SQL Reporting :: Create A Multiple Optional Parameter In Report Builder?
Feb 24, 2011
I'm creating a reports with the following filter criteria:
ID - textbox Created Date - range between start and end date Syste Name - dropdown Users may filter the report based on the ID or System Name or all the criteria mentioned.
The search Field for ID, by default has a Null checkbox beside on it while other filter doesn't. how can I enable the checkbox for the other filters?
So I came across this article which should my issue. Apparently, I'm receiving a formula error "The arguments to the following functions are not valid:FIND" with this formula OR(FIND(Creation Date, Parameter: Creation Date)<>0, Parameter : Creation Date = Empty). see this link for the screenshot. I don't know what I'm missing. I'm using Reporting Services 2005
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Aug 27, 2010
I looked all over the forums, spent about a day on it, found numerous people having similar problems passing a parameter, but all the solutions I found so far were partially incomplete or incompatible to my project. I tried using a few of the "solutions" and they generated exceptions. I'm using straight ASP.NET so far with no c#. Is there a way to do it without code behind? I'm certain that if you provide a complete working example that others in the future will be very grateful as well. Here is what I have thus far:
I used studio to create an .ASPX web form, and I used the report wizard to create a .RLDC file on the .ASPX page. When I execute it, it works! Beautiful... Now how do I pass it a parameter? So this is what I have below (which works), but I want to pass in a single int32 parameter to the stored procedure usprptGetData in which it is based.
I tried adding this code below and it generates exceptions:
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Jun 26, 2010
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Mar 17, 2010
I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to pass in a parameter to my rdlc report.
1) On the report, I went into Report > Report Parameters and added a parameter.
2) I tried writing some code (vb) on the page_load event to pass information to this parameter. I have the following:
When I run the report, I receive the following error: "The 'MuniID' parameter is missing a value"
Am I on the right track? give me some direction on what else needs to be done?
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strcompleteUrl = "My ReportServer Name" + Server.UrlEncode(strFolder) +"/"+ "Availble+files" + "&" + strcompleteUrl + "rs:Format=PDF" ;
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I am have two columns
one column second column
two wheeler cycle
three wheeler Auto
four wheeler car
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Apr 30, 2010
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Update.If the parameter doesn't use a query for available values, the following works:
foreach (ValidValue value in this.ReportViewerControl.ServerReport.GetParameters()["myParameter"].ValidValues) {
this.DropDownListControl.Items.Add(new ListItem(value.Label, value.Value));
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Feb 6, 2010
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get the report parameters in the Report Viewer of ASP.NET?
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Oct 8, 2010
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Jul 21, 2010
Am using northwind sql server database to do a test. Using customer, order table to show master detail report. Customerid is the reference. After Create a Parameter to run the subreport. Some how i cant able to refernce the master, detail. so it will show all the records in the detail section instead of showing relevant customer id details from the orders table. pls see the picture belowMainreport - > call the subreport parameter. but i miss with one more step to finish the report "Filter Expression", i guess. how to pass the parameter value subreport filter.
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Sep 8, 2010
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Jul 9, 2010
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Feb 8, 2010
have a page called: TagUpdateReportPalletDeadSurplus1.aspx. On this page I have a link to a second page calledptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx with a ms reportviewer report.I pass a parameter called ConfirmationID to the second page with a query string.Here is an example of the query string:http://localhost:4132/StateTag/rptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx&rs:Command=Render&ConfirmationID=2010-02-08-12:27:37Do I have the correct syntax in the query string?How do I get the second page (rptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx) to accept the parameter and pass it to the rdl report?
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Dec 13, 2010
I need to create a template for a Report to show the appointment letter. When teachers are approved student choices, It will auto generate a report gathering all the necessary information.
I know how to create a basic report using the ms report wizard but what if I want to redesign it, because I want each page per students.
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Dec 6, 2010
I have an report that is in pdf file. Everytime the user click the button, it will go to SQL database and pull up the data, and then create the pdf file based on that data.
I wanted to save the pdf file the first time user click on the link. So that when he / she come back and open the report, instead of going to the data base and pull the data. It will just pull the pdf file from the file system. Here are the code that I have :
Dim parameterUid As String = CStr(Request.QueryString("Uid"))
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Mar 26, 2010
Create a report to show the number of downloads per category. Order it by the number of downloads. Group it by category. The group header should contain total no. of downloads, which should be expandable to show actual no. of downloads sub category wise. The sub categories should also show the total no. of downloads for that subcategory. Each subcategory should be expandable and show the download numbers per product..
i have imlemented matrix for it so no need to insert group additionaly.i am facing problem in 'Order it by the number of downloads' when ever i use aggregate funtion for sorting it gives error like sort expression out of matrix
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Apr 16, 2010
I have asp.net page
it has a gridview..
I am trying to call a reporting services report in Report view if I click ID For example, if I click ID 1001 ..it will pass the parameter 1001 And run a reporting services report in Report viewer on new web page..
How can I do this? Is there a example I can take a look?
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