SQL Server :: Select Query That Returns Records By Date Today

Sep 22, 2010

In my data table i have a Date Column with of type DateTime.

In my sql select query, I want to return all records where the date is today.

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Similar Messages:

SQL Server :: How To Select Rows Where The Datetime Column Is Today's Date

Mar 1, 2011

How to do this? I want to select rows where the datetime column is today's date.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE date = ??

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Web Forms :: To Select A Value From One Of The Other Dropdownlist Controls It Puts The Date Back To Today's Date

Mar 14, 2011

I have a window that has 3 dropdownlist controls and a textbox with a Calendar Extender associated to it.

I have the following on my pageload event so when the Page loads the current Date is put in the date textbox:


I can change the date fine but when I select a value from one of the other dropdownlist controls it puts the date back to today's date...The only place I am setting the Date to the current date is in the pageload event...

how can I get it to keep the date to what I change it to after I select a new value from one of the dropdown lists?

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SQL Server :: Select Second Query If First Query Returns Nothing?

Oct 14, 2010

How can I SELECT second if first SELECT returns nothing?

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Filtering Using Today's Date In SQL Query For A Gridview

Mar 10, 2010

I want to filter information so that it only displays records before and equal to today's date... what do I add into the filter section like the image above to get this?

I have tried >= Date() - but doesn't work lol

btw it will filter information coming from a database and display it into a gridview

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Select Where Columndate = Date Today

Feb 24, 2010

I have a problem and i cant understand it.

My code :

strSql = "select * from tblannouncements where announcementdate = " & Date.Today
conn = New SqlConnection(strConn)
cmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, conn)
dtr2 = cmd.ExecuteReader()
GridView6.DataSource = dtr

It works but i dont receive any record and when i remove the = and enter a >

then all the records are displayed.I use datetime as data type in my database.

I also use this to add records if has anything to do with my prob but the records are added fine.

strSql = String.Format("Insert into tblannouncements values ('{0}','{1}')", txtAdminannouncements.Text, Date.Today)
conn = New SqlConnection(strConn)
cmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, conn)

This is how is the format in my database table : 25/02/2010 00:00:00

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SQL Server :: Select Query Is Repeating Records

Jan 3, 2011

I have an SQL 2005 db with a table named "industry_suppliers."

I've created a query to enable someone to search this table using 3 parameters.

The results need to be grouped by "product_description" (which is essentially a category). When displayed on an .aspx page, for example, the results need to look like this:


Acme Apple Company
Bradbury Orchards
A1 Citrus Company
Belfast Growers, Inc
Bradbury Orchards

Notice how "Bradbury Orchards" is repeated under both categories. This is the result I want, EXCEPT in cases where someone wants to filter the search results by category. Let's say someone wants to search just for apple suppliers. The problem I'm having is that any record that appears under apples will also get listed again under any other categories associated with that record. So, searching for apple suppliers, the results are this:

Acme Apple Company
Bradbury Orchards
Bradbury Orchards

I'm having trouble figuring out how to revise my query to avoid this problem.


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IIS Configuration :: Get Date One Year From Current Date (today) In SQL Server

Mar 1, 2013

This is House_info table in database


in admin.aspx page I have register button

I want  when users click on button In Table in Expiredate column insert current date+1year

I mean if today is 2013-1-3  in Expiredate column insert 2014-1-3

for this what should I wrote in SP?

View 1 Replies

SQL Server :: Query - Select 3 Record Order By Date?

Dec 2, 2010

i want to select three records order by Date .This is my News table.

NewID NewTitle NewContent NewDate
1 Example ExampleContent 01.12.2010
2 Example2 ExampleContent2 02.12.2010
3 Example3 ExampleContent3 03.12.2010
4 Example4 ExampleContent4 04.12.2010

So,query selects example4,example3 and example2.

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Query Returns 0 Records?

Jun 5, 2010

How come my query returns 0 records?

SELECT WebSiteID, BanDate
FROM tblWebSite
WHERE (BanDate <> NULL)

The BanDate is a date column. There are date times through the table in this column. I just want the ones with a date and ignore the rest.

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C# - SubSonic .Paged() Query Returns Duplicate Records

Feb 8, 2011

Using a SubSonic (2.2) SqlQuery object, I am querying a view that contains distinct rows from another table. The results of the query, however, contain multiple rows for certain rows in the view. It appears to be because of a join on a temporary table in the query generated to achieve paging. How can I avoid this duplication of rows?

Bonus points: I have to use the view because SubSonic can't do .Paged() and .Distinct() at the same time. Why not?

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SQL Server :: Convert To Today's Date Into Two Slots

Feb 3, 2011

i want to convert to today date into two slots

From = {1/4/2011 00:00:00}
To = {1/4/2011 23:59:59}

i able to do this using that code


View 8 Replies

Run A Select Query Then An Insert If It Returns FALSE?

Jan 24, 2011

I've created a script that adds user data to a database, however, I'd like to check the email entered is unique within the database.

I've already started the query at comm2 but not sure how to progress the script so it tells the user if the email address is already taken.


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Security :: .select SQL Query That Returns Result Set Like SQL 2005

Apr 12, 2010

And I realise that a user/member can have mutlple roles.HOW Can I do a select SQL query that returns the result set like this (SQL 2005)

SELECT Roles FROM <tbl>
AND Roles IN ('AA','CC')

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ADO.NET :: Select All Records From Db That Are Greater Than Date Of The Day

Mar 15, 2011

I'm trying to select all records from db that SUPPORT_END_DATE greater than Date of the day

like this :

Select * From Supp_table Where SUPPORT_END_DATE > "Date Of the day I get it from textbox.text=Date.ToDay()"

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Records After Going Through The Query Builder And Select "Test Query"

Nov 5, 2010

I have a SQL Data Source that displays records after going through the Query Builder and select "Test Query" yet when I save it, go back to the design mode and select View in Browser I get nothing but a blank screen.

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Using The CompareValidator Control To Compare User Input Date With Today's Date?

Feb 15, 2010

i would like to compare the current date with the date entered by user..however, i'm encountering errors so far..

i tried something like this:

<asp:TextBox id="txtDate1" runat="server" />
<asp:CompareValidator runat="server" ErrorMessage="The date must be greater than today"
ControlToValidate="txtDate1" type="date"
ValuetoCompare="DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()" />

and i got an error stating that the value of DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() of the ValueToCompare property of "" cannot be converted to type 'date' i also tried ValueToCompare="DateTime.Now.Date()" and i got the same error message.

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ADO.NET :: Select Query To Get Records Within Last 24 Hours In Nhibernate?

Oct 20, 2010

How to Retrive records within last 24 hrs using Nhibernate.I want to retrieve the 10 records within last 24 hours.

How can i achieve this using Nhibernate.

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DataSource Controls :: Trying To Query Records From A Db Using A Date

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to query records from a db using a date. But somehow the db doesn't return records.

The datetime collums have the data stored in this format in the db as datetime :

12-Apr-10 12:45:12 AM
The string a have available is in this format : 12-Apr-10

I need to somehow strip the time part of so i can use my date string in the query.

When i use the below method the database converts the datetime to a rounded date (12-Apr-10 12:00:00 AM).
But when i query for that date i still get no results.

I tried this:

SELECT ID, PerformedBy, SystemId, ServerId, CAST(FLOOR(CAST(CreateDateTime AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AS Expr1, Reason, Action, Summary, EnteredBy,
Collumn1, Collumn2
FROM Changes
WHERE ('Expr1 = '12-Apr-10 12:00:00 AM')

But this way the Expr1 collumn is not recognized.

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Access :: Append To Table 'a' From Table 'b' Where Lastupdate = Date() Returns No Records?

Nov 18, 2010

I have an Access 2010 DB that I have a table of RAW data in. In my scenero when table 'a' has been populated all the rows with the updatedate of Now() get moved to another table... the SQL is like this...


As you can see it is a very simple query but it does NOT return any rows. There are actually 404 rows with todays date in teh Append_Date column.

I am stumped as to why it does not return rows?

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Mvc: How To Automatically Fill The Date Field With Today's Date

Jan 23, 2011

Assume that a model has a datetime datatype.

So in view there will be a blank field ask you to input datetime.

Is there a way to fill this HTML field with today's date/datetime as default value?

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DataSource Controls :: Comparing Max(Date) To Today's Date?

Mar 10, 2010

I've got a stored procedure that get's the max date of the entries in a table.

I would like to compare that date to today's date and if they are the same, display the data.

Here's my terrible attempt at writing the code.


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SQL Server :: SqlDataAdapter Update Returns 0 Records?

Jan 25, 2011

using ASP.NET 2.0 SqlDataAdapter update returns 0 records. I have a simple application that stores Passenger's ticket info in a sql database.

when a user clicks "Create Reservation" I add a Passenger Information (name, destination, PNR) to dataset
and save dataset in ViewState.

Then when user clicks update, I pull the dataset from viewState and try to update database. The update is returning 0. what i am doing incorrectly?

protected void btn_CreateReservation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow dr ;
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["Name"] = txtBox_Name.Text; dr["Destination"] = txtBox_Destination.Text;
dr["PNR"] = Convert.ToInt32(txtbox_PNR.Text); dt.Rows.Add(dr);
ViewState["MyTable"] = dsPassengers;


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SQL Server :: Update Multiple Records - Subquery Returns More Than 1 Row

Jan 5, 2011

I have a table line (ID, LineNo, LineName) having values as :

1, 1, <blank>
2, 2, <blank>
3, 3, <blank>

ID is PK with Auto-Increment and LinNo(I am manually incrementing through ASP.Net Page while record insertion) Now i have to write a query such that it updates LineName column from line table which is blank(as shown above) with values from table linet(linenamet) having values as :


My trial query is :
update line set LineName = (select linenamet from linet);

It gives ERROR as : Subquery returns more than 1 row
Expected Result : After Updation it should show line table as :
1, 1, a
2, 2, b
3, 3, c

View 8 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Sql Select Query Where Date

Apr 13, 2010

in DataBase Attendancedate is save in this format 4/5/2010 4:16:28 PM ..i want to query like this select * from EmployeeAttendance where Attendancedate='4/5/2010' but this giv error

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