Security :: Creating A List View Using The USERID From .net Page?

Aug 17, 2010

I want to do a list view that gathers information from a table based on the userid that the person is logged into the application. I am using the standard 3.5 login structure. I get the list to work, but I cannot get the UserID and only select from the view based on the userid.

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How to get UserId registered user and log in UserId? My new table tbl_Employees, column:

UserId, UserIdNewRegister
1. Log in UserId is: 76F31C27-9AA4-4968-AEAB-8B5DFEED16E7
2. Register a new user, UserId is: 20T31C27-9AA4-4968-83RR-8B5DFEED1632

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LoginCreatedUser is "False" LoginCreatedUser = "False"

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But, I getting an error (NullReferenceException), I did set a url authorization on the page that i try to get the logged in user information, witch is info.aspx, and I made the login.aspx control to be redirected to the info.aspx after the login process, But the info.aspx only shows me (access in denied), how can i make this page knows that i am already logged in?

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I have the following code:


Can anyone show me some code, on how I get <%#Eval("UserId") %> to be the username instead of UserId.

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pblic partial class Search : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateWallPosts(string search)
using (OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite2; User=root; Password=commando;"))

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Security :: User Doesn't Appear To Return Userid

Aug 17, 2010

I'm using membership and roles in a Silverlight Business Application. There is a RegistrationOperation_Completed event in the RegistrationForm.xaml.cs code behind file with:

else if (operation.Value==CreateUserStatus.Success)
this.registrationData.CurrentOperation=WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(, . . .);
. . .

where I would like to obtain the UserId that was created for the newly registered user so that I can use it as the key to populate a userdetail table. How do I get it? All I have is the UserName that was used to register the new user.

WebContext.Current.User does not appear to return the UserId.

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Security :: Getting The UserID Of The Newly Created User

Feb 15, 2011

I have created my own form for creating a new user and collecting data, I just need to do one thing, find the UserID of the newly created user before they have logged in

Here is the Code: [Code]....

How do I get the UserID of the just created user?

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