webpage everytime after the event was handled. To expound more, if I have a click eventhandler using the command button which updates a records, I want to refresh or reload the page right after the update event so that the records in my gridview control will be updated as well right after you click the update button. I need the code for that to refresh or reload the page using either c# or

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Jquery - How To Refresh Label

Mar 22, 2011

I have a label that refresh using jQuery. But when I try to get this value from code behind I have empty text (On Button click). When I using text box everything is ok and when I put enabled = false to text box I also have empty value for this label.How can I get this value, and have read only control in

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Auto Refresh Webpage After Defined Interval?

Aug 20, 2010

In one of my website, i required to implement automatic refresh of webpage after 15 minute.

For this to achive i have write following line of code <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60;url=" />

But i am facing one problem that after this duration of 15minute page will refresh as a new page load.

At my page i have used combo box having city list, there is a case when i select an item from this list at index 3. After that i just make page idle and after 15 minute page is refresh with the script i write for auto post back (mentioned above). But the problem is that due to this page is reload as a new page and code inside (!PostBack) execute which refill combobox and reset at index 1. My basic requirement is that whenever user reaches that page and makes it idle for longer time, session should not expire and hence i am writing above script so that session would be live.

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Web Forms :: Refresh The Parent Window Of A Webpage ?

Sep 24, 2010

I have tried lot of different methods to refresh the parent webpage of a pop up window.

All of my methods failed for the moment using javascript .

Basically i am opening a new window from a Sharepoint webpage.

When I click "submit" on the op up window the sharepoint webpage should be refresh.

So far i have to do manually F5.

How can i 4refresh the parent webpage ?

View 15 Replies

Web Forms :: Refresh Webpage After Closing Popup Window?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a web page (aaaaaa.aspx) which opens a popup window (bbbbbb.aspx). From the popup window code, I do a Response.Redirect("cccccc.aspx") to another page. On this page I have a button and when I click it, I want to close this page (cccccc.aspx) and refresh the original page (aaaaaa.aspx) so that the changes can be seen. Presently, the page cccccc.aspx close but the original page (aaaaaa.aspx) does not refresh. Normally this works fine with just a popup window. But the response.redirect is what messing me up, I think. I did not write this code but just trying to make it work. Here is the code I am using in the button_click event of page cccccc.aspx:


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How To Refresh The Label Every Second Automatically Using JavaScript Instead Ajax

Oct 7, 2010

how to refresh the Label every second automatically using Java script instead ajax?

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Web Forms :: How To Force A Browser To Refresh A Cached Version Of A Webpage

Mar 9, 2010

How to force Refresh( F5) conditaionally wehn the pages meet new design.

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Architecture :: Implement Observer Pattern To Refresh Another User Webpage?

Mar 13, 2011

I have some problem about observer pattern. My example is webboard system.

My solution wanna be refresh page after another user submit discussion.

I try to use observer but i don't know how to refresh another user's web page.

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How To Refresh The Label Which Is Inside The Grid View Using JavaScript

Oct 7, 2010

i am displaying time in the label which is inside the grid view. i need to Refresh the label every second. how to do this by Java script.Like Ajax timer.


OnLoad="setTimeout(window.location.reload();. 1000);" whats wrong with this code or <asp:Label ID="Label2" Width="100px" runat="server" OnLoad="setTimeout(window.location.reload();. 1000);" Font-Size="12px" ForeColor="Black" Text='<%# Bind("time") %>'></asp:Label>

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Refresh A Page Without Postback?

May 3, 2010

There is a asp:Label in the page for showing message from server.

The message can be sent by server at any time.

I added a handler to update the Label's Text, like following:

void MessageReceived(object senders, EventArgsMessageReceived e)
lblMessage.Text = e.Message;
lblMessage.DataBind(); //To show the message

I am sure the break point of 'lblMessage.Text = e.Message;'' is hitted.

But the DataBind() seems not work, and the label isn't updated.

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Web Forms :: Label Display Result Of Lookup From DB And Refresh Automatically?

Jan 26, 2010

i successfully managed to do a lookup from SQL DB to <asp:DropDown

Now i would like to show in a label counter on the screen, not to sure what i'm doing wrong?

I would also like the lable counter to refresh every 5 minutes?

Display Label Counter & refresh every ?min (automatically)


Drop down works:


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Web Forms :: Refresh Page On Postback?

May 5, 2010

I have a masterpage with a checkout total for goods. WHen i add to the cart i press the button which adds to the cart but i want to refresh the checkout total on my can i do this on postback?if i change page the total updates fine

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.net - Difference Between An F5 Browser Refresh And Postback?

Jul 22, 2010

I am dynamically creating dragrids in different rows of an existing datagrid in asp.NET

My generated datagrids have a column which is TemplateColumn (a CheckBox Column).

In my parent datagrid, I have a template column with checkboxes. when I check or uncheck the value of the check box, the check_change method is called (autopostback is set to true), the dynamically generated datagrids lose the checked checkboxes (the checkboxes are all unchecked again). However, if i check any of the checkboxes of the child (dynamically generated) grids and press F5, it refreshes the page but still I have my checked checkboxes.

What's happening ?? how is post-back different from refresh F5??? understanding this might help me fix my problem here :DataGrid not being altered!

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Web Forms :: Refresh A Page On Postback?

Oct 12, 2010

I've got a page with several gridviews that populate on page load. After user makes choices with radio buttons insid the gridview and presses submit I would liek the page to refresh and reload all gridviews.

postback page load loop and data doesn't get saved to the DB so I have to use If not Page.IsPostback then to avoid the loop.

After pressing submit, if I navigate to another page, then navigate back, I get the desired result I'm looking for a fresh reload.

how can I have the entire page reload fresh after the submit button is pressed? (it has to save data first then reload)

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Changing QueryStrings In The URL Without Postback / Redirect / Refresh?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a page with some value like this:


what I want to do is when the user enters values on the page I want to be able to change "valueA" and "valueB" in the URL without redirecting, refreshing or posingBack. Does anyone know how to do this?

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AJAX :: Getting Dropdownlist To Update Without Postback / Refresh

Jun 27, 2010

I have a number of cascading dropdownlist controls on a page. The results in dropdownlist2 are dependent on the results in dropdownlist1, pretty basic stuff.

I now would like to eliminate the terrible postback or refresh of the page that occurs after the SelectedIndexChanged event fires on dropdownlist1, is it possible to do that in Ajax?

What I want the results in dropdownlist2 to populate without the obvious refresh of the page.

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Refresh A Control On The Master Page After Postback?

Apr 12, 2010

What i am trying to do here is to show a couple of validation messages in form of a bulletlist, so i have a Div on my master page containing a asp:bulletlist. Like this:

<asp:BulletedList ID="blstValidationErrorMessage" runat="server" BulletStyle="Disc">

When i then click the Save button from any of my pages (inside the main contentPlaceHolder) i create a list of messages and give this list as datasouce like this:

blstValidationErrorMessage.DataSource = validationMessageCollection;

The save button is located inside an updatepanel:

asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Conditional">

Nothing happens, i can see that the datasource of the bulletlist contains X items, the problems must arise because the Save button is inside an update panel and the elements outside this updatepanel (master page controls for example) is not refreshed.

So my question is, how do i make the bulletlist refresh after the postback?

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AJAX :: Postback Does Not Reset Meta Refresh Tag?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a kiosk application that uses master pages. There is a refresh meta-tag on the master page (or I can add it programmatically using Page.Header.Controls.add(metaTag), it makes no difference for my problem). When the user does not interact with the aplication it should return to the default page. But when the user does react using async postbacks only a partial postback is performed which does not reset the html meta refresh header, so it just keeps on ticking and after x seconds the page redirects to the default page. How can I avoid this from happening. The meta-tag can not be in the updatepanel so even though I can manipulate it from the code-behind when the async postback happens, any changes I make (for example sometimes when the user makes a mistake he should be redirected to a clean version of the page he is currently on after showing a modal message, so I have to change the url of the meta-tag content to no longer use the default page, but the current page) are not implemented.So the main question is, how can I manipulate (or reset in case of refresh meta tag) meta-tags in an async postback ?

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