Save Local File Path As String And Open File From Saved String?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a form where users can store some data for archived documents. All documents are ONLY in PDF format.

There are 2 things I would like to do:

1. there is a "file path" text box on the form. I would like to open a "browse file dialog" box when user clicks the textbox and then the user browses for the file (file is on the users local machine) and selects it. The full file path should be saved to the textbox as string (e.g. "c:archive2010document11122011.pdf"). Also I would like to "limit" the file browser dialog to only show PDF format files...

2. add a code behind command to open the file from the saved path+name (see 1.) in the user's default PDF viewer (Acrobat or Foxit)

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Viewing File Using .net / To Copy/download File To Local User Machine And To Open

Nov 16, 2010

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sPath + dataReader["url"].ToString(),
Path.GetTempPath() + dataReader["url"].ToString(),

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Response.ContentType =
Response.AddHeader(Response.WriteFile(M_FILENAMe, "Content-Disposition", _"attachment; filename=""" & M_FILENAMe & """")True)Response.Flush()

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Add Folder To Save Path On File Upload And Only Allow Certain File Types?

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Dim savePath As String = MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename)) 'Validation for file extension If Path.GetExtension(e.filename).Contains(".xml") Then Return End If

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Controls :: Save PDF File In Folder And File Path In Database

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Save String To Client With Open/Save Dialog?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C#

byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData);
Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName);

fileName is the name of the file ending with the file extension (.pgn). However, the file is saved as a .txt file, ignoring the extension that I am giving it. Would this have to do with the Response.Contenttype = "text/plain"? How can I get the Open/Save dialog to display and save the correct (.pgn) filename?

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Get Http Url Path Of Local File On Server?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET with MVC 2 and have trouble translating a local file url to a server address. It would seem like a fairly simple and common task, but google searches gives me no good answers. (Perhaps i suck at searching)

I have a controller that takes a file from a html form in a view and saves it to disk. I need to return the real url of this file back to the View. Whatever method i use, I always get a string with the local path of the file instead of the http path.

I suspect the url might get translated to http address once the project has been deployed, but I really need the server address when debugging without having to hardcode anything.

Consider the following example in some controller method:

string url = Url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Files/" + Path.GetFileName(file.FileName));
// outputs: "C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\[ProjectName]\Content\Files\file.png"
// whereas i'd like something like "http://localhost/Content/Files/file.png" instead

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An error occurred during local report processing.

The report definition for report 'c:inetpubwwwrootCascadeWritingResults.rdlc' has not been specified

Could not find file 'c:inetpubwwwrootCascadeWritingResults.rdlc'.

In case you need/want to see it, my code for the ReportViewer is below:


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Web Forms :: Opt User To Set Path To Save File?

Jun 18, 2010

i am using a sample code to save the data from the text boxes to a text file and i am saving it in to a directory. This one i hard coded to save the text file. Now i need to save it in a particular directory that user sets. Like i will opt him an option like preferences in menu there he can set a path to save his file and i would like to save the files in that path he created. And also if he changes the directory i would like to move all the files to that drive he opted. [URL]

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Open PDF File Present In Root Path Of Application

Jun 26, 2014

I have written the below code which will open the .pdf file from the silverligt below:

Uri uri = new Uri(HtmlPage.Document.DocumentUri, "/ClientBin/10c.pdf");
string path = uri.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
HtmlPage.Window.Eval("'" + path + "')");
//HtmlPage.Window.Eval("document.location.href='" + path + "';");

I want to open the .pdf file kept in the root directory of the application, (note - do not hard code)ex: i want to open the .pdf file kept in the below location: C:WebsSLLoadHelp.

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DataSource Controls :: Save Uploaded File Path In Database

Apr 26, 2010

how can we save the uploaded file path in to database and then retrieve it in gridview as a link so when user click on that it will open that file in browser.

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Web Forms :: Save The File Name With The Extension Alone In Table (without The Full Path)?

Apr 30, 2010

am a newbie to programming so please bare with me!I introduced a file upload control on one of my pages. There is a button click event for the upload which triggers not only the upload but also an insert into a table in my database.Every aspect of the button click event for this upload is working as expected; however I do have a couple of queries because the results are not quite as I would like them. I am using 3.5 and C# in code behind page.

I have a simple table with 3 columns in my database: Username, PhotoTitle and PhotoUrl. In the button click event I grab the PhotoUrl like such -string photoUrl = FileUpload1.PostedFile.Filename; (I am using the photo url from my images folder in the application to show photos in Gridviews etc. I prefer this to storing the actual image in the database for the moment until i am a bit more experienced since i don't know much about varbinary dbtype.). When the button is clicked for the upload, the details of the photo are saved in the database table, but it's the full path of the file on my laptop which is store (C:/Documents/.../filename.jpg) opposed to "Filename.jpg" for example, which i obviously would prefer because in the application photos are displayed using the"~/images/Filename.jpg" path. How can I save the file name with the extension alone in my table (without the full path)?

The second problem is basically regarding the actual photos being uploaded. They are"saved as" inside folder for the solution as anticipated, but only on the laptop harddrive, which means that I have to manually drag each photo uploaded into the images folder within Solution Explorer, from a Windows Explorer window, in order to be able to display them in Gridviews etc (with the "~/images/Filename.jpg" call in the .aspx code). This is not acceptable of course since the site users would expect to see their photo after the upload, and they would not be able to drag the file into the ~/images/ folder. How can I get round this second slight problem; i.e. is there a way to upload photos directly in the folder so that they show directly on the solution explorer?I hope my explanations of those two little problems I have didn't confuse you all?

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<path> Is Denied When Using The FileUpload Control To Save The Uploaded File?

Apr 21, 2010

I am running Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, ASP.NET 4, IIS 7 and getting the error :Access to the path <path> is denied when using the FileUpload control to save the uploaded file to this directory.I have given the directory in question full access to Network Service but that makes no difference.I have even given the directory full access to Everyone but it still gives the same error.Totally baffled by it

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Open A File On The Server And Then Save It

Jan 13, 2010

this is my problem:

I have a link to Open a file (I have found this way cause with a simple link it would have been marked "readonly")

<a href="../DownloadFile.aspx?file=test.xls"> Open file

The code in the .aspx page permit to download the file with the header

"attachment; filename=" & file.Name)

So when the user click the link he is prompted wiht a Message box saying:

Open Save

The user click Open...modify the excel cells... but when he wants Save the file (from Excel menu) is saved on a temporary folder on the client pc and not on the server.

Is it possible to save the file directly on the server or not?

Ps. The "real" problem might be that when the user click "Open" in the prompt tha file is first downloaded in the temp folder and then presented to the user

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Getting Appending Html In Csv File (open In Excel) After Download From Server To Local Machine

Dec 9, 2010

I have created a CSV file on the server and want to send it to the user using the following code:

Dim strPhysicalPath As String
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath( "CSV/" & PathVirtual)
Dim objFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(strPhysicalPath)
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & objFileInfo.Name)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", objFileInfo.Length.ToString())

This seems to work fine except when the downloaded file is viewed in Excell the html code behind the page from which it came is also appended to the file. Does anyone have any idea why it does this?

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AJAX :: Save Multiple Files File Path In Database Table

May 7, 2015

I want to save three images path  in table also upload images in folder,how it is possible?[Using ajax file upload control]table columns are imagepath1,imagepath2,imagepath3. URL....

<asp:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUpload1" runat="server" AllowedFileTypes="jpg,jpeg,png,gif"
MaximumNumberOfFiles="3" OnUploadComplete="File_Upload"
Width="500px" />
protected void File_Upload(object sender, AjaxFileUploadEventArgs e)


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