Security :: Improve Security Vulnerabilities To Prevent Future Attacks?
Aug 17, 2010
I am using microsoft visual web developer 2010 to build and publish my website, I am facing a security problem. My website has authentication service for my clients, each one he has his own user name and password. After I introduced a new member, my database collapsed, may be this last member is a hacker. Is their a way to improve security vulnerabilities to prevent future attacks. May be through web.config, could be encrypted.
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8Misusing HTTP POST and GET
Use POST to submit forms
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I have to make changes to some existing web applications at work to bring them inline with a new security policy.
I am using the framework 3.5 and am using the standard sql membership provider for user authentication.
When a user is changing his password, I want to prevent him using previously used passwords. What is the best and easiest way to go about this?
I was thinking a SQL table with the following columns, my problem was do I handle encryption here as they are old?
UserID, GUID, NOT NULL, FK Reference to aspnet_Users.
Password, nvarchar(256) NOT NULL,
Timestamp, timestamp, NOT NULL
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Feb 13, 2010
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Since I need user click a link from his/her email once they registered, currently after user registered, and click the "Continue" button (CreateUserWizard1_ContinueButtonClick) or CreateUserWizard1_UserCreatedSuccess, it will be authenticated, how do I prevent this until they click the active link from their email?
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Response.CacheControl = "no-store";
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
Response.Expires = -1;
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Mar 4, 2010
i use the CreateUserWizard in order to create users. generates automatically a password which is sent to the user by email.
The emailaddress must be like this: . If '' doesn't exist in our Exchange server (''), then:
1) the user is still created
2) the message page with: 'Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.1.1 User unknown' appears
E.g: if user John Wayne introduces by error , then this user must not be created, and only a simple Alert-message must appear.
I tried a lot of Try / Catch / Endtry but all my attempts fail: the user is always created and the whole message page appears. I also tried with CreateUserWizard1_SendMailError sub.1
Here the aspx file:
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Oct 15, 2010
a major problem from Cross-Site ScriptingAttack, Below is sample script which automatically gets inserted into my HTML and ASPX Pages.
"<script src= ></script>"
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May 12, 2010
Using 2005.
I am modifying an existing page where I am doing an insert into tables, adding an email address for the team, both fields input from the user.
However, Each email can only exist once for a given team (I have a unique index constraint in my code) so when this exception happens I am showing text something like "you cannot add the same email address for this team" and I am also changing the following property of my CreateUserWizard:
before this it was displaying something like "you have successfully created your user..."
However if the user attempts to add the same email address again for a given team I want to prevent the user from registering.
Anyways, my question is that its good I am hiding the "successfully created..." text however I am still seeing the following:
1. "Complete" word
2. A button with the text "Continue" on it.
I also need to hide both the "Complete" text and the "Continue" button.
This is confusing to the user because it suggests that the user was created successfully but this is not the case in the scenario I described.
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a folder within my website called 'ProtectedPages' which contains pages which users can only see if they have logged in (MyAccount.aspx etc). If they bookmark that page and try to go to it without logging-in, they are immediately bounced to my login page.However, if I have text files, images etc. in there, then it seems users can get to these fine without the need to login - all they need is the URL. For example, I could send the URL to a friend and he wouldn't be able to access it until he had logged in. However, I could send himttp:// and it would show it to him without any problems.How would I go about protecting ALL files within this folder? I have a web.config file within the ProtectedPages folder which just has this information in it (I don't want TrainingAdministrator's to have access to that folder at all)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Oct 15, 2010
Im using an aspx page as the srcl for an image in the host page to serve a dynamically generated image to the user based on parameters they supply
<img alt="" src="generateimage.aspx" id="imagegen"/></div>
Id like for people only to access the content via default.aspx and not the dynamically generated content generateimage.aspx. Any attempt to browse here directly should be redirected to an error page
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Apr 13, 2010
I usually use HttpUtility.HtmlEncode and HttpUtility.HtmlDecode for this but my fear is that someone injects some nasty javascript, I encode it before committing it to the database so it doesn't harm me but the next person who pulls up the page, gets the javascript because I decode the HTML before rendering the page.
What's the best way to handle this in public facing websites?
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Jun 2, 2010
My application is windows authenticated. The application pulls JUST the userName from the current windows account. Then I provide site access to this user depending on his account privileges. If his userName belongs to the admins list he is directed to admin screens. If his username belongs to users list he is directed to users screens. I handle this security in C# and some SQL tables(No membership provider and no Active directory security in the app).
I need to be able to prevent multiple concurrent logins for the same userName.
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