Security :: Forms Authentication In Multiple Servers

Mar 7, 2011

I have two applications with a single domain name ([URL] and [URL]). First one has been developed in .NET 2 and the other one with .NET 4. I have configured web.config as these steps:

1- I've set the same machine key for both of them.
2- I've set the coockie name.
3- I've set the domain name to "".
4- Also, I've set hardcoded coockie domain name to "" .

Everything was working fine when both of them were running on a single web server. Recently, I've been asked to move to another server. After moving, authentication ticket is not valid on the second server. I tested both of them on a single server again and everything was workinh fine, but in two servers users can't acces to (Authentication Ticket is invalid)

Edited: The second server is a virtual (VMWare) server. I don't have any problem in physical servers. I checked the server's time to be synchronized. I also used fiddler to see if the server does not get the auth ticket and ther ticket is sent to the 2nd server. Note: Servers are located in different networks and maybe proxy or firewall causes this (I've no idea)

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Security :: Single Authentication For Multiple Applications?

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,Second and Third applications are accessed throught the first,So Authentication (form authentication) is happening from the first application only , all are deployed on same IIS with seperate virtual directory



1. Localhost/Hr


, I used the same Entires in both <machineKey> and
<forms> Elements in webconfig file of all applications,

Applications are working fine and Page.User.Identity are available in all applications but once loginUrl and defaultUrl entry is changed to actual name other than localhost

Eg: localhost/EmpManager/default.aspx To myserver/EmpManger/default.aspx

the authentication ticket is not available in second and third applicaiton

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I am severely annoyed. :( I just wanted authentication to work smoothly without any login requests, or at the mostone request.

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Web Forms :: Store Same File Into Multiple Servers?

Jan 30, 2010

How do i store same file into multiple servers? My scenario is explained below Administrator module resides in production server ( "cccc" domain) which is accessible only within my company. Common module resides in DMZ and can be accessed by internet users. I have written a program to upload a .xls file to both the servers. My program is in administrator module and resides in cccc domain. I could upload the file to the server in my company but i cant upload it in DMZ. Following is the code to upload to ccc domain

FileInput.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("..TU" & ServerFileName))
Followins is the code to upload to dmz
FileInput.PostedFile.SaveAs("http://grtr/" & "/TU/" & ServerFileName) I will get the serverfilename using file upload control

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Security :: Form Authentication With Multiple Login Pages?

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Security :: Multiple Form Authentication In A Single Domain?

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We are upgrading the 2.0 web application to 4.0. The application contain three main modules (sub application) like End User, Franchise and Admin with separate web.config, form Authentication, login page and running with single domain. the URL like, In 2.0, working fine with 3 sub applications with separate form authentication under a single domain name and also we can working with all threes in same time. After the up gradation process (ASP.NET 2.0 to 4.0),We didn't run all three applications in same times and also form authentication crossed.

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Jan 26, 2010

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Basically, there are two web applications. One accepts the Windows Auth and one accepts Forms Auth. The Windows Auth then creates a forms auth ticket and passes control to the Forms auth application. This solution works fine when both applications are housed within the same IIS web site.

Now, order to control the security of this solution we set up multiple IIS web sites on the same machine. Web Site 1 serves external traffic (forms auth) and Web Site 2 serves internal traffic (windows auth).

So the design is that an internal user can hit the site using Windows auth via a internal name (myserver) while the external users use Forms Auth hitting [URL].

All that said, the solution works when the two applications are in the same site. Doesn't work when they are in different sites.

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Security :: Form Authentication For Multiple Login Page In Same Application?

May 29, 2010

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~/admin folder and user files are in ~/User folder. Admin and user has two different login page within respective directory.

Now I want two apply form authentication for admin and user section. Is it possible to apply form authentication for two different section in a web application?

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C# - Upload A File To Multiple Servers

Mar 6, 2010

I see a ton of questions about uploading multiple files, but none about uploading a single file to multiple servers, so here goes... I have an ASP.NET app that will be running on two load balanced servers, and I would like to allow users to upload files and have them end up on both servers. What is the cleanest way to do this? I am using IIS 6 btw. Some ideas that come to mind are:

1) Use a virtual directory that points to some shared location that both servers can access. Will there be any access issues if the application runs at Network Service? I'm assuming the application will need to run as a user account that exists on the shared location machine. How should the permissions be set for this?

2) It would be nice if I could via jQuery post the request to both of my servers, referencing them by their port numbers. Even though the servers are on the same domain, this violates the same origin policy, right? Is there another solution I'm overlooking? How do other sites do this?

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Apr 16, 2010

I have 2 front end servers and 2 back end servers. There is a registration form in my web application. The registration form uses a Microsoft Wizard control. Lets say the Wizard control has 4 steps. After the fourth step, users click "Finish" and I display the "Thank you Message". The way the request is routed between the 2 servers is round robin. So lets say till the fourth step, the response comes from server A. After the user clicks "Finish", lets say the response now comes from server B. After they click "Finish", I am trying to access some information in the Wizard control (like Name, address and so on). Because the servers are now switched, the data is lost (at least thats what I think is happening). So all entries in the wizard control are now blank and when I try to read those values, they are null.

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ADO.NET :: Simple Method To Execute SQLCommand On Multiple Servers

Dec 2, 2010

Boss comes in and demands that we change an existing dataload process written in .Net 2.0 to call stored procedures on two different servers rather than just one. In his mind (not a programmer) this should be a short overnight process. We have about 60 different SQL Commands that we need to change and test. Is there a simple way to do this that I can't think of? If there isn't we will use something like replication or database mirroring, which is my preference but is likely to get the cold shoulder from my boss, especially since I have never set these up before. A function that takes a SQLCommand as its argument and then iterates through as set of connections to execute the SQLCommand. Change all stored procs to call the same stored proc on a linked server.

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C# - Amazon EC2 Multiple Servers Share Session State

Mar 12, 2010

I have a bunch of EC2 servers that are load balanced. Some of the servers are not sharing session, and users keep getting logged in and out. How can I make all the server share the one session, possibly even using a partitionresolver solution

public class PartitionResolver : System.Web.IPartitionResolver
private String[] partitions;
public void Initialize()
// create the partition connection string table
// web1, web2
partitions = new String[] { "" };

public String ResolvePartition(Object key)
String oHost = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToLower().Trim();
if (oHost.StartsWith("10.0.0") || oHost.Equals("localhost"))
return "tcpip=";
String sid = (String)key;
// hash the incoming session ID into
// one of the available partitions
Int32 partitionID = Math.Abs(sid.GetHashCode()) % partitions.Length;
return ("tcpip=" + partitions[partitionID] + ":42424");

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C# - SHA1 + Salt Password Hashing On Multiple Servers

Feb 8, 2011

So, I am the approach David Hayden posted on his blog [URL] to create a salt and hash the user's password by taking the user's raw password and the generated salt and using SHA1 to hash the value. I then store the salt and the hashed password in the database. zhe website is currently load balanced, so I was wondering if resulting hash value would be the same for both servers. Here is the snippet of code posted on David Hayden's blog:

private static string CreateSalt(int size)
//Generate a cryptographic random number.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buff = new byte[size];
// Return a Base64 string representation of the random number.
return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);

private static string CreatePasswordHash(string pwd, string salt)
string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt);
string hashedPwd =
saltAndPwd, "sha1");
return hashedPwd;

The reason I ask is that this code uses the code snippet: FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(saltAndPwd, "sha1");

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Security :: Changing From Forms Authentication To Windows Authentication?

Sep 3, 2010

What do I need to do in order to change an application from Forms Authentication to windows authentication?

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Security :: Using Rss Feed Authentication With Forms Authentication?

Jun 3, 2010

I have developed the authenticated rss feed using the basic http authentication for my site.I also have the admin module for the site which uses the Forms Authentication .Both are in the same project.When i turn on the forms authentication module to None in my web.config.My rss feed authentication works fine(the browser pop up the dialog box for the username and password) and upon entering the username and password the rss feed gets displayed.But with forms authentication turn on when i click the rss feed link i am getting redirected to the administrator login page.

If i set my authentication mode to none than the feed works like dream but the admin module do not work as it uses forms authentication.

How can i resolve the conflict for that one.I am using the mvc filter on my feed contoller to pop up the dialog box for the username and password.


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Security :: Forms Authentication With A Secondary Authentication?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm developing an internal booking sytem. Users log in to the sytem and can view existing bookings and search for bookings. They can also create new or edit existing bookings. When completing such actions I need a confirmation prior to completing the booking or updating the recorded. The confirmation is based on a reauthentication of the user.... in otherwords he needs to enter his passord again.

How can I achieve this? The system is internam and I'm using Forms Authentication. I an also using roles as som of the admin forms can only be viewed by administrators.

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Double Hop On Workgroup Servers Vs Domain Servers

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to set up my web site on a stand alone server using Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 which will access SQL server database (2008) on windows 2008 R2 server (also not in the domain) I am using form authentication and I have configured a custom identity account in IIS6. The local account is on both servers with same password and I have registered the account using aspnet_regiis.exe -ga The application pool in my iis6 has the custom local account set as the identity and my web.config file has the appropriate tags in the system.web element <identity impersonate="true" />

The problem is the local account does not seem to get passed to the sql server. Right now my iis settings are anonymous access (using the local acct vs isr) and no authentication specified under that - I did try Integrated and basic but it prompts for the username and password which I do not want. One article I read stated this: windows authentication does not support delegation (passing credentials from one server to another) and is limited to the one hop rule, only a primary token can be passed to a second server. windows
authentication on iis (all versions) gives the thread a secondary(impersonation) token which can not be used to access any network resouce

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Security :: Programmatically Creating User Instance When Servers Are Different

Jan 7, 2011

I need to create .net membership user instance for a database living in a different server than the one I'm coding in. What is the best way to do this?Should I do it though Sql Server stored procedure? or should I use a separate provider (therefore having 2) in my web.config?

I need to create this user without using the "create user wizard".

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