Security :: Getting A Client Certificate While Using Forms Authentication?

Jan 13, 2010

We have a large extranet application that users forms authentication. In addition, for SCCM purposes, each computer in the company has a client certificate installed.

Now the question has been raised:

Is it possible for us to test for the presence of this certificate from our code behinds?

We don't want to switch our security to require client certificates to access the site, there are just parts of some pages that we'd rather not display if the person viewing the site is not using a company issued machine.

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Security :: Client Certificate Authentication With Splash Screen?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm running into an issue which has me going in circles with the references I've been able to find online. I have an application which is using client certificate authentication (with a removable token). It works well as long as a user doesn't leave their computer. If the token is pulled and any timer events fire on the page causing a postback the application loses its authentication and ends up at an error page.

I've seen some sites which use a mix of (presumably) forms authentication and windows authentication so that the network authentication only has to happen one time and then a token is built which the session relies on for future requests. I had hoped to use something similar to this so that when a new user enters the application they are redirected to a secure page which will request the client certificate (same principal as windows authentication) and then create the token before sending the user back to
their requested page. So far no luck with this.

If I try to setup a subfolder in my website with a different authenication scheme from the root ("windows" vs "forms") I'm given an error in Visual Studio about requiring a separate application in IIS for this to be valid. Working in a development environment this is not practical. Every other technique I've run across which tries to force one page (or folder) to use a windows credential is leaving me with an empty identity object.

Has anyone come up with a way of using a mix of authentication methods to reach the goal I have and still work inside of Visual Studio for development activities?

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Security :: Active Directory Authentication With Client Certificate Mapping?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to authenticate the users on a web application through their Active Directory credentials. What should I use? Client Certificate Mapping? or Forms? I am currently using a Form Authentication, but it is not working. It keep telling me my credentials are not correct. Should I switch over to something more recent? Client Certificate Mapping is installed, I just don't know how to set it up. Isn't there something about purchasing a certificate for the website? Is there anything else I can use that is secure and uses Active Directory credentials?

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Security :: Getting Client Information From X.509 Certificate In C# Code?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a WCF service which accepts X.509 certificate signed incoming messages. As per my understanding the client will send the message with signature encrypted using his private key and web services will decrypt the signature with client's public key. This ensures that the sender of the message is holder of the private key and that he is certified by the server trusted CA as "He is what he claims to be".

It's being a highly secure application I need to give access to only certain clients regardless of whether they are trusted or not. (This is to take care of good turned bad scenario :-)) How do I achieve this? Is there any way to get the client information as subject name etc from his certificate in C# code? Is there any example of this usage?

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Security :: X509 - Client Certificate Infrastructure

Sep 9, 2010

I dont have a lot of background with SSL and X509 configuration and support with my Asp.Net application, so I was wondering if someone can explain or point me in the right direction to MSDN or any other article or posting explaining if it's possible to do what I am looking to support in my environment.

I have IIS 6.0 with SSL (Verisign cert) as well as "Require client certificates" working against a local installation of Microsoft Certificate Services, https://<domain>/certsrv, where users can request and install client certs (both xp clients for basic
mode, and Vista/7 for advance mode).

Here's what I am up against:

I have a segment of users coming from a virtualized server environment where this environment does not store personal settings for more than 48 hours. It's not an internet cafe, but rather an actual business where their IT staff uses server images to reimage each virtual server in the farm every 48hrs. Thus losing all users data in the "Current Users" Certificate Stores.

The IT staff give users a network folder share to store any personal items (docs, spreadsheets, links, etc.). The servers consist of Windows Server 2003, and will be migrating to Windows Server 2008 in the next 6-9 months.

These users have rights in Internet Explorer to navigate to my certsrv site and use activex to to request and install certificates then clode and reopen the broser to navigate and render the app.


It's a pain to ask the users to request and have issued a client certificate every 48 hours.

The IT staff of this company has asked if I can create some sort of certificate that they can load in the "local computer" certificate store, NOT the "Current User" store, that will be made part of their base image for all their servers, and that this certificate is then used to properly authenticate all users on these servers to my IIS with "require client certificates" selected.


Is this possible, and if so what can I do on my side to create the proper certificate to give to the IT staff at this business to put into their servers "local computer" certificate store? I assume either under the Personal->Certificates store, or under the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"->Certificates store. Thus allowing any user of these servers in their thin client virtual environment to open I.E., navigate to my site and select a certificate from the "Choose a digital certificate" popup that allows them to render my Asp.Net application, or avoids this popup altogether.

If this is the wrong forum to post in, please advise and I will move. Probably due to vernacular on my part, I have been unable to find any resources on here, MSDN or Bing to help me solve this problem.

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Security :: Authenticate X.509 Client Certificate In Web Service?

Jul 26, 2010

I need to send a X.509 client certificate to a web service in byte array (not attached to request). Besides the certificate, the caller will also send data and signed data. From the web service I can verify if the signature is ok but I don't know what is required to verify that the certificate is ok. I have the client certificate issuer CA trusted in Server (where the web service runs).

More specifically, how can I verify if a X.509 certificate itself is valid? I need to do it in web service not from IIS.

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Security :: Client Certificate Does Not Arrive On The Web Server

Mar 1, 2010

I would like to identify users that connect on a intranet web server (IIS) with client certificates.

I've set up a CA server on a Windows 2003 server pc. On my development pc, i've a windows xp with a web server (IIS) running.From my web server, i generated a certificate request (i specified the netbios name of my web server because this setup is for an intranet), i used that request to generate a web server certificate and i installed it on my IIS to allow SSL connection. . Now, i can connect with https to my web server from an internet explorer. I configured the web server to 'require client certificates'.

I would like to authenticate the users with a client certificate installed on each users pc. My CA server allows users to request a client certificate (domain user) from the CA server just by typing the url of the CA server and click 'User Certificate', 'submit' and then 'Install this certificate'.

In order to test my setup, i opened a Internet Explorer from a pc which resides in the domain and i requested and installed the user certificate. Then i connected to my web server and i get a window with the title "Choose a digital certificate". This window is always empty and never proposes the client certificate i previously installed on the user pc.

I've no idea of what i missed during my setup. I'm still wondering how the browser knows how to select which certificate must be displayed according to the url typed in the address bar.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Implement Client Certificate In Windows 7 Running IIS 7.5?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to implement client certificate in IIS 7.5 in windows 7. As per my knowladge I need to setup server certificate first for IIS. But I could not figure out how to do that.

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Post Client Certificate From IE And Validate Certificate On IIS / Web Server

Nov 30, 2012

Let's assume our users in their office using Internet explorer to sign some Web Pages using their client certificate imported into the Internet explorer browser (let s assume no other browser is used)

what is a good approach/architecture for validating the client certificate (Internet Explorer), how to send that certificate or the signed form to the server and how do we verify the signature

Should we use smart client approach integrated to the web application or some silverlight or so or is web form/web pages enough to implement this security requirement ?

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Security - Securing Forms Authentication Token On Client Side?

Jul 16, 2010

In my website, I am not using any authentication or authorization. I've created login page to capture the user credentials and check against database. If the user successfully authenticates, it's storing the user data in session and navigating to other pages. How thinking of implementing Forms Authentication, but my concern is how to secure the authentication token in client browser for security reasons. Does anyone have any ideas how to secure the authentication token?

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SSL Can Work Without Client Certificate?

Jun 24, 2010

There is something I don't understand, When I don't put certificate at all, the SSL connection is established successfully, I wonder how the server decrypt the message without client certificate.What is client side certificate is for

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How To Use Digital Certificate At Client Side

Nov 26, 2010

I developing web application to sign, verify , encrypt, decrypt data at client side with client certificate.

It's happening in server side but how can I implement it client side.

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Best Approach To Authenticate The Client Certificate?

Jun 25, 2010

I have hosted a secure WCF service on cloud with a certificate created by makecert.

Now I want to restrict the access to the service by allowing only those clients who have the certificate generated by me.

What is the best approach to implement this

* Shall I go with the changes in the configuration file
* Or Shall I write the code to validate this in the service
* Is there any other alternative?

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C# - Get Client Certificate For Page Registration?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to make a registration page for clients, that would only contain a button register and unregister. When the user would click on any of these 2 button he would should be prompted to select a client certificate from his computer. I would also like to extract the email address from the selected certificate.

Is there any way of declaratively configuring IIS 7 to require a client certificate for just 1 .aspx page on the website. I could then extract the certificate from Request.ClientCertificate, right?

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C# - Can't Connect To HTTPS Using X509 Client Certificate

May 24, 2010

I'm new to cryptography and I'm a bit stuck:

I'm trying to connect (from my development environment) to a web service using HTTPS. The web service requires a client certificate - which I think I've installed correctly.

They have supplied me with a .PFX file. In Windows 7, I double clicked the file to install it into my Current User - Personal certificate store.

I then exported a X509 Base-64 encoded .cer file from the certificate entry in the store. It didn't have a private key associate with it.

Then, in my app, I'm attempting to connect to the service like this:

var certificate = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile("xyz.cer"));
var serviceUrl = "https://xyz";
var request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(serviceUrl);
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

I get a 502 Connection failed when I connect.

Is there anything you can see wrong with this method? Our production environment seems to work with a similar configuration, but it's running Windows Server 2003.

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WCF / ASMX :: Receive Client Certificate In Web Service?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm trying to receive a Client Certificate in a Web Service and having some problems.



The certificate seems to be correclty loading and added to the client.

The client connects to the server with HTTPS.



cert.IsPresent is false and all certificate fields are empty.

IIS is configured to Accept Client Certificates.

Reproduced in two environments:

- Windows 7 x64, IIS 7, VS 2008, .NET 3.5
- XP x86, IIS 5, VS 2008, .NET 3.5

Always in the Web Service the Client Certificate is not proesent. I haven't been able to find any other configuration I should do.

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C# - Sending Client Certificate Though HttpWebRequest, Intermittenly Working?

Oct 7, 2010

I have created a web application that calls a web service that requires a Client Certificate for authentication. Here is a snippet of how I am building the request:

// Grab Certificate
X509Certificate2 cert2 = new X509Certificate2(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + GiftCardConfig.A2A_CertificateLocation, GiftCardConfig.A2A_CertificatePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);[code]....

This all works, but only intermittenly. About every 24 hours the Server hosting the web service returns a 403:Forbidden error. The only way to fix it is to do a iisreset of the server running the web application. We are completely stumped about this issue and would like to know if this issue has something to do with the web application or the configuration of the server it is being hosted on.

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WCF / ASMX :: Connect Client Certificate To An Account In A Membership Database

Aug 30, 2010

I have created a web service that authenticates with username and password, works fine.
Basically this one,

Now I also want to connect to this web service using client certificates, works fine

But I would like to when authenticated via client certificates, connect that certificate to a user in the membership database. So that I can use Roles.IsUserInRole(...) and such.

I thought that, well if I implement a Custom certificate Validator then I could check for example subject and map that against a created username in the membership database.

But in the class X509CertificateValidator public override void Validate(X509Certificate2 certificate) I don't have the same ability as when the user is authenticated

void OnAuthenticateRequest(object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;

Basically how can I do this

app.Context.User = new
"Membership Provider"),roles);
public override
void Validate(X509Certificate2 certificate)

and if that is not possible, can this be solved differently? Bottom line, how do I connect a client certificate to a user account in the membership database. Is there a MSDN article on how to do this?

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Security :: How To Implement Certificate Security In Production Environment

Jun 15, 2010

I have searched and could not find any article related to "How to implement Certificate Security in
production environment".

I could able to Create sample certificates for client and Server on my local machine and was able to authenticate my client app with the certificates . These certificates are test certificates.

How do I do this in Production. We have a domain certificate from GoDaddy which resides on the server. How do I create a Client Certificate off of that.

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Security :: When To Use An Ssl Certificate

Jan 23, 2011

If I'm taking a password on a page, should that page be served via https and exactly how dangerous is it not to? I've tried googling this but every guide just says that ssl certificates "stop hackers seeing sensative data" with no real description of how they would do this or exactly how vulnerable your site is as a result of not having ssl.Could someone summarize how easy it is for someone to steal passwords on non-https pages? Should i even be considering doing a login page without one?

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Security :: Changing From Forms Authentication To Windows Authentication?

Sep 3, 2010

What do I need to do in order to change an application from Forms Authentication to windows authentication?

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Security :: How To Use Microsoft Certificate Services

Apr 10, 2010

I need to know abt Microsoft Certificate Services ...can u guys xplain in details ....I find microsoft article regarding this ....Stil cnt able to do ..Am a new bee in this kind of stuff ....

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Security :: Add Certificate For NetworkService - Win7?

Jun 18, 2010

I need to add a cert. for the NetworkService account as this is what Identity of my App pool is set to, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. Here's the steps, I take: Bring up the run command and submit "mmc"When the Management console appears I click on File > Add/Remove snap-in.Select Certificates and click AddSelect Service Account, click Next twice Then I'm presented with a bunch of Service Accounts. The ones that kind of resemble what I'm looking for are: Network Access Protection AgentNetwork ConnectionsNetwork List ServiceNetwork Location AwarenessNetwork Store Interface Service Out of the choices above, Network List Service would be my best guess.

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Security :: How To Get Certificate Information Of A Website

Apr 8, 2010

I want to get the certificate information of a website. I means that i've a textbox on a page. When i enter a url in that textbox and press the button. The certificate information of that website should be returned.

Say, i've entered the [URL], Then it should return the Certificate authority, Validation period etc.

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Security :: Get Remote SSL Certificate Information?

Nov 27, 2010

I am looking to get the data from any given domain names SSL certificate. For example I want to put in any website address e.g. "" and my code would firstly check if an SSL certificate exists. If it does then I want it to pull out the Issuer, Subject, Valid From and Valid Until etc. The intention is to create an SSL certificate checker similar to this: [URL]

How can I do this - I have looked up loads of different things such as RequestCertificateValidationCallback and ClientCertificates etc.

would I create a HTTPWebRequest and then somehow request the client certificate and specific elements that way?

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