SQL Server :: Making Foreign Key Null Able - Advantages / Disadvantages

Nov 17, 2010

I would like to know if the forieng key should be nullable or not. We shuld struggle for not making it nullable as much as possible or it doenst matter.

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SQL Server :: Inserting Null Value Into Foreign Key Table With Allow Null Enabled?

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I have 2 table Table A, Table B.

Table A - Parent Table

ID - Uniqueidentifier not null(PK)

Table B -Child Table

ID - uniqueidentifier null(FK, TableA)

I have a stored procedure to insert data into Table B, but when I tried to insert a null value into column ID of table B, this error came up:

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tableB_tableA". The conflict occurred in database "database name", table "table A", column 'ID'.

The statement has been terminated.

The insert statement in asp.net is like so:

sqlcommand.parameter.add(New Sqlparameter("ID", Nothing))

I am guessing adding nothing to the null value column is the problem, but i don't know how to fix it... The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tableB_tableA". The conflict occurred in database "database name", table "table A", column 'ID'.

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One Or More Rows Contain Values Violating Non-null / Unique Or Foreign-key Constraints

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This is my UserRoleList.aspx.cs Code where i am passing the session variable to the page Default.aspx.cs..

And the error is: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints. I have gone through many pages , and tried by making the AllowDbNull property making True and then different things.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;


This is the code of the second page Default.aspx.cs where i have to user the session varaible to pass in the SQL fucntion named GetDataByUserId as shown below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Checkbox Check If Values Are Not Null?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a Sql Data Source that queries my class database. What I'm trying to do to save myself some landscape is to check a checkbox if any of the pre-requisite fields are not empty. I have this laying inside a gridview. My code doesn't error out but it doesnt' do anything either.


My query is like this:


So in a nutshell, if there is any value in PR1 - PR7, I want to check my checkbox in the gridview.

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Dec 30, 2010

I have gridviwe having 2 columns:

1) DocNumber 2)Title

query select docnumber,title from tbl_docs.


Now the issue is that that every document doesn't has document number. I want to make invisible the docuNumber column of the grid viwe if all values in the docNumber retrieved are null.for example:

docnumber tite
null Document 1

null Document 2

null doucment 3

null document 4

if returned result match above where all docnumber are null then make the gridviwe docnumber column ivisible eslemake the greidviwe column visible.

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etc ...

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SQL Server :: Foreign Key - Cannot Use Primary Key

Sep 10, 2010

In my databse i have a databse tables

UserRole -UserID,UserName,RoleName.
Compaign - CompaignId,Region,CompaignName,LOB.
Employee -EmpNo,EmpName,CompignId
Timesheet -TimeId,EmpNo,Date.

I dont have primary key for Compaign Table CompaignId is Identity column. Now i want to use CompaignId in Employee Table because based on compaign user will retrieve employee data in Front end. Again Employee table doesn't have primary key. I am uploading excel file data to databse but in excel file there is no empNo so i cannot use primaryKey i have EmpName in excel file. How to solve this issue. How to use master table if possible create table structure for my requirements.

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SQL Server :: Assigning A Foreign Key?

Mar 10, 2011

I have two tables, which is table 'A' and table 'B'. Table B contains a foreign key that is referenced to table 'A'. The question now is, could I used an option in my project in visual studio an 'Others specify'? I believed that it's not possible, isn't it?If I have a selection that is bound to a datasource then is it possible to make an option 'Others specify' without adding the specified value to the database, which in turn would not have a unique ID? Table B contains the table A ID PK field, and all values from table A to table B should contain a unique ID.

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SQL Server :: Handling NULL...Field Not Updating When NULL?

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[Code]....Handling NULL...Field not updating when NULL?

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SQL Server :: Creating Foreign Key And Primary Key?

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I am new to sql. I got this task to design a table in sql. It has for columns user_ID(PK, FK1) , WebSite_ID (PK, FK2), Create_Dt, Update_Dt How do I create PK and Fk1 and PK FK2 in sql server 2008 R2

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I need ms sql video, in which i can learn how to set primary and foreign key.. why it useful and how it works...

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SQL Server :: How To Delete Foreign Key Rows

Aug 10, 2010

i need to delete some but i am using emp_id primary key in one table and using emp_id foreign key another one table.. now i wanna delete emp_id .. but i cant delete the row .. displaying error message .. how to delete the rows...

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SQL Server :: Foreign Key On Multiple Tables?

Jan 30, 2011

I have four tables namely tblStudent, tblParent, tblEmployee and tblUnwantedVisitor.

tblUnwantedVisitor should get the primary key from the three tables, which is the visitor ID, tblStudent visitor ID starts from 10000, tblEmployee from 20000 and tblEmployee from 30000.

I used foreign key from one to one table only, so I don't know if my approach for the database is wrong or foreign key for multiple tables, which is somehow unlikely, is necessary.

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SQL Server :: Inset Data Into Foreign Key Table

Aug 11, 2010

i am using sql server 2005 as backend for developing webforms with asp.net using C#.i have two tables table1 and table2.

table1 has user_id(primary key,not null),user_name. and table2 has dept_id(primary key,not null),user_id(foreign key,not null),dept_location.

Firstly i created table1 and insert data in it.. later i created table2 with foreign key relationship with table1..In the add form design of table2 for entering data and insert into table2,i placed a dropdownlist which is binded with user_id from table1...dropdownlist's.datatextfield is equal to "user_name" and datavaluefield is equal to "user_id"..i have to select user_name from dropdownlist.... what i have to do is to insert data into table2... i used the simple sql insert statement as follows..

insert into table2 values(......); but it shows error :insert statement conflicted with the foreign key.

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SQL Server :: NO DUPLICATE ROW For A Foreign Key In A Child Table

Dec 6, 2010

I have 2 tables Order and Order_Detailrder_dtl_id is the primary key Order_id is the foreign key that referrence Order_Id in Order Table

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