Routing - Load Routes From Database?

Mar 12, 2010

Is it possible to load routes from the database with ASP.NET ?

For each r as SomeRouteObject in RouteDataTable
routes.MapRoute( _
r.Name, _
r.RouteUri, _
r.RouteValues, _ //??
r.Constraints _ //??

How should I store the routevalues / constraints? I understand that there are several 'default' routevalues like .Controller and .Action, however I also need entirely custom ones like .Id or .Page...

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Web Forms :: Dynamic URL Routing / Way To Reregister The Routes Programmatically?

Jan 25, 2011

I am having this issue with a web application. I have built a CMS that uses URL Routing, which I have loaded dynamicall from the database. My Global.asax File looks like this:


My code works just fine, but every time I change the table clr_SystemRoutes, (inserting a new route definition) I am forced to copy the global.asax file to the web server, even though it hasn't changed. I am assuming this causes some event that re-registers the RouteTable, but I'm not sure. What can I do to make the RouteTable something I can change without having to do that. Is there a way to re register the routes programmatically or is there an existing method to do this?

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Web Forms :: Ignore Routes Using Wild Card Characters In URL Routing?

Sep 20, 2015

How to ignore route in ASP.NET vNext (MVC 6)?

Now I using the following routing config:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseMvc(routes =>
new { controller = "Root", action = "Root"}

The global root controller render a view in which I initialize AngularJS. It works for me, but I need to ignore routes for .css | .js | .*images_extensions* .

As I understood the following code doesn't work for this version of ASP.NET vNext:


How I can make ignoring of a route?

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Routing With Web Forms - Could Not Load System.Web.Routing

Dec 12, 2010

I am using:

ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 with Web Forms Routing thru Global.asax (System.Web.Routing and RegisterRoutes)IIS 7

Everything is working fine in my local machine, but it gives the following error in my hosting environment:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Routing, Version=, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I did everything inside my web.config file mentioned in the following link:


But I am still getting the above error.

What else am I supposed to do fix the error?

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MVC :: Database Localization Url Routes With 2?

Jan 19, 2011

I been looking for hours on the web to find a good tutorial where I can do a database localization with mvc 2, I can't find any its all resource files. So I'm trying to reach out to you guys and see if you got any links, books or suggestions on this topic? I would love for it to be url routes based localization but that I can figure out somehow i think.

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MVC :: Routes.IgnoreRoute Not Ignoring Routes?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to prevent direct file requests from being accepted, and have tried this:


None of these worked. I want the rule to exclude any file of any filename in any directory with a matching extension. How can this be done?

View 11 Replies

How To Mix DynamicData Routes With Mvc Routes

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to create an Area for running DynamicData with scaffolding as an administration part. It's probably working as it should but I can't get the routing to work.

In my global.asax I have the following function to register the routes:


Unfortunately the "best" thing that happened to me so far was that when I check the default tables I get a message about (MetaModel.VisibleTables)


The problem is that I don't know why this is. Is it the routing or something else? Is it perhaps some security thing or can I not put dynamic data inside an area?

The DynamicData folder itself is located in the root of the application since that is the convention it uses and I have no intention to override that.

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Web Forms :: Url Routing 4.0 From Xml File Or Database

Sep 18, 2010

how i would set up the routes table from a databse i.e can you do something like this i no i should load from a text file created from the save button of my cms page section but dont no how to do that.

rc.MapPageRoute (
// is their some way to load this into the global asx from a text file if so how?
//URL with parameter
//Web Form to handle

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Url Rewriting / Routing - Categories In Database

Oct 8, 2010

I have my categories in database, and want something url rewriting/routing to make my url nicer and more SEO friendly. I have divided my categories into the following:

Cars > Select car > Car model >

how do I create url rewriting / routing in my categories? I use framework 4.0

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C# - Url Routing From Hierarchical Tree Of Pages Stored In A Database?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a bunch of html pages stored in a mssql database. Each row has:

Page Html Content

ParentId is there so i can create a hierarchical tree of pages.

Currently i am using this line of code in order to access the pages...

routes.MapPageRoute("front", "{PageTitle}", "~/front.aspx");

Which then causes a redirect to front.aspx so i can then use:


In order to grab what i need so i can display the appropriate page in the browser.

However, can anyone suggest how i would amend 'routes.MapPageRoute' so it supports an infinate hierarchical tree like i have in my database. Essentially i want to be able to type a url like: http://localhost/PageOne/SubPageOfPageOne etc

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Web Forms :: Web.Routing Doesn't Work On Server On IIS Routing

Jul 20, 2010

I tried everything I could find, but still does not work on IIS routing.

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Rest WCF Url Routing & Web Forms Routing?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Web application where i have added a reference to a RESTful WCF. I got the WCF url Routing to work in my webapplication by adding Inherits="RestService.Global" to the Web applications Global.asax.

<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="RestService.Global" Language="C#" %>

But then i tried to create url Routing for the Web application and it does not work with the Inherits="RestService.Global" in the Global.asax. If i take it away it works fine. Is there a correct way to do this.

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Web Forms :: URL Routing And Dynamic Routing?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to create my own CMS and I've gotten a little bit stuck at the stage of URL routing.

I want clean URLs without extensions and I'd like to be able to create and modify them in a web based interface without any messing around with IIS or actual files.

I've seen how to create a static route, but for that I need to go into my Global.asax file and manually add it.I would like to have all of these routes stored in a database so that I can easily modify them later.

Does anyone know how this can be achieved?

Just for extra information, I will be attempting to create a feature so that if a path exists, but is later changed, a 301 redirect is created to the new URL, is this also possible? (My first problem is the main issue, but thought I might ask this as well just in case it makes a difference)

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Handle MVC Routing Along With Webform Routing

Sep 2, 2010

How to handle mvc routing along with webform routing. I have merged my mvc app into my existing web application. In my web application i have implement routing as below:

routes.Add("View Product Details", new Route("Product/{City}/{Manufacturer}/{Name}/{ProductID}/{*ProductType}"));

Similarly i have implemented routing in mvc as below

routes.MapRoute("Product Details",
controller = "Home",
action = "ProductDetails",
City= UrlParameter.Optional,
Manufacturer= UrlParameter.Optional,
Name= UrlParameter.Optional,
ProductID= UrlParameter.Optional,
ProductType= UrlParameter.Optional

How to handle both pages, as one is custom web form while other is mvc view?

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MVC :: 2.0 Messing Up Routes In ARR 2.0

Dec 28, 2010

I have a server that has been using ARR 2.0 on IIS 7. I recently added MVC 2.0 to my ASP.NET site. After adding it the ARR routes return the following error: The virtual path 'null' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: The virtual path 'null' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Source Error:


Stack Trace:


In my web.config I can remove the modules attribute runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests and the ARR works, but it makes the MVC routes stop working.

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MVC :: Routes Error In 2 RTM

Apr 3, 2010

I created an MVC 2 RTM Project and created 2 Areas (Admin and Applicants) The code belows was added into the global.asax: AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); I also ensured that duplicate Controllers were managed as i have a homecontroller in the root and the Admin Area. The code used was; new string [] {"MyAppName.Controllers"} This too went into the global.asax The error i got is below; A route named 'Applicants_default is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique. Parameter name: name how to resolve this?

View 6 Replies

MVC :: ViewBag And Routes (3 - RC2)

Dec 18, 2010

I am having an issue with MVC-3 generating outgoing routes for me. This is the address of the page I am on for both scenarios: [URL] Here are the map routes:


Scenario 1:
From the controller:
From the view:

The resulting link that gets created. [URL] If I change the controller code to read as follows:


I didn't make any changes in the view, only added those two lines to the controller and the following link is created: [URL] What am I missing here? This is consistent behavior, I was able to reproduce this in other areas of my application.

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C# - Routes With Multiple Arguments In MVC 3?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to set up dynamic routes in an MVC app, and I have this so far...


And that is working great for now, the only issue I am having is that I would like to have the ability to specify a comma delimited list of optional arguments in the database that I could pull out like...

Array optParams = rdr["parametersOpt"].ToString().Split(',');

But I was not sure how to stick those params into the route object properly. Could just be a minor C# syntax I am not familiar with.

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MVC :: How To Organize More Complex Routes

Mar 12, 2011

I understand the basics of setting up routes, I am trying to get a handle on how to organize more complex routes. Does the Route name do anything? I havn't seen a place it's actually used. If I have the route: controller/action/id/paramA/paramB/paramC. ParamA-C could be defining multiple parameters so First/Last/Zip or Phone/Zip/Birthday. Is it common practice to name the additional parameters with a generic name like paramA vs trying to differentiate a separate route for each?

Lastly, if you have multiple sites/functional areas in 1 site, lets say the site, each area MVC, Ajax, Forums ect were all different functional areas. Is it best to create a different group of routes such as hard coding the controller like:


or is there a better way? What I am running into is 1 piece of the site overriding the other route because of the number/type of parameters.

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MVC :: Custom Routes For 5 Different ActionResult()?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm creating a new ASP.NET MVC 2.0 web application that will have 5 main pages:

- Home
- Services
- Contact Us
- Terms & Conditions
- Priva

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MVC :: Adding Routes - Best Practices?

Jul 4, 2010

We are working on a project which has lots of routes that can be changed on-the-fly or new routes can be added dynamically. What are the best practices about managing lots of routes and adding routes on-the-fly without recompiling? Reading-Writing from-to database or from Xml Document in Application_Start?

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MVC :: Modify The Routes Dictionary?

Feb 16, 2010

how to do routing. My problem basically relates to "logged in" and "logged out routes" and having both as "/".

i.e. I have home/index for logged out user which appears as "/" but this has got me confused as to how I can have home/home for logged in user and still have "/".

I keep getting

I could modify like - but I want it like "/". My confusion relates to the fact that the "/" [] is bound in the routes collection to home/index.

how I can modify the routes dictionary (which will be binded ONCE at the start) so that the "/" can be shared for logged and non-logged users ?

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MVC :: Subfolders In The Views And Routes

Mar 21, 2011

I'm looking to add more organization to my Views folder by adding subfolders to the existing structure.




View View





So in order to add the "Configuration" subfolder, I attempted to add a route to the routetable:


This results in a 404 error.

All of the similar posts I've seen on this site and the web have to do with adding "areas" which don't seem to be applicable in the MVC3 arena.

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C# - Get Url From RouteTable.Routes Collection By Key?

Oct 14, 2010

How to get url from RouteTable.Routes collection by key?

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.NET Encoding Page Routes??

Jan 28, 2011

I am using .NET Page Routing (not MVC) to get pretty URLs (or at least removing the file extensions) on my site.On my search page, when a user searches for "stuff" it redirects then to /search/stuff for the results. However when I put in something like "stuff yes:" it gives me a HTTP 400 Bad Request Error.

I tried using javascript to encode the search value before being submitted, and confirmed that "stuff yes:" was converted to "staff%20yes%3A", yet when it performs the routing redirect, in the URL it shows "staff%20yes:" and causes the bad request. Why is it not saving the encoding for the typically illegal characters and how can I make it so?

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