Security :: How To Clear Text In The Textbox Control Of Create User Wizard Using C

Oct 29, 2010

I am using CreateUserWizard control on my admin page.After successfully creating a user with the control, it displays "Complete Your account has been successfully created."After clicking on continue button it sets the ActiveStepIndex Correctly.The problem is, while it sets the ActiveStepIndex correctly, it retains the old user account credentials.

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AJAX :: How To Get An Array Of All The Textbox Control Inside Create User Wizard Control

Aug 10, 2010

How can I get all the textboxes inside a create user wizard control using getElementsByTagName().

Below is my JQuery code:


The above code isn't displaying hint text when the textbox retreives focus.

I think there is something wrong with this getElementsByTagName("asp:TextBox"); , I have also tried getElementsByTagName("TextBox"); , getElementsByTagName(":textbox"); and getElementsByTagName("input"); .

But no one of them gets the textboxes array.

Can anyone tell what will be the correct syntax for getting all the textboxes inside a create user wizard control using getElementsByTagName()?

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JQuery :: Access The Contant Of Text Box Which Is In Create User Wizard Control?

Jul 22, 2010

I want to access my textbox with id=UserName from javascript but its giving me error (on the highlighted JS line) that UserName does not exists in the current context.

Can any one tell me how to acces a controls value with is residing in's CreateUserWizard control?

Here is my code-


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Sep 7, 2010

I Have Question : Can I Edit Create User Wizard To Save Info To My Project Sql ? And Where Normal Create User Wizard Save Info Of Register?

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Security :: How To Create User Button In Create User Wizard

Aug 31, 2010

May i know how i can change postion of Create user button in Create USer Wizard as i want to change according to requirement!

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Security :: Trying To Create New User With Create User Wizard And Getting Name Already Exists!?

Sep 8, 2010

I am using a create User Wizard for registering a user and have converted it to a a template to capture additional information. In the CreatedUserEvent handler in Code Behind I am getting the UserName of the new user and their unique GUID key. This is then added to a seperate data table with addditional info captured from the user. The textboxes within the create user Wizard have validation controls. If the user has missed an entry these fire and it shops the process of creating the user.

BUT If I then complete the textboxes and then click submit it says the USER NAME already Exists! This is not what I want as the User just needs to correct the errors in the form and they should be able to keep their iniital User Name choice. Do I need to change the Event handler and if so am I still able to capture the USerName and Key so that I can add the data to the other non membership table.

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Security :: Create User Wizard With Roles?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm trying to add a step into a Create User Wizard to set roles, but it don't works, it create the user but don't set the role,


using System;

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Web Forms :: Add Style To Textbox That Is Inside A Create User Wizard?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a Create User Wizard and I want to make the UserName textbox border red when a user doesn't enter text in the textbox. So I made a custom validator that looks like this:


When I click the Create User button inside of the Create User Wizard, it throws this error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Security :: How To Create User Profile In Multi Step "create User Wizard"

Jun 9, 2010

im creating a multi step create user wizard for new members but I run into a problem. If the create of an account is in step 3 how do I capture the values from step 1 and 2. Should I try to pass the values to sessions or is there some other code. Here is some codebehind I tried so far (did not work).



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Security :: How To Add Payment Step To Create User Wizard

Jan 11, 2011

I'd like to add a payment step to the create user wizard so that it follows:Sign upPay (via paypal or something similar)omplete (only if payment successful)Has anyone done this before and could they point me in the right direction? I've had a scour of the internet and not had too much luck yet.It's for a charity site I'm working on if that makes a difference

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Security :: Create User Wizard And Profiles And SQL Server?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm modifying Scottgu's tutorial for adding profile information to a login.I have put in a provider tag and the profile tag parts in the web config, and hooked it up to a connection to my SQL Server DB.I have modified the create user wizard step 1 to contain extra controls to capture forename and surname. I then altered the tutorial code to match this.however, though the _CreatedUser event code fires, nothing is stored in the aspnet_Profiles table in my DB.I took the tutorial code for the display profile info page and modified it to displAy the users name, but nothing appears on the page, even though the users username appears using the loginname control.all I would like to do is display message in the master page that says 'welcome, John Doe, you are logged in as doej'

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Security :: Access The Create User Wizard Controls?

Jul 12, 2010

How to Access the controls exist in create user step template in a createuserwizard?

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Security :: Send Confirmation Email With Create User Wizard?

Aug 8, 2010

After a user creates their account with the create new user wizard, I would like to have a confirmation email sent that requires them to click on a link in the email to confirm their account and verify their email address before account is activated.

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Security :: Create User Wizard Custom Step / How To Get The Value Of CheckBox

Apr 24, 2010

I use default membership provider. in my register.aspx page i use a CreateUserWizard to create new user. in this wizard i want to create a custom step in first step to show the user some roles with a checkBox if user check it mean he agree with the roles and can create account.

i create the step and i put the some text and a checkBox in it. the problem is i don't know how to get the value of checkBox and how active the next button in first Step of my wizard.

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Security ::how To Collect Extra Information Using Create User Wizard

Aug 29, 2010

I am trying to collect extra information about a user when the user account is created using the Create User Wizard. This info will be stored in a new table in the standard ASP membership SQL database.I have read several books and loads of online tutorials on the subject and they all take different approaches and seem to make the process hard work.Is there any reason why I can't add an SQL datasource and a number of textboxes to the wizard step, 'connect' the values from the textboxes to the Insert Parameters and then put an Insert Statement in a suitable event handler to cause the insert?

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Security :: Username Password Firstname In Create User Wizard?

Sep 8, 2010

I m facing major problems as i want to clear fields i.e username password firstname in create user wizard as i have tried follwing option but not working

1) username texbox empty

2) username viewstate false

3) createUser wizard viestep false as nothing is working

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Security :: Create User Wizard Error Won't Send Confirmation Email?

Aug 18, 2010

I have create user wizard control on my page as below with mail definition setup to send a welcome email to new registerd user.

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server"
requiresQuestionAndAnswer= "false"
oncreateduser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser" LoginCreatedUser="False">
<MailDefinition BodyFileName="~/EmailTemplates/CreateUserWizard.txt"
From="myemailaddress" Subject="New User">
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1" runat="server" >
layout content here
Problem is I am not receiving the welcome email.
To test it, I placed another create user wizard on another page in its default form
as below
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server">
<MailDefinition BodyFileName="~/EmailTemplates/CreateUserWizard.txt"
From="myemailaddress" Subject="New User">
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep runat="server" />
<asp:CompleteWizardStep runat="server" />

This one worked and I got welcome email. The setup in Web Config is correct. Is it because I have the oncreateduser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser" or some other conflict issue.

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Security :: Basic Information About Creating Users With Create User Wizard?

Jan 8, 2011

Im very new to and have no experience with it at all.Im currently developing a website,and am confused about creating users.Im using the create user wizard,everything is working fine.However,I am worried about the security of user information.I believe the user information is stored in the APP_Data folder, am I right in believing that this folder is secure?

Exactly how is the user information stored when using the create a user wizard?In a database in the APP_Data folder?Is it encrypted automatically when a user signs up?

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Web Forms :: Closing User Control - Validator Does Not Clear In Firefox Or But Clear In IE?

Oct 27, 2010

I have create user wizard control and i put validation control for all field but when i close user control that validators dint clear in firefox or but clear in IE

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Security :: Create User Wizard Login Error Message Dont Show In A Message Box?

Aug 19, 2010

i am using create user wizard and capturing other information within content template when a new userregisters. Some of the textboxes are binded to required field validators.there is a validation control on the page and ShowMessage box is True.If they dont complete some of the text boxes then the message box pops Up with the error message.It does not however include information errors like "User already exists" or Email address already existsfrom the create user wizard membership UserName and Password Textboxesis it possilbe to hook all of these up so I get one message box with all errors including membership ones?

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Web Forms :: Disabling The Create User Button In The Create User Wizard

Jan 7, 2010

Does anyone know how to disable a create user button in the Create User Wizard if the Terms and Conditions checkbox is not checked?

I have a CUW with additional fields (the data of which is stored in an additional table that I have added to the ordinaty SQL membership database) and I want the user to check the Terms and Conditions checkbox before the user is created.

By any chance, do you also know how to prevent the creation of the user if the additional fields have not been filled?

I triend with Java, code behind and many method but it still dont work: the user is created even if the Terms and Conditions are not checked.

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AJAX :: Show User Already Exist Erroe In User Create Wizard?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to show user already exist erroe in user create wizard but user create wizard is disaply in pop up so after click create user button ot shows error user already exist and pop got closed how i can show error on popup or how can skip postback so clicking on button it will not close popup???

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Web Forms :: Send Email To User In Create User Wizard

Apr 27, 2012

Using Create user wizard enter email address send mail to that email address when click submit button and redirect login page

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Web Forms :: Textbox Of Password Can Clear Text After Click A Button?

Mar 23, 2010

have a page with a textbox control with textmode=password. In this page I also have some buttons that I have to click before save all data. But when I click any button, the password textboxe's text clears itself.I know how to persist this information on the code behind, but my user really want to see the '***' in the textbox

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Security :: How To Change Hashed Passwords To Clear Text

Jan 3, 2010

I setup a website to use hashed passwords with the membership provided by I'm looking for a way to convert all passwords to clear text. Hashed passwords are overkill for this site and many users can't figure out how to cut and paste the complex temporary password when they request a forgotten password. I understand that you can't retrieve a hashed password.

<membership defaultProvider="CustomizedProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<add name="CustomizedProvider"

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