Security :: Can Not Access Images And Contents From Folder

Jun 18, 2010

At first I got an error that the user did not have permission to read the config file (web.config).
So I gave NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS read on the website folders.

But now vistors can not access images and other static content from the Content folder without logging in. Aspx and .ashx content works however static content is redirected to the login page.

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just read.

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Do I need to configure security for that folder separately?

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and everything seems to work in development, but on a staging server it redirects non-authenticated users to login page ONLY from aspx pages, but not when entering the url to the file in Uploads folder.

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Aug 14, 2010

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Security :: Impersonation Error / .NET User Account Has To Be Given Permissions To Access The Folder

Jun 18, 2010

I wrote an application that I'm trying to run on a godaddy domain I bought. I need to read a file in a folder that I did not give read access to so that your average user cannot see in the informaion in that folder. I assumed that the program would have the same credentials as myself because server-side code. Turns out I am wrong. When I go to use the application it throws an access denied error saying that the ASP.NET user account has to be given permissions to access the folder.

After talking to two different tech support people at godaddy I've come to the realization that they are either dumb or lazy (or a combo of the two).I came across some code that you can put into the web.config file that would allow the application to impersonate a user, which would work great to use myself as the impersonated user. However it seems that godaddy cannot give me the name of the server that my domain is on (that's understandable) so I don't know what to put in the identity tag to get this to work.

Here is the code I found:


(of course I filled in the username and password with the correct info)

When I went to use it again it threw this error:

System.Web.HttpException: The current identity (PHX3username) does not have write access to 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files'.

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May 24, 2010

In one of my website I need to prevent direct access to non .aspx pages in a protected folder. Authentication works fine if I am going to [URL] but in one case my users are uploading html pages in that folder and if somebody cut and paste [URL]the page can be seen without the authentication process to be activated.

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How To Rename Folder When Images Inside That Folder Are Displayed In The Same Page

Jan 29, 2011

I have a simple photo album. I have some catories in db and corresponding folders. For example, when user creates a category called "Asp Net" in db then a folder called "AspNet" is created. Then user can upload photo and all photos are displayed as thumbnail. No photo is saved in db, they are directly saved lets say AspNet folder. I just fetch filelist from intended folder and list them. However I want user to be able to update category name or delete it. To keep consistency, corresponding folder should be updated or deleted. But when I try it throws exception: Access to the path 'xxxxx" is denied.

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Web Forms :: 2008 - Upload Images To Server (application / Images Folder) And Retrieve (display)

Apr 17, 2010

how to upload images to server(application/images folder) and retrive(display) from and on client PC for its just for uplaoding logo directly to server folder and retriving from server to client. i am not getting server path on client pc for image.

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Referencing Images In App_themes / Images Folder After Combining Css Scripts?

Oct 31, 2010

I wanted to combine app_themes css files into one on the fly. I did so using Mads Cristensen technique. But now all elements that has background image defined through css (see picture) don't display image. I believe that is because css files are not relatively referenced anymore (../), but through axd file. I'm trying to fix this by changing reference to image files without success. I already tried background: url("~/App_Themes/44/images/myimage.gif") and this works for pages that combined css. But the problem is that there are other pages in this project that don't use this css combining and now they lost reference to background images.

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