Security :: Send Digitally Signed Through C# Code?

Nov 29, 2010

How to send a digitally signed through C# code.i apply the no of ways but still not able to perform.

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Security :: Self Signed SSL Not Working Outside The Web Server?

Mar 22, 2011

I have created a self signed certificate for IIS6 for my app. App works fine when I access it from the web server. But when I access the app from client machine it gives an error "The connection has timed out" on IE, and on Firefox it does not load the page.

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Security :: Page Not Recognizing Signed In Status

Jan 31, 2011

I am using the aspnet membership features and check to make sure the user is logged in before display the page:

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
'Check for UserName
If Context.User.Identity.Name
Or IsDBNull(Context.User.Identity.Name)
Or Context.User.Identity.Name =
) = Context.User.Identity.Name
UserName.Text = Session(
UserIDValue.Text = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString()

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Security :: Finding A Way To Get The User Id That They Signed On To The Computer With From Website Project

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Security :: Accessing User Id Immediately After User Signed Up

Jan 8, 2011

On our website users can sign up. The sign up controls (converted to a template) has the usual text boxes and then the create user button. When pressing this button the account is created. After reloading the website, the user can see his credentials in his 'my account' tab. Question: How can we access the newly created user (especially his userid) right after the create user button was clicked? Right now this does not work, we can only start accessing this after the page has been reloaded. But surely the account is created the instant the button was pressed. I have tried this:

MembershipUser myObject = Membership.GetUser();
UserID = (System.Guid)(myObject.ProviderUserKey);

But it looks as if the user is not yet logged in at this stage. Can this somehow be forced so that we can access the newly created userid right after the user has clicked the create user button?

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C# - Digitally Sign Pdf In Browser?

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Digitally Sign A Zip File For Download Using C#?

Sep 2, 2010

Whats the best way to digitally sign a file server side with .Net before offering it for download via an based web site

In addition how do I trigger checking of the signature and hence prove the file has not been tmapered with during the download process in a web browser

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Digitally Sign PDF Documents In A Web Application?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm building a web application that most allow the user to digitally sign PDF documents with certificates installed in the client machine.

The document, once signed, should be posted back to the server, where it will store the signed version.

The server is running Classic ASP/ASP.NET

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Security :: Automatically Assigning Roles / Standard Practice For Assigning Roles To Newly Signed-on members?

May 17, 2010

Newb question: what is the standard practice for assigning roles to newly signed-on members. Is it usually manual or is there a way of automatically assigning roles. Being completely new to this, I am confronted by the issue of my site having three different roles that new members could fall into, but am unsure about how to assign each a role. I can't imagine having to go through the process manually if I have thousands of members.

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C# - How To Create Self Signed Certificates

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to open my homepage with HTTPS in my test server. Is there a way i can create Self signed certifcates and see if https works. some links or any ideas with how to do Its an ASP.Net project and IIS V6.0

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C# - HTTPS With Self Signed Certificate

Oct 11, 2010

I am using a Self signed certificate for HTTPS. I have it ready. what should be changed in IIS and also what should be changed in the code for https to come into affect. I need https for some pages(not all).

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C# - Error In HTTPS For Self Signed Certificate

Oct 11, 2010

This is in VS 2005. And IIS is 6.0. I am trying to use Self signed certificate for HTTPS. In the code i am redirecting from http to https for few pages. It is nt working fine. and in the IIS manager, for each page that i want HTTPs, i have changed its setting by checking "Require Secure Channel(SSL)" and "Require 128 bit encryption".

public void setSecureProtocol()
string redirectUrl = null;
bool bSecure = true;
bool SecureConnection = true;
if (bSecure && SecureConnection)
redirectUrl = Request.Url.ToString().Replace("http:", "https:");
if (!bSecure && SecureConnection)
redirectUrl = Request.Url.ToString().Replace("https:", "http:");
if (redirectUrl != null)

Pages throw me an error like this The page must be viewed over a secure channel The page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets

Layer (SSL).

Please try the following:

* Type https:// at the beginning of the address you are attempting to reach and press ENTER.

HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL is required to view this resource. Internet Information Services (IIS)Internet Information Services (IIS) When i try to put https in the start of the URl, it wont call. I have no idea whats wrong in here. Here, Its not redirecting from http to https. For the pages that i am not redirecting in the code behind, and changing in the IIS, i can see the HTTPS when i check the two checkboxes. Internet Information Services (IIS)

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Web Forms :: Use UrlReferrer After The User Has Signed-in?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to use UrlReferrer after the user has signed-in.

Can UrlReferrer also refer to a webpage outside of the web project? .. this is not what I want...

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Web Forms :: Update Field With Name Of Signed In User

Jan 13, 2011

Using the form view control, when I click on the edit button to modify a record. the form is in update mode. When I clcik the update button any modified data is posted, but, for some reason the name in one filed named, user_update_name, does not. The name in the field will not change unless the field was empty. For example, if test1 was the last user to modify the record and the user_update_name field was empty, the field was now say Test1. If Test2 modified the same record, Test1 name will still display in the field. The command that fires when the update button is clicked.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Sub FormView1_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdateEventArgs)
Handles FormView1.ItemUpdating
frmPartsDS.UpdateParameters("user_update_name").DefaultValue = User.Identity.Name

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Chart Points Not Signed?

Mar 24, 2010

In the control Chart, I add few points, selected from the database:

var Diagram_1 = Razrez_D1.Series ["D1"];
sqlDA.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlDA.SelectCommand.CommandText = "Razrez_D1";
sqlDA.SelectCommand.Parameters ["@ date1"]. Value = Session ["date1"]. ToString ();
sqlDA.SelectCommand.Parameters ["@ date2"]. Value = Session ["date2"]. ToString ();
sqlDA.Fill (dataSet1, "Razrez_D1");
sqlDA.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
for (int i = 0; i <dataSet1.Razrez_D1.Rows.Count; i + +)
string name_s = dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. Name.ToString ();
name_s = name_s.Substring (name_s.IndexOf ('â„–')). Trim ();
Diagram_1.Points.AddXY (name_s, dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. Count);
Diagram_1.Points [i]. BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;;
Diagram_1.Points [i]. BorderWidth = 1;
if (Convert.ToInt32 (dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. count)> 5)
Diagram_1.Points [i]. Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
else if (Convert.ToInt32 (dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. count)> = 4 & & Convert.ToInt32
(dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. count) <= 5)
Diagram_1.Points [i]. Color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
else if (Convert.ToInt32 (dataSet1.Razrez_D1 [i]. count) <4)
Diagram_1.Points [i]. Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green;

The problem is that the points on the X axis are signed that way: first is not signed, second is signed, third is not signed etc How can I sigh all points?

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Signed WinForm Control Not Showing In Web Page?

Nov 8, 2010

I developped a light WinForm Control that run like an ActiveX in a Web Page. No problem yet.However, when i want to access System.IO I got a Security Exception. It seems that I have to sign my assembly, so that's what I did. When my assembly is signed, my Web Browser can't show the Winform. I set IE to download any ActiveX in the Security tab ... Nothing happens. Uncheck "Sign Assembly" ... works fine ...

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Web Forms :: Writing Common / Master 'Signed In As' Style Bar?

Oct 22, 2010

I'd like to add a typical 'Signed in as' bar, cf this site.Since it's 'common', first thought is: master page.However any controls designed on a master page are only rendered 'in' the final page...... so you need the 'this' (Page reference) to access the control... so you can't write code 'on' a master page, whose 'this' is not a Page.HttpContext has Session, Request, etc - all useful but none with a 'Page' reference that I've noticedUpdatePanel looks neat, but I'd prefer a non-Ajax solution to learn the 'basic' way before perhaps later making it 'smarter' with Ajax.Question therefore is: how to write a script that is site-wide, for a master page, that references controls on the (rendered) master page, with or without a 'Page' reference.

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How To Automatically Run Code And Send Emails

Sep 8, 2010

I would like to have users set some parameters, then have routines run in the middle of the night and if the user parameters are met, have an automated email sent to update the user at various time intervals as set by user , ie daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)

View 10 Replies

Website Project To Reference A Signed Assembly In Visual Studio?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm aware of the following two different types of web projects in Visual Studio 2008:Website projectWeb application projectA web application project can reference a signed assembly as long as the web application's assembly is also signed with the same key. However, this doesn't work with the website project because there is no place to sign an assembly. I think this is because the assembly is compiled dynamically on the server?

Anyway, is it possible to get the website project working with this signed assembly? Or will I have to convert this website project into a web application project?Edit:The following situation has required me to ask for clarification in this matter:I have a class library that is being referenced by several other projects in my solution in Visual Studio. One of the projects is a windows application that will be deployed to specific external users. In order to make sure that the application is using the correct assembly and to also prevent others from using the assembly (I am aware of the limitations with respect to its effectiveness), all assemblies have been signed and all the classes in the library are declared as Friend (internal).

The website project doesn't seem to have a way for me to sign its assembly and I get the following message when attempting to use anything from the library: "CLASS is not assessable in this context because it is 'Friend'", which is to be expected.The following attributes are inside the AssemblyInfo.vb file in my class library project:

<Assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("OtherProject1, PublicKey=AAA...")>
<Assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("OtherProject2, PublicKey=AAA...")>

My Conclusion:Looks like the cleanest way to do this would be to convert the website into a web application but this would require a bit of time to do since our site is pretty fleshed out already and as pointed out in other discussions, can be quite a pain to do. Going forward, I think creating a web application in the first place may have been a better idea and much more flexible for future development.

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SQL Reporting :: Send Report To Printer From Code-behind?

Sep 26, 2010

I would like to create a print button to send a .rdlc report to the users printer. Since i'm not using report viewer to view my reports using it's controls is not an alternative.

I have a button that generates a .pdf file from the report, and now i would like to make a similar button, but to print the report.

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Web Forms :: Improve Code To Send Email Using C#?

Mar 3, 2010

I found this code to send email using a contact form; the problem is that after the email is sent the page doesn't display a message indicating that the email was sent successfully. In addition, it doesn't reload (refresh) the page so the actual email remains there.


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Send 2 Parameters From Code-behind (c#) To A Javascript Function?

May 26, 2010

I am wanting to send 2 parameters from my code-behind (c#) to a javascript function located in the header of the .aspx site.

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Web Forms :: Send Confirmation Code On Mobile

Oct 2, 2013

How to send conformation code on mobile? like email activation code, registration code, password etc...

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To Implement Code Access Security, And URL Based Security Using The Roles & Types?

Apr 24, 2010

[ASP.NET 3.5, FormsAuthentication, SQL Server]

In the Roles table there is Role, and RoleType.

I have 3different roles, 2 of which have sub-roles.




I need to implement Code Access Security, and URL based security using the roles & types...

For instance, the (Subscriber/Basic) would need to view a different set of pages, and have different access to things then a (Subscriber/Business).

I think I can handle the Code Access security with a custom attribute, but I am unsure to how enforce a User be apart of 2 roles in the URL Authorization.

I am currently using the web.config to deny/allow access to the directories/pages.




Is it possible to force the user to be apart of 2 roles with this technique?

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