SQL Server :: Sql Server Stored Procedure?
Aug 18, 2010
how does this query works SELECT 'WRITEBOARDCOMMENT' AS Type, wbc.CommentText AS Content, wb.WBId AS Id, null AS ToDoListName, null AS DueDate, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName AS ActivityBy, wbc.[Date] as Date, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as PartyName, comp.CompanyId AS CompanyId, comp.CompanyName AS CompanyName, p.ProjectName, p.ProjectId, wbc.WBCmtId AS SubId, p.ProjectStartPageId AS ProjectStartPageId FROM WriteboardComment AS wbc, WriteBoardVersions AS wbv, WriteBoard AS wb, Project AS p,[user] AS u, Company AS comp where wbc.wbversionid=wbv.wbversionsid and wbv.WBId=wb.WBId and wb.ProjectId=p.ProjectId and p.ProjectId=@projectid and wbc.CommentedBy=u.UserId and p.PrimaryCompanyId=comp.CompanyId
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Server Error in '/staff' Application. Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Source Error:
Stack Trace:
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1
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Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
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My Question here:
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Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetNextSeq] (
@p_NextSeqNo int = NULL OUTPUT
Generate Next Sequence Number
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CREATE FUNCTION spherical_distance(@a float, @b float, @c float)
RETURN ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (@a/@b) ) * COS( (Lat/@b) ) * COS( ( Lng/@b ) - (@c/@b) ) + SIN( @a/@b ) * SIN( Lat/@b ) ) )
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ALTER Proc [dbo].[Usp_viewcart_test]
@cust_id int
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(Select Name, Email from Table
need to loop throug the first select statement and need to create a row with 'Gautam' as
Name, 'looped email id's separated by commas' as Email )
and show the output ....
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Note, in this instance, I am not using a DataAdapter. I'm going in blind. The connection string is being created on the fly, so I don't have access to the schema from the Visual Studio 2005 designer.
I was hoping for a solution similar, for example, to how you attach to a process on a remote server and when a break point is hit, the debugger fires.
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Aug 9, 2010
Let's say I have a query like this:
But I want to call a procedure (DeleteUser) for every rows returned from that query.
And of course the procedure has a parameter. But it should be the UserID which is returned from query.
So how to do it?
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Sep 30, 2010
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Aug 7, 2010
I have inherited a stored procedure that is taking a very long time to run. I need to optimise this as it feeds a web service and a wait time of over half an hour is somewhat not good.
I have not includes all 1000 sub-accounts just to save a little space here.
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Dec 24, 2010
I want to create a dynamic stored procedure.
How can I create one?
A procedure which can be called with or without parameters passing (something like optional parameter. but don't know how to use optional parameters. plz tell me how to create a stored procedure with optional parameters, and also if it is the only way to create the dynamic stored procedures.)
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Feb 19, 2011
I have a table that contains ID, lastname and firstname of a person. How to make my stored procedure handle the where conditions using only stored procedure.
SELECT * FROM person where lastname = @lastname
SELECT * FROM person where firstname = @firstname
SELECT * FROM person where ID = @id
Instead of making three stored procedure, I need to do it entirely in one sp.
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Oct 11, 2010
ALTER Proc [dbo].[Usp_CheckUserLogin]
@Username varchar(20),
@Password varchar(20)
Declare @RowCount int
Declare @RowCount1 int
set @RowCount = (select distinct UsrId from UserMast where username=@username COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CS_AS )
set @RowCount1=(select distinct UsrId from UserMast where [password]=@password COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CS_AS)
if(@RowCount > '0' and @RowCount1 > '0')
if (@RowCount=@RowCount1)
-- select U.UsrId,U.FirstName,U.LastName,U.Email,U.companyId,U.role,R.RoleName from UserMast U join rolemast R on U.Role=R.RoleId
-- where usrid=@RowCount
select 'success'
if(@RowCount > '0' and @RowCount1 = '0')
select 'username exist'
if(@RowCount= '0' and @RowCount1 > '0')
select 'password exist'
if(@RowCount= '0' and @RowCount1 = '0')
select 'both not exist'
--return @RowCount1
my procedure not give me result i think my syntax is not correct
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