Security :: Membership.CreateUser Without Password?
Feb 7, 2011
Is there possibility to create new user with Membership.CreateUser but not to specify the user's password?
I tried with minRequiredPasswordLength="0" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0", but it didn't work.
I also tried with "" and DBNull.Value for password in the function but it didn't work.
Is there a way to do this?
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Similar Messages:
Feb 28, 2011
I'm trying to use the Membership.CreateUser method without passing a security question and answer. I set them to string.empty, but no go. I have my provider set to not require a question in my web.config. What am I doing wrong?
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Aug 12, 2010
I have a problem with my membership management. I moved the aspnet membership database to my MSSQL server and I would like to create an add user form not using the CreateUserWizard (I would like to add more information then in the simple CUW). I've created the form and I would like to use the Membership.CreateUser method to add the user. After running the script (VB) the user is available in the aspnet_Users table, also in the aspnet_UserInRoles table but not in the aspnet_Membership table. I'm sure that something is wrong with the configuration, I just can't find what.
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Jul 5, 2010
I am attempting to create a user programatically with Email as the username. My code calls one of the CreateUser overloads, passing only Username, Password and Email. It consistently fails with a status of MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidAnswer. How can this be? I'm not even passing it a security question or answer.
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Jan 13, 2010
I using change password control, how can i change the password without enter the current password?
View 8 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I had been trying to solve this but there is a hidden key i wish someone point me to.
I had a simple membership database with users in first the Membership Provider configured for clear password to retrieve the original password .
Now a new requirement say that the password must be hashed and reset .
I configure the Membership password to hash , and Implemented the Reset Password Module.
My problem is as follow.
If the user is new registered user with the new configuration the password and the security answer is hashed.
also when I go and reset the password it continue to be hashed.
Now I thought that with new configuration if any previous user with clear text configuration , If he use the password Reset module , because my configuration now is hashed , I expected that the new password and security answer will be hashed . what happen is old user continue in clear text even if the configuration is hashed. so If I had new users everything is fine.
old users Membership Provider somehow know they had been stored in clear text and it keep change password and security answer in clear text . If I delete this user and create it , Membership Provider understand that everything will be hashed. I need to know how it know this , I need to migrate users not to delete and recreate users .
Also if there are no solution for that , I wish Microsoft Consider it in future cause it is a real user scenario, that can happen imagine a business system that related to membership user Id , deleting users and recreate them is not a solution .
View 1 Replies
Mar 17, 2011
I'm having issues using the membership.createuser method. My code is below, I get a null exception as runtime.
Dim username As String = userNameTxt.Text
Dim password As String = passwordTxt.Text
Dim email As String = emailTxt.Text
Dim status As New MembershipCreateStatus
Dim blank As String = ""
Dim provider As MembershipProvider
Dim providerUserKey As New System.Object
Dim user As MembershipUser
user = provider.CreateUser(username, password, email, blank, blank, True, providerUserKey, status)
View 3 Replies
Dec 19, 2010
I have developed a Silverlight app using forms authentication and the asp net membership, aspnetdb, the whole enchilada.The bug I see is that the password for my users change by them self every bow and then, the way I fix them is by deleting the user and creating them again, this has been I problem all the time.In a post I read the problem was manifesting because I didn't have a machineKey in my web.config, I now do, so I dunno what the problem is this time...Is there a definitive fix to this? can you please provide assistance?
View 11 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
i have implemented asp. net membership authentication and one of my users has forgotten his password.
The passwords are hashed and when i try retrieveing his password i get the error that password retrieval is not available for hashed passwords.
Should i reset the password?
View 13 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I am working on membership concepts in Now i want to reset new password and getpassword for specific user.
this is my web.config code:
<add name="MySqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="SQL2005DB380ConnectionString" applicationName="MyAppName" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" requiresUniqueEmail="false" passwordFormat="Encrypted" enablePasswordReset="true" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="1"
passwordAttemptWindow="10" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
How can I get old password and reset new password.
View 4 Replies
Jun 29, 2010
I have a question about the encryption key/keys the standard ASP.NET Membership provider uses for creating the password hashes.Although we haven't deployed this new system we are working on yet, we might switch servers in the future. So I thought it might be a good idea to specify the encryption key/keys in the web.config file to avoid any problems with mismatched hashes if we do switch servers.We use the standard ASP.NET Membership provider ("AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"), passwordFormat is set to "Hashed" and we use Forms authentication.The current web.config file initially did not have any machineKey element. I used the web application and had registered and thus created an account and the hash of my password is stored in one of the aspnet_* tables.Then I created a machineKey element in the web.config file, and specified validationKey, decryptionKey, validation and decryption attributes. I had expected not to be able to log in with my password anymore, but I was surprised that I could still do so with the existence of the new machineKey specifying new encryption keys.So - why can I still log in?Does the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider not use the encryption keys specified in machineKey?
View 7 Replies
Jun 2, 2010
I want to migrate users and posts from an existing forum I am using to a ASP.NET membership table without using CreateUser. Basically I want to maintain userIDs so that when I migrate posts they continue to associate with the correct users. Is there a way to do this or would I be better off just using CreateUser and then finding a way to re-assign the post-by-UserIDs to the correct new IDs?
View 3 Replies
Feb 9, 2011
I am using Membership provider.. I integrated the aspnet member tables into my database.
I need the user to enter password on a data entry form and validate it against the membership tables.
How can I do this. This is the set up. I have few fields and user enters those fields and also enters the password, and submits the form. It is kind of like signature... i am looking for something like..
If txtPassword.text = membershipprovider password
//do this...
View 1 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
I have this code for changing a user's password when they click the password reset button (with extra code to log to ELMAH so I can try to figure out what is going wrong).
This is in ASP.NET MVC 2, using the standard aspnet membership provider, with a simple View like this:
New Password: ______
Confirm Password: ______
[Reset] [Cancel]
The route to this view is `/Account/Reset/guid`, where guid is the user's id in the aspnet membership database.
The key portion of the code is where it calls `user.ChangePassword()`. You can see that it logs a message when successful. The problem is that for some users, the success message is logged, but they can not log in with the new password. For other users it logs the success message and they can log in.
if (user.ChangePassword(pwd, confirmPassword))
new Exception("ResetPassword - changed successfully!"));
return Json(new {
Msg = "You have reset your password successfully." },
The full code listing is:
Edit: Adding a bounty to try to get this solved. This is one of the most annoying problems on my issue list, and I have no idea how to proceed.
View 1 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
I am using a custom membership provider with a custom ValidateUser method. The ValidateUser sends and additional parameter to authenticate my users (Username, Password, and Dealer). I created a custom stored procedure for ValidateUser to call. I copied over all my users from another table and encrypted all the passwords in the aspnet_membership table using the code below. My question is, how do I take the password the user enters in the login form and validate that against what is in my aspnet_membership Here is the code I used to encrypt the passwords (not even sure this was the right way to encrypt. Please tell me if I did this wrong):
public static string EncodePasswordNow(string originalPassword)
Byte[] originalBytes;
View 1 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
I using control Membership and profile for change Your password. It is error when i login again.
View 2 Replies
Jan 31, 2010
Error 1 The type or namespace name'CreateUser' does not exist in the namespace'LocalGarageFinder.Membership' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I have checked the namespaces. all in. Security.Web.Security;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
View 2 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
There are lots of posts about this issue but I can't work out the answers as most of them are for C# or similar. I'm trying to automatically insert the UserId generated by Membership into a custom table. I have membership working correctly, as well as the custom table (I'm able to insert other things from the registration form). But I can't get it to extract the generated UserId and insert it into the custom table. Here's my code:
As you can see I've experimented with the parameters for inserting the record, but that doesn't work (I get an error about ProviderKey not being a part of
View 3 Replies
Jan 13, 2011
I've made a change to my web config membership properties and now I seem to be having issues changing my password. I originally had
minRequiredPasswordLength="7" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0"
I've change it to passwordStrengthRegularExpression="^(?=.{8,15}$)(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z]).*" however it still keeps coming up telling me that I need at least 7 characters and one nonAlphaNumberic... I looked at my machine config and made some adjustments there so that
minRequiredPasswordLength="" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="" were blank
View 8 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
I want to get code for reset password based on passwordquestion and passwordanswer in membership.
View 1 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
I use access membership prvider and it works. but I am unable to recover passwork. It says that "" membership provider doesn't support to get and zero password." It gives me the error in turkish and I translated it. Something like that. I am using the below code;
how can I do that?
View 3 Replies
Jan 2, 2010
There seems to be something wrong with the create user wizard?I am using hashed password storage. When I change it to clear storage I see the user's password is being stored as something completly different than what they typed in.Example: changeme1 now equates to something like: 4W*KQQ4%=SIf I use 4W*KQQ4%=S as the password to login with it works but changeme1 does not.When I use the reset password wizard it updates the password just fine and it works when I login next.Any clues what could be causing this?
View 1 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
how to decrypt and encrypt password in table membership in aspnet databas ?
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Jun 28, 2010
Does anyone has a solution (sample code) for the following features:
Create a randomGuid/Cryptographically strong random number Send a unique URL containing the random number to the user's email address When confirmed, the user is asked to change password
My provider is currently parametrized this way:
The security issues with this type of procedure have been discussed here before.
View 2 Replies
Aug 12, 2010
I have a custom membership user class and custom MembershipProvider working against database. Due to security reasons the user passwords are stored in the database as hashed values. So my procedure
public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password) is
//select hashed password from db
return (EncodePassword(password) == dbpassword)
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