Security :: Saving Login Name Automatically In Database?

Apr 4, 2010

Hi creating a simple blog site where u can login and save blog entries. I want to use the loginname control to automaticly save the username of the one entering the blog.

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How is this automatically saving changes to database?

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Security :: How To Login Automatically When Browser Starts

Oct 22, 2010

I am facing a problem that is i have developed a website in which diffrent people login from their respective systems but i have a problem which i want to ask is that when ever user close the browser i lost all informatioin and when user restart browser he /she has to provide password and username again i want to know how to use code to login them automatically if they were logon previously before shutingdown the PC

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How do I automatically send user to login page when his/her FormsAuthenticationTicket expires? I just don't want a user log in and leave a page on their computer screen long after their session has expired. I'd like to make sure that as soon as the user's
FormsAuthenticationTicket has expired, I send them to login page.

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Security :: Saving Membership Data To A Sql Database Table (edit)

Jan 9, 2011

I want to create a site where users can create a very basic profile, with fields like full name, City, Age and Gender, and I want the data for every new member that signs up to go into a simple Table in my sql data base. reason being I want members to be able to view other members info in a table. I am familiar with the "CreateUserWizard", but that only allows me to work with certain predefined info (email, user id, etc). If I just anually add new columns to the table in which user ID and such is saved to, and customize the CreateUserWizard controller to have text boxes for the additional data that I want (i.e. city), will the CreateUserWizard know to save that additional data in the table?

Also, I know I can add fields to the <profile> tag in the web.config files, but I dont know where that gets stored. I want all the info for the user to be stored in one table in a sql data base so that I can easily access it with a quary. I dont see where the profile properties get stored, and how it can be linked to a User ID. by the way I noticed in other posts, there was a mention of a membership provider. I noticed that although I've added some "Login" controlls (i.e. login and CreateUserWizard), no membership provider has been added to my web.config file. Do I need to do this manually? or is there a menu item that adds it for me?

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Security :: Asp:Login - Switching To Database From Database File?

Nov 8, 2010

My question: I have a site where '*' users can look at the public directory and '?' users can look at the /Auth directory. It works out of the box as you'd expect. I have the connectionstring un-changed from the VS2010 template ASP.NET (C#) website pointing to the DB file under App_Data. When I run it on my machine on Casini it works perfectly.What I want to do now though is change the data source from the database file to an actual 2005 database. I have a blank 2005 SQL Database ready to use.Is there anything I have to do other than change the connectionstring to point to the database?Will the asp:Login control create the database tables, storedprocedures, relationships, etc.??I tried it (without concentratin admittedly) and it returned with something about schema version stored procedure not present??

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VS 2008 - Automatically Saving Excel File

Feb 7, 2012

Is there any mechanism for saving an excel file automatically. The Code which i used for Generting Excel file is


HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset = ""
HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = True


_strBuild contains the information to be displayed in the excel

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Security :: Login Using A SQL Database To Authenticate?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to modify my current page to have a login. My Current page has the user select a store via a drop down List. This DDL will need to be used as the user name. I would liketo add a Password textbox and the end of the page that the user would just type in there password and hit submit to submit the form is correct or pop-up that passowrd is incorrect and re-enter. I would like to use a Database on my SQL Server to autenticate the passwortd with the store. Does anyone have any sample code that will accomplish this.

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Security :: Login Control With SQL Database?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm in a trouble with the Login Control of ASP.NET to check the credentials against an SQL Database.

I followed all the instructions from [URL] to Login With SQL Server Database but I have errors.

In a master page, I added a Login Control as follows:

<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">
<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" OnAuthenticate="Login1_Authenticate" BorderPadding="0"
BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" EnableTheming="True" Font-Names="Arial"


I cannot get this code to work, the are the 2 next errors whent I try to compile:

- Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

- Login1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

View 9 Replies

Security :: How To Compare Login Information With Database

Jul 27, 2010

I have created a login form through VS 2008 using C#. There are 5 different aspx pages in my application.

1)Default.aspx: It contains only a hyperlink to direct the user to login.aspx page.

2)Login.aspx: This page has texbox for Username and Password, sign in button, textbox for displaying error and hyperlink (Create an Account) if the user does not created an account yet.

Here is Login.aspx code:


Now, I want to do following with my application.

If the user already has an account, he can put his username and password and click on the sign in button. If the username is existed in databse, application should compare the user input with database and if both are matched then the application should redirect the user to "welcome.aspx". If username does not exist it should show that Username does not exist.

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Security :: Login Using Database User Table

May 6, 2010

I am dtrugling with the log in of .net. I have studied a wrox 2 book and it says add

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="Wrox" loginUrl="Login.aspx" path ="/" />
<deny users ="*" />

to the web.config file. This automaticaly sends me to Login.aspx. The problem I have is I have added this line to the code behind in Login.aspx

protected void submit1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(User.Text, false);

NOW this does not check the password but it should in THEARY send me to the page I was going to. It dosnt it stays on the login page.

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Security :: Login / Authenticate With The Use Of MS Acces As Database?

Jul 28, 2010

question about how to use MS Access as the aspnetdb.mdb during a login and authentication with the use of VS 2010 with framework 3.5. Reason: My current provider does not support MS SQL and only ms Access and MySQL as databases.I wanted to implement a login and authentication and based upon an artikel about 2.0 i saw, that basically Access was the first choice in those days.Is it still possible to use Access? and how to implement this?Is this a matter of using connectionstrings inside web.config with Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ?Hope that i get an answer which i understand, since my knowledge about these things is not that big.

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Security :: Connect Login Control With Database?

Jan 28, 2011

Actually m developing a simple website, where I am using ASP.Net Login control and now I want to connect it the database where I am accepting somewhat same kinda information one and one of my field specifies the type of the role that particular person would be playing. So, how would i connect the authenticate through my database's table?

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Security :: Login Form Rejecting Valid Login With Forms Based Security And Membership Service

Jan 21, 2010

I've set up a system with forms based authentication and using the asp:Login control. When I put in an invalid password I get the approriate invalid password message. However when I put in a valid password, it does nothing...just returns to the login page again. I'm triple checked the login info. There is no error message, and the invalid attempts counter doesn't increment. When I put a break point in the Login_LoggedIn event of the Login form, it hits it, but User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false. I'm not 100% sure it should be true at this point, as I'm pretty new to .NET but it seems kind of odd.

My user database is stored in a sqlserver 2005 db that already existed. I've added a new connection for it.In the authorization I have


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Jun 22, 2010

It's been a 4 or 5 years since I worked with I dig the login control wizard. But I don't want to use the standard mdf file database. I actually took that database and merged it with mine, tables, SP and views. Now how can I point the controls to update my database, instead of the mdf file it creates? I'm just trying to keep everything in the same database. I'm working on VS 2008.

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Security :: Creating A Login For A Website That Checks Against A Database Table?

Oct 26, 2010

Creating a login for a website that checks against a database table.

I have never made a login before but im just going with what i think would be right.

but how do i make it check against a database? and how do i capture that login and use it again in the next page?

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Security :: How To Make A Secure Login Page Using Sql Database By Matching A User Name And Password

Dec 31, 2010

How to make a secure login page using sql database by matching a user name and password and redirect them to differnt page as admin and user

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Security :: Login Plus Custom Login Using The Standaard Login Controls?

Apr 12, 2010

After reading a book I brought on I fould the login controls to be very nice.I have set it up in my application so that customers can login using the standaard login controls and things were going smooth.But in my schema for my application I also have a table for customers (firstName, LastName, DOB, etc).And of course the customersID is used as a foreign key to tables such as Orders, Addresses (Home, Work, Postal).

The thing is how to i associate an login to a customer name in my table so that the CustomerID can be used through the application by knowing who is logged in.

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Saving The Login Name As Current User Identity?

Mar 1, 2011

So I'm making a login. I want the login name that people use to match an id in my SQL database. So that I can retrieve their information. But currently when I use the code below, from which I get the name of the computer I am currently on. However I would like the user Identity to be what they write in the username textbox at the login screen.

If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim userName As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
End If

So I looked for it on net and I think it might have something to do with my web.config file. As I'm totally new to I wouldn't know. However here's a part of my Web.config file.


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Redirecting To Another Login Page Automatically?

Oct 22, 2010

In my web application i want to redirect to login page, which is in the same folder[admin folder], when i type like "" it is redirect to login.aspx page which is in admin folder. for this i place one index.html page and write meta tag code, even though it is not redirect to loginpage. it is going to index.aspx page. shall i have to remove this index.aspx page, i have default page also there in admin folder.

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The Login Is Made Automatically By The Name Of Mssql Server Connection ?

Mar 8, 2010

even i moved my project to my freind's pc and installed every thing correctly i still get this error

the login is made automatically by the name of mssql server connection ?

how is it , even i checked out my DB and found that ther's no users with such name ?

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C# - Automatically Authenticate Windows Integrate Without Login Popup?

Jan 21, 2011

I wrote an application with default.aspx. When I hit this page It is asking me windows login popup window. My application should me windows authentication required but it should "Integrated Windows authentication". If I enter login password I am able to see my page. How can I automatically integrate this windows authentication? I added below code in web.config. still doesn't work.

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="false"/>
<deny users="?"/>

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Automatically Login In Website By Passing Username And Password In QueryString

Feb 2, 2014

I want to use autouser login in my website using ASP.NET C#.i.e., If I say that autouser login, this means user has to include user id and password to url for verification.

Example:,Password=1234Here, 'UserName and password' will be as autouser login, '' is the website url, 'abc.aspx' page is any of the page of website.

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