Security :: Sending Passwords By Email Security Threat?

Nov 4, 2010

Having spent considerable amount of time in ASP.NET security community I would like to share this.

There are three ways of resetting and changing passwords explained at

Microsoft ASP.NET site[URL]

Step 1: Helping Users Recover Lost Passwords
Step 2: Changing Passwords
Step 3: Allowing Administrators to Change Users' Passwords

In step 1 and step 2 end user passwords are sent by an email.

In Step 3: functionality is explained where administror changing the password and sending through email msg. refer "I encourage those readers interested in this functionality to become more familiar with the code and try extending the functionality to include sending an email to the user whose password was changed. Query

Is Sending passwords by emial secure enough or best security password at all? I have implemented functionality where Admin sending passwords to end users by changing once in 3 months. End users expressed their views that sending passwords by email is not secure. When there is security threat in sending passwords by email, Microsoft security experts should not emailing passwords in above mentioned article, which is still up to date.

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Aug 4, 2010

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<asp:PasswordRecovery ID="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server"

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void PasswordRecovery1_SendingMail(object
sender, MailMessageEventArgs e)
MailMessage mm =


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SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();
MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("", "friend");
smtpClient.Host = "";
//smtpClient.Port = 587;
smtpClient.Port = 25;
mailMsg.From = fromAddress;
mailMsg.Subject = "test message";
mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = false;
mailMsg.Body = "hello friend";
catch (Exception ex)
// lblstatus = "sending fail" + ex.Message;

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UserID, GUID, NOT NULL, FK Reference to aspnet_Users.
Password, nvarchar(256) NOT NULL,
Timestamp, timestamp, NOT NULL

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Nov 19, 2010

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As you can see, my password is in plain-text in the code. Now, I presume it's easy to decompile a code using a tool and getting your hands on the password. Since these are my AD Admin-credentials this is not that good.The AuthenticationTypes are secure, I think. They encrypt the data before sending it to the network.So there's just the problem of the plain-text password. I've searched for it on Google but can't find the proper solution. I've found alot about encrypting passwords in the web.config.

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Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to find out how i store user names and passwords in the web.config file. I have tried looking for documentation on this but haven't found any so far.

I see in the class library it says that the Authenticate method of the FormsAuthentication class is for use in authenticating credentials against those stored in the config file, but i don't know how to store them there to begin with. I want to store two username:password pairs in the web.config file preferably encrypted.

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code I need to add to my web.config file i need to add and in what section?

also can you point me in the direction of a method used for creating username:password entries in web.config

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Security :: How To Change Hashed Passwords To Clear Text

Jan 3, 2010

I setup a website to use hashed passwords with the membership provided by I'm looking for a way to convert all passwords to clear text. Hashed passwords are overkill for this site and many users can't figure out how to cut and paste the complex temporary password when they request a forgotten password. I understand that you can't retrieve a hashed password.

<membership defaultProvider="CustomizedProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<add name="CustomizedProvider"

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Security :: Encrypting Passwords With T-SQL That Will Be Decrypted By Membership Provider

Mar 4, 2011

I have been killing myself over this for a couple weeks now and cannot find a viable solution. Here's my scenario:

I have a DTSX package that imports user data from an external database. It then creates user accounts and profiles in the local database. Users can also be created via a custom ASP.NET Membership Provider. The provider must be able to authenticate both types of users.

This was all fine and dandy during development because passwords were stored as clear text. However, now that we're ready for release the passwords format of the provider must be set to encrypted and so the users created via the DTSX must be created with an encrypted password. (I'd prefer the passwords were hashed but the client's requirements are that passwords be recoverable). The real problem seems to be creating an encrypted password within the DTSX that will be decryptable by the ASP.NET Membership Provider.

My original solution was to have the DTSX call a CLR stored procedure that had access to the same encryption logic as the provider. I got it working but our client wouldn't enable CLR integration. So that's out the window. Now I'm investigating alternatives. One alternative is to simply use the built-in encryption methods of T-SQL. But how do I share the keys used for the encryption/decryption?

My question is, is it possible to generate a password in T-SQL, say using EncryptByKey, that will also be decryptable by my provider? This means that the key in SQL must match the key in my machineKey configuration.

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C# - Microsoft .net Security Warning : Never Enter Personal Information Or Passwords - How To Fix It

Oct 28, 2010

So I have an application, with an ActiveX Control which brings up a pop up

When I point to the application directly through IP there is no problem with the pop up eg. (under Default Website in the IIS -- IIS 7) Problem arises when I set up the IIS to point it to a domain [URL] which points to the above IP (under another "Site" i.e. not the "Default Site in IIS 7)

I then get this weird

Microsoft .net Security Warning Never enter personal information or passwords into a window unless you can verify and trust the source of the request.

Source: [URL]

The site is in the trusted list -- just like when I was using the IP only . Is there any setting in the IIS I need to tweak for IE to trust me fully.

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