Security :: Find A Label Control In CompleteWizardStep ContentTemplate?

Oct 16, 2010

I am using the CreateUserWizard and in the ContentTemplate of the CompleteWizardStep I have a label control:

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" />[code]...

I want to set Label1 programmatically.How do I get Label1 from the code behind. I guess it is with FindControl but i can't work out the correct syntax.

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Web Forms :: Codes Does Not Find Label Control?

Dec 7, 2010

why this code would not find the label? It is in an update panel, if that matters. I put in a breakpoint and it was not found.


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Web Forms :: Find A Label Control Inside The ListView - View1 - Multiview1?

May 13, 2010

I have some controls that are inside a ListView The ListView is inside a View1 The View1 is inside a MultiView1 (You could make a song out of it) How do I find e.g. a Label control inside the ListView. This line of code worked fine until I threw the ListView inside the MultiView

((Label)CartvListView.FindControl("lblSubTotal")).Text = ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Find The Label Control Of Gridview In Save Button Event In C#

Jun 15, 2010

i want save the gridview in buttonsave event..

here i wrote the code like this

for (int i=0;i<gridview1.row.count;i++)
label lbl=(label)gridview1.rows[i].findcontrol("lbl");
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here i got the textbox value but am not getting label value how to get that label value..

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Security :: How To Find Control Inside Login View Control

Nov 17, 2010

may i know how to find control inside Login View Control

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HyperLink lnktest = (HyperLink)loginView.FindControl("test");

but its giving me error that lnktest is null i.e object reference is not set to instance of object

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Security :: C# Find Control In Logiview?

Dec 20, 2010

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Dec 17, 2010

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<asp:LoginView runat="server" ID="lvHeader">

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Security :: Could Not Find Stored Procedure Dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion When Try To Use CreateUserWizard Control

Oct 16, 2010

Iam using Visual Studio 2010 ultimate. Iam trying to use a CreateUserWizard control, but iam getting this error below,eachtime i click the click user. Kindly guide me where iam getting wrong.this has disturbed me for two dayz,figuring out where the problem is but i cannot see it. Kindly see Both my web.config file below and the type of error iam getting.

For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application [URL]
source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|WebDataBase.mdf;User Instance=true"

This is the type of error iam getting below Server Error in '/AspDotNetWebsite' Application. Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Source Error:


Stack Trace:


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C# - Update A NET UpdatePanel From The Code Behind With No ContentTemplate?

Jan 13, 2011

I know that you can call an update on an UpdatePanel server side by calling the Update function on it. I have done this in the past, though in the past I also had a ContentTemplate. In one of my current projects I add all of the controls to a the UpdatePanel in the code behind so there is no ContentTemplate defined. Is there a way to update the UpdatePanel from the code behind despite this, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" updatemode="Conditional">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" />

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Oct 20, 2010

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Nov 12, 2010

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C# - Find A Label In A Asp Repeater?

Jun 9, 2010

Structure of my asp: repeater

label1 (rating)
button (updates rating)
some_picture (thing being rated)
/update panel

Imagine the output of the above repeater containing 100 rows. (1 label, and 1 button on each row).

Goal: when I click the button, I want the appropriate label to be updated. I dont know how to do this.
I can reference a label via:

Label myLabel2Update = (Label)Repeater1.Controls[0].Controls[0].FindControl("Label1");

But ofcourse, it will be the same label each time (not necessarily the label that needs to be updated). I need to update the label that is on the same row as the button.

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AJAX :: Accordion Menu - Can't Reach ContentTemplate Items

Jan 2, 2010

i have a Databound Accordionmenu with hyperlinks in its content template. What i wanna do is adding `onMouseOver` animation to these hyperlinks. Normally i would do somthing like :


where the playanim javascript function triggers the animation for the hyperlink. But the thing is, Hyperlinks in the content template are not visible in code, they simply dont exist. when i write the code, it says there is no item called hyperlink1, it doesn`t show up in the intellisense menu either. Is it possible to add an animation inside an Accordionmenu, if yes how can i reach the TargetControls inside the ContentTemplate to trigger the animation.

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Nov 12, 2010

How can I get the value of the TextBox (txtFirstName) client side using Javascript.

The Accordion control is databound.

The following is the code

<ajaxToolkit:Accordion id="accSingleData" runat="server" fadetransitions="True" selectedindex="0" Width = "500px"

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So how to write XML records in Label?

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Jan 22, 2010

am using C# ASP. NET 2.0. I have a string that has 4 parts that are separated by a '_' and here is what I want to do:Find the 3rd part of the string and change '-' to '/' in that string.Example: The string may be as shown: 100_John Doe_01-22-2010_08-00-00.txtI want to be able to pull out the date - in this example it is 01-22-2010, and then change the '-' in that string to '/' and display the

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Web Forms :: Find Control In LoginView / Find The Controls In Code Behind?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to change the text of the user name text box which is inside a log in view on selected index chaged event of a drop down list.

this is my code:


but both ddl and tb are null

Anyone knows how can I find the controls in code behind?

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Mar 26, 2010

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i want to find label from datalist on itemcreated event..

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Aug 18, 2010

how to find a Label nested in a DataList and assign a value?

I posted simplied code because if I can find the Label, I can take it from there.

protected void DataList1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label buggar = (DataList1.SelectedItem.FindControl("DataCount") as Label);
buggar.Text = "crap";

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Aug 10, 2010

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What I actuallt need to do specifially is assign the number of rows in the DataList to the Label in the DataList. I used the code below to find it but it keeps giving me an error about not finding the object;


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Apr 30, 2014

How to find the particular label from grid on jQuery class selector? My jQuery code as

<script type="text/javascript">
$("#<%=dgv_buslayout.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").click(function (e) {
var selTD = $("td");
var $target = $(;

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Jan 21, 2014

I have a dynamic gridview.I have emp_id in label which is hidden.I want to get emp_id in javascript. 

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