Security :: Login Page For Whole Site?

Aug 23, 2010

For my website, there will be an admin site. I want to create users in my website database, i have a logins table with a hashed password column. The problem i have is making sure that every request if not already logged in send the user to the login page.

I have a page Login.aspx which i have created, but if i enter [URL] it bypasses the login screen and shows the page!!

i have created Login.aspx myself and verified that the username and password enetered are correct.

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Security :: Secured Site Using The Login Control / Do Not Want Them Redirected Based On Their Login Status?

Mar 24, 2011

I am doing a simple secured site using the login control. I would like users to be redirected to their dashboard page once they log in, but after that if they choose to browse I do NOT want them redirected based on their login status. I am using the generic template provided in VWD with the basic login setup in the template including the tabbed ASP menu control - nothing fancy, nothing custom. This is intended to be something very simple and quick. Here is the code I am using for the page load...


So if I do this code WITHOUT the "IsPostBack", logged in users are always redirected to their dashboard and cannot see the hompage. However with that IsPostBack test, the redirect after initial login doesn't work.

I know this is extremely basic and simple, but I am restarting with this stuff after a year away, and I need a nudge.

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Dec 2, 2010

I have an application that uses the ASPNET role provider.My SQL Server crashed so I took a backup of the database and restored it to a new SQL Server and changed the db connection string to that server.The web site runs but no users can login to the site.Is there something that I should have done when the db was on the other server?

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Security :: User Login And Admin Login On The Same Site?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a login page for my users. And I want my admin login to have its own page. Right now I have to login as an admin in the same page as the users.

How can I have 2 login on my site? I get an error if I have authentication forms on both my web.configs.

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Security :: Login From One Site To Another?

Mar 24, 2010

i have two different sites that uses the same mysql database for login.

the first one is the main page of a company and the second is the e-order site of the same company.

how can i login at the first site and redirected to the other site and stay logged in?

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Security :: Cannot Login To .net Production Site

Dec 17, 2010

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Security :: Automatic Login To A Site?

Mar 1, 2010

Actually i want to to open new website such as and i have username and password of that login.... now i want to do direct login without fill username and password box

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Feb 25, 2010

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Mar 26, 2011

Should I created the Session?Or it is by default exist, and I just need to enable it?What to do?which data found in this session?

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Security :: .NET Web Site Administration Tool And Login Controls

Aug 10, 2010

login control portion of Murach's web dev w/ c# book. According to the books instructions, you create a Login.aspx page, add the login control to the page, and create the users and roles for the directories within the web site configuration tool. I still do not get prompted for user name and passord to access the pages I want to be secured. Why is this? Isn't the configuration tool supposed to edit the web.config file? I'm trying to follow the book to the letter and ensure that I am following correctly before posting for answers online. According to the book you do not have to edit anything or write code withing login.aspx page.

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Security :: A Login Window Has Appeared To Connect To Site?

Dec 22, 2010

When I browse some of my websites a login window has appeared to connect to site. This happens to websites in random and disappeares the login window Automatically.

why this happens and how can i repair it?

it it because of any problem in iis osf server? the version of iis is 6.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Allowing Login To A Forms Authenticated Site From Another Location?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a site almost finished that uses ASP.Net membership, forms authentication and roles. There are one or two requirements remaining and I'm not even sure how to properly approach one of them.

The site I've created is going to provide service ONLY through SSL, if that matters. Yes, I'll redirect a request that lands on port 80 but the intent is to encrypt everything.

Is there a "best practice" for creating a session with my site, from another site? In other words the company is building a marketing page that has spaces for a login and password. I can find lots of posts about passing a username and password to another
site to start a session, but very few if any about receiving the username and password.

If anyone can point me to an article or posting with a code sample where the login control of a forms-authenticated site is used as the target of a form hosted as part of a different web page/application on a different host, it'd be awesome.

To be clear, the scenario is essentially "brochureware website on a 3rd-party host" providing the visitor the ability to log in to a secure site on a more "internal" server.

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Security :: Post Login/password From Aspx To A Form On Another Site?

Feb 13, 2011

My employer would like me to create a login page with our logo that:

1.User enter their login and password on our page

2.posts the login/password to the form on one of our client's login pages

3. Takes them user to the client's site, logged in.

I tried searching but most examples don't show how I can then bring the user to the client url, logged in. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Security :: After Login To New Page And Moving Back To Login Page And Getting Resource Not Available

Jan 11, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express and created a login page using the web site Adminstration tool security to generate users and passwords.

After login, a new page appears. I have a button to go back to the login page to allow a user to relogin. When I try loging in again as a different user or the same, I get an error saying the resource that I am looing for was not available.

I have a button on the page after login (one this one page will occur) and I am using on on click event to do the following:


After clicking on this button, the Login page appears again. How can I release everyting to allow it to work like when I first open the application.

This is the error message I get:

HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /MyFirstSite/default.aspx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3615; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3618

Server Error in '/MyFirstSite' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

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Mar 19, 2010

am working on a new site and i want to do tothings for security1. I want to encrypt the password of the user who register on my site and also decrypt it to enable him in login again.2. I will make an online exams so I want to disable the user functions to hack the exams materials such as (print page, print screen , or even selecting data manual by mouse )I googled a lot about this matter I found java scripts to make this but what about the users who will disable scripts on their browsers. So I want to do this with C# Code.

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Security :: Login Sql Statement / Tier Project A That Required A Login Page>

Jan 11, 2011

i doing on a 3 tier project a that required a login page, Im not sure how the flow go for the 3 tier...This is my BLL


This is my DAL


And lastly here is the aspx page


When i try to insert my NRIC and password, it's like not passing through the statement, it just say login sucessfully eventhough i put the wrong NRIC/Password/Not valid..

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Security :: Catch A Failed Login Attempt (Windows Auth) And Redirect To A Forms Login Page?

May 26, 2010

I need to create an application with Forms Authentication and/or Windows Authentication. If the application is set to use mixed authentication (Forms + Windows Auth) and the user don't have a Windows user account, the login will fail and he must be redirected to a forms login page. How can I do this?

Are there any different way to provide mixed authentication?

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Security :: Make Login.aspx Called By A Form At Page Load And Return To It After Successful Login

Apr 12, 2010

A Login.aspx has been created to enforce security on several forms of a web site.How can it be best called by each form at page load and return to that form after succesful login? How could that requirement be declared in web.config?

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Security :: Admin Node Doesn't Show On Live Site With Proper Login - VS Express 2008?

Jan 8, 2010

This is my third site that I use role management, but the first time this happens. I have two roles: Member and Admin. If Admin user login, Admin node on sitemap shows. It works very well on my local machine in Visual Studio Express 2008 and in Visual Studio Team 2008. But once I deploy files to live site, even admin login, the Admin node doesn't show. I have a Member management page from which I may see member's role, and I can see that user name is in the role Admin. What could be wrong?

I used ASP.Net Configuration manager to create roles, users, and access roles. Here is the code:

in general site.config

<siteMap enabled="true " defaultProvider="XmlSiteMapProvider">
<add name="XmlSiteMapProvider" description="Default SiteMap provider." type="System.Web.XmlSiteMapProvider"
siteMapFile="Web.sitemap" securityTrimmingEnabled="true"/>


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Can Redirect To Login Page Which Is In Another Site?

Mar 31, 2010

I have two sites that are app1 and app2. If a user requests a resource in app2, in order to authenticate, I like to redirect to the login page which is in app1. Once authenticated over there, return back to app2.

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Web Forms :: Redirect Login Page To Another Web Site?

Aug 12, 2010

i have one website ( static pages and one login page) hosted on one server (x hoster) that web site i have login page... i have another another server where i hosted the database and my application...( y hoter)the database is same for both to redirect my login members from website 1 to website 2..i am maintaing some sessions on website1 , when credentials checked..once the login successfully i need to redirect the member to my second website..

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Security :: Cannot Login And Always Remain In Login Page

Mar 11, 2010

In debug mode in VS 2008, the login page can go to the default page.

But now when deployed to IIS in windows 7, the login page cannot go to the default page and remain in login page after login.

I don't know why there is different behavior between these two.

In web config,

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="FormsAuthDB.AspxAuth" defaultUrl="~/Default.aspx" loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="20" path="/"/>

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Security :: Used Security In Login Page Which Restricts All Users Who Have Not Logged In To All Pages?

Jun 23, 2010

i used security in login page which restricts all users who have not logged in to all pages. I need to restrict specific users to specific pages. I'm not using AspSqlService provider. So i cannot create roles and restrict automatically. And the pictures i use in login page are not visible @ runtime.

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Security :: Redirect To Main.aspx After Successful Login Attempt In Login.aspx Page

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to develop a simple web application where I need to redirect to main.aspx after successful login attempt in login.aspx page.However,it is redirecting the page to defualt.aspx... Is there a way to redirect my application to main.aspx??

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