Security :: Save File Automatically From Server

Sep 16, 2010

I need to know the best way to have a user click a link that will download a file that is out on the server and save it to a specific location on their computer. The file is a custom template for Microsoft Outlook signature. Thus, it has to be in a certain folder and this folder will have a different location if the user has Windows 7 vs Windows XP.

I wrote a ASP.NET page that captures the user that is logged in and use WebClient.DownloadFile to download the file. However, I am getting an access is denied error. Apparently my server doesn't have access to write to the user's folder. My questions are.

1. How do I solve this and make it so that my server can write to the user's PC?

2. Is there a better way to roll out a custom Outlook template that the entire company should use?

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Exception Details:
Access to the path
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