Security :: How To Create User Account Belong To Normal User Automatically

Mar 25, 2010

I facing a problem here. how can I make the create user wizard category all the new user become normal user role? I have created 2 role which is Manager and Normal User. Normal User can't view the Manager page. But after i create a new user account, i can view manager and normal user page. I want to make all the new member registration will be normal user role?

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Oct 14, 2010

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Next we get the DirectoryEntry and ObjectSecurity for the computer. Also dim the ACE object:


Set the userAccountControl:

Here's where we're having problems:

The IdentityReference needs to be the trustee for the computer - how can we get this using AccountManagement and/or DirectoryServices?And I'm not sure what to use for the Inherited Object guid?

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Jan 9, 2011

The result is FALSE after the first step in creating a new user account:

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1"
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1"

The result is TRUE after the second step in creating a user account

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Jun 30, 2010

Could anyone provide guidance about the common technique of sending an email to the new user -> new user clicks the link in the email -> and then the account becomes activated and ready for use?

Currently using the CreateUserWizard control in .NET v4 and a Membership db in SQL Server 2008. If I need to do this via custom code and not the CreateUserWizard that's fine. Would be nice to see expert thoughts on this common, enterprise quality, new account validation technique.

The link below outlines a technique for sending a confirmation email but does not include activation:[URL]

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Automatically Create A Profile For User That Signs Up?

Jan 14, 2010

I am building a social networking site for employees and where an employee can sign up and create a profile and enter job employment history, interests etc. into text boxs and a aspx. page will be created showing all their details. Then in a data grid a preview of their profile would be shown allowing a user to click on that field which would direct them to that persons profile.

I am finding it hard to find information on how to automatically create a profile for each user that signs up.

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Jun 29, 2010

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Security :: Impersonation Error / .NET User Account Has To Be Given Permissions To Access The Folder

Jun 18, 2010

I wrote an application that I'm trying to run on a godaddy domain I bought. I need to read a file in a folder that I did not give read access to so that your average user cannot see in the informaion in that folder. I assumed that the program would have the same credentials as myself because server-side code. Turns out I am wrong. When I go to use the application it throws an access denied error saying that the ASP.NET user account has to be given permissions to access the folder.

After talking to two different tech support people at godaddy I've come to the realization that they are either dumb or lazy (or a combo of the two).I came across some code that you can put into the web.config file that would allow the application to impersonate a user, which would work great to use myself as the impersonated user. However it seems that godaddy cannot give me the name of the server that my domain is on (that's understandable) so I don't know what to put in the identity tag to get this to work.

Here is the code I found:


(of course I filled in the username and password with the correct info)

When I went to use it again it threw this error:

System.Web.HttpException: The current identity (PHX3username) does not have write access to 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files'.

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