SQL Reporting :: How To Sort Column Field And Add TOTAL Column In VS 2008

Dec 9, 2010

I am in VS2008 and in ReporViewer's Design page.

I have "Fruits" as column fields and Months as row fields and Sales as data field.

I have these columns:-

Apple, Orange, Pear.

However, I want it be displayed as

Orange, Pear, apple.

Any work around ?

Also I need a 4th column adding the Apple, Orange and Peer numbers total. How to do it in design view in VS2008 ?

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Jan 12, 2010

Customers of hours buy packs of hours, these are credited and debited on their account. We have a prepayhours table and that has various columns in it, one credit and one debit. I have written a query using the Query building and SQLDS to total these columns, which is fine. What i really want to do is get that query, or if there is an easier way to add up all the debits and subtract them from the total of credits so you would end up with a + or - totalThen with that i can put it into a label or if there was a way to add a row at the end of my gridview which just said total in one column and the total of the hours in the next.

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CREATE VIEW dbo.prepayhrstotals
SELECT COUNT(Debit) AS cntDebit, COUNT(Credit) AS cntCredit
FROM prepayhrs
SELECT (cntdebit - cntcredit) AS totalhours
FROM prepayhrstotals

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Apr 1, 2011

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Apr 20, 2010

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