Security :: LoginView Findcontrol ("dropdownlist") NullReferenceException

May 19, 2010

I am getting nullReferenceException - when i try to findcontrol from "loginView". it happend only when user role does not exist for Logged in users. its bit annoying, is there any way to handle this in codebehind.

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Similar Messages:

Security :: LoginView.FindControl (PasswordRecovery Nested Inside LoginView / AnonymousTemplate)

Apr 30, 2010

I use master/content page and use this code (below) for validation, if I place the PasswordRecovery outside LoginView the validation is marked up correctly, but placed back inside the LoginView the PasswordRecovery compilation error is CS0103: The name 'PasswordRecovery1' does not exist in the current context.


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Security :: Div In LoginView Findcontrol?

Sep 11, 2010

This code works:

<div id="GridDiv" runat="server">
gridview would go in here....

However, because I have a Div in LoginView2 I have to find with findcontrol.

This is not work:

LoginView Div = LoginView2.FindControl("GridDiv") as LoginView;
Div.Visible = false;

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:


Line 785:
Line 786:
Line 787: Div.Visible = false;

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: LoginView DropDownList?

Sep 6, 2010

LoginView DropDownList4 = LoginView2.FindControl("DropDownList4") as LoginView;
DropDownList4.SelectedValue = "abc";

Why not find SelectedValue?

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Security :: NullReferenceException From Login.Login1_LoggedIn?

May 14, 2010

I'm trying to call a dataadapter funtion to pass browser information to a database table upon logged in. I have also tried not assigning the function to an interget by setting the fucntion to not return a value. However in either case I get the System NullReferenceException.


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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist In LoginView From MySql DB?

Jun 13, 2010

Trying to populating dropdownlist in LoginView from mysql db but am getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

Protected Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender

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Data Controls :: How To Bind DropDownList From LoginView

Sep 10, 2012

One of mine dropdownlist is inside a <AnonymousTemplate> and I unable  to bind it. 

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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Control Inside Loginview Cannot Be Accessed

May 14, 2010

i am getting this error "A control with ID 'NewAssignTL' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'UpdatePanel'. " i have 2 problems i cannot access my dropdownList control from code behind and i triggers cannot access the control.

my.aspx page

team leader name"
ConnectionStrings:ApplicationServices %>"
GroupID, Description FROM aspnet_Groups WHERE (Active = 'True')">

my gridview is here


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Security :: FormsAuthentication.SignOut() Results In System.NullReferenceException?

Aug 26, 2010

I am getting a "System.NullReferenceException" when I call

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Add Items To A Dropdownlist Within A LoginView Control

Mar 25, 2011

I have a Dropdownlist within a LoginView Control as follows:


And in my code behind I can successfully reference the dropdownlist as follows:


However as soon as I try to add an item to the dropdownlist it all falls apart: The (pseudo) code to add an item is:


The error I get is:


View 5 Replies

Security :: LoginView, Sign Up, Customization?

Apr 18, 2010

What is the easiest way to manipulate the built in LoginView and membership handlers so that users of a website can sign up with just their email (entered twice) and a password (entered twice)? The default is asking the user for a username, the email (just once) and the password (twice). How can this be tweaked, including adjusting the in-built aspnetUser table in the database?

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Web Forms :: FindControl SelectedItem In Dynamic DropDownList

Jun 5, 2010

First post here, I usually try not posting until I am completely lost. I have a webform that gets a dynamic dropdownlist added to a placeholder in a method during pageload. During a submit of the page, I want to be able to get the selectedItem in the DropDownList that was also added dynamically from a DB. I know the ID of the DropDownList, and I know the Value of all the ListItems. Although when I am trying to use FindConrol(ID), and assign it to a DropDownList, the Control comes back Null and I get an error saying "Object Reference not set to and Instance of an Object", I believe because its not finding the control.


Can anyone show me how to use this to get access to the properties of the dynamic DropDownList properties, especially the ListItems within.

View 5 Replies

AJAX :: FindControl DropDownList In GridView Into UpdatePanel?

Mar 4, 2011

i have a gridview in updatepanel in this case:


View 23 Replies

C# - DropDownList Selected Item Incorrect When Using FindControl?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a number of dropdownlists embedded in a gridview. When I submit the page I loop through all the rows of the gridview and use the findcontrol method to get the dropdownlist e.g:

foreach (GridViewRow gvrItem in gvItems.Rows)
DropDownList ddlOption = gvrItem.Cells[2].FindControl("ddlOption") as DropDownList;

This works nicely, however when I try to get the selected item of the dropdownlist e.g:

ddlOption .SelectedItem.Text

It always returns the first item in the list rather than whats actually selecte din the page.

View 3 Replies

Security :: Equivalent For LoginView Based On Roles?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a website where users can login and they have different roles/privileges. I want to have it where the user's view of the webpage is determined by their role. Right now I am storing the role in the UserData property of the FormsAuthenticationTicket class (which is retrieved from a database during login). When the main page is loading, I want it to check the user's role and then only show the controls/portions of the page that are for that role. For example, if the user is not an administrator, they shouldn't be able to click on a button to delete a record. At the moment I am using labels to hide or show areas depending on the user's role. Something like this:



And here is a portion of the markup code with the Labels:


This works, but doesn't seem to be a very good way to handle this type of thing. Is there a cleaner, more elegant way of doing this? Something similar to the LoginView control, but which I can use for roles?

View 4 Replies

Security :: LoginView Is Suddenly Disappear When Use The Control?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a loginview control placed in my page:


When user login into my application,the note saying that Welcome,Joe is show.But,when user try to input something into web page (such as fill in the text box),the LoginName1 that refer to "Joe" is suddenly disappear.Why this happen?

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Security :: LoginView Control / Can't See The Pages And Data?

Oct 14, 2010

Now that some of the Security matrix has been approved and site is somewhat more functional. We are going back thru adding the loginview to the pages that need it so we can control who can adn can't see the pages and data.

To keep it simple, here is what i have setup.. Because if this setup, i cant access my controls and the page wont display either template. Now even though the aspx code below is a very stripped down version of what i have, the code behind has references to controls that dont show in my example, but they are there in my actual page. I Just removed alot of information to make the post more clear.



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Security :: C# - Assign Value To Control Which Is In LoginView's RoleGroup?

Jun 25, 2010

I have to assign default value to my controls which are residing inside the RoleGroup of's LoginView control.

Here is a piece of my code-



But I'm getting this error:

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error? And what is the right way of accessing those controls from code behind which are placed inside a loginView's RoleGroup?

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Security :: Getting An Error When Populate A Literal In LoginView?

May 20, 2010

In my MasterPage, I'm using LoginView control that looks like this:


In the code behind, here's what I do:


When I try to pull up the home page -- as an unauthenticated user -- I get "Object reference not set to an instance" error pointing to where I start building the user menu i.e. litUserMenu.Text = "<li>...

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Security :: Access Controls Inside LoginView?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm using roles based authenication and am trying to populate a dropdown list from Page_Load that resides inside a LoginView control. My problem is my code behind file doesnt recognize controls inside the LoginView templates.

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Security :: Link To Profile Inside Loginview?

Sep 23, 2010

I need to have a link inside my asp:Loginview that says "My profile" and links to the users profile. Am I ignorant :S ?

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Security :: Get Username Based On Loginview Control?

Jan 6, 2011

This may be very simple but I can not figure it out. I am using ASP.Net 3.5/Visual Studio 2010. I have placed a LoginName Control on the page and the login name is properly displaying. I am using forms Authentication and it is set up properly in the web config file. I simply want to insert the logged in username value into the database table so I can track who created the records. I am happy to be able to insert the UserID value. I assume the values are derived out of the aspnet_Users table. Hopefully someone can provide a way to do either. I am not a coder so giving me a quick try this answer won't help me much. I would need to really see the entire solution and code.

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Security :: Loginview Control To Manage Membership?

Jun 12, 2010

I am using loginview control to manage membership loggled in data and anonymous data. But since I have to copy entire data to login view template. I think it is not perfect solution in case i just have few differences in all type of templates. I tried to use loginview whenever I actually need it. But it supports just after form declaration.

Also what if I need to have multiple loginviews. Is there any way to do this manually. I just dont like to copy entire design for each template and just like to manage identical changes.

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Security :: Adding A Loginview Control To A Page?

Jul 18, 2010

I have a page that originally didn't contain a login view. I have now added one of those so that I can vary the display according to role membership.

However I have some VB code that references ojects that were originally on the main page but now sit within the Loginview. These code segments were triggered on a Page_Load event. Since moving the objects on the page all of the references to objects there now fail as if they didn't exist. (Presumably because they are now within a LoginView)

I assume I need to change the location of my code but am stuck to find out where it should now go.

I assuem now I need two versions of my code too - one to match each of the two role possibilities for the LoginView?

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Web Forms :: Security Loginview Not Visible On Page?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a loginview nested on a masterpage. Problem is that on local machine I see the loginviewy, but when I load it on server it does not show. Here is my masterpage html:

<body bgcolor="Black">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div align="center">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


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