Security :: Ssl - Site Contains Untrusted Source?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a ssl configured in a site and when I hit the https:// the lock icon on the browser should turn into green but it is not, it is giving a message something like that when I clicked the lock icon;

site contains untrusted source...

this started to happen like a week ago. Every website on the server has the same messasage. what should we do?

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Security :: Login Failed - "The Login Is From An Untrusted Domain And Cannot Be Used With Windows Authentication"

Feb 5, 2011

I was wondering what the following error means: Login Failed. The Login Is From An Untrusted Domain And Cannot Be Used With Windows Authentication. Initially, when my application was much simpler, I had no permissions and roles and my authentication mode was set to "windows". Afterwards, however, I added authorization, changed the authentication mode to "Forms" and ever since, when I try to login, I get the error above.

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Open Source Site Like Linked In

Jan 6, 2010

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Security :: Pass Authentication From Site A To Site B ( Windows Credential)?

Dec 21, 2010

I have 2 website A and B.

B site with windows authentication

I want to open B site as new window from A site, so its ask for windows credential. I have credential in A site. I am opening B site using

how i can set credential for B site from A site.

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Sep 2, 2010

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Dec 10, 2010

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As far as my knowledge is concern, we can make website development faster by

Using Log4Net - to capture logging information Entity framework - to increase database operation speed.

So, is there other tools also which we can use to optimize the development process?

If you have used in any of your project, whether it was a small project or large.

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Jul 6, 2010

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If not, what's the best method of attack to access sharepoint list data from app?

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Security ::web Site Runs But No Users Can Login To The Site>?

Dec 2, 2010

I have an application that uses the ASPNET role provider.My SQL Server crashed so I took a backup of the database and restored it to a new SQL Server and changed the db connection string to that server.The web site runs but no users can login to the site.Is there something that I should have done when the db was on the other server?

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Share Site Map Across Multiple Projects Or Sitemap With Sql Data Source

Feb 10, 2010

Now, I've refactored my code to have a data layer, business layer and the main project as the view layer. Next I'd like to split this big project smaller projects based on discrete functionality. As I understand it, one way to handle a shared masterpage is to copy it into each project, that's not the worst thing, it hasn't changed in over a year and if it does it's easy enough to propagate the changes out to the other projects.

I was also reading that I could create an assembly from my master page and share it that way. My masterpage.aspx has a reference to a sitemap, Unlike the masterpage I'd like to maintain only one site map if possible.

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Jul 30, 2010

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Security :: Transfer User From One Web Site Site To Another Web Site On A Different Server With User?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a requirement where I have to transfer a user from Web Site 1 on Server A to web Site 2 on Server B.

On Web Site 1, I have to provide controls to enter user id and password and which have to be validated on Web Site 2 on server B, after validating them I have to redirect the user to Web site 2.

what is best way fo doing it. code examples are greatly appreciated.

Note: On Web Site 2, user login functionality is already existing and it is provided by ASP.Net login control, am not sure how to handle the user login process from two different places.

or is it the best way to move Web Site 2 from Server B to Server A so that, the same login controls will be shown using Iframe on Web Site A.

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Security :: Want Site Admin To Manage Users/security Online, How Is This Done

Mar 22, 2011

Working on my first webpage. i have followed video tutorials and implemented membership for login/security.Using Visual Studio 2010 i can open the configuration page for management locally.But then if I want my site admin to manage users/security online, how is this done? Like manage through a web browser. I guess this configuration GUI is not available on the internet?

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Security :: Pass Credential From On Request To Another Request (one Site To Another Site)?

Jul 27, 2010

WebApp1: on IIS and configured with Windows authentication. Get User account from AD.

WebAPP2: a java web app on another windows box in same domain with authentication from AD

On web app1, I have a http handler like

public class MyHandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string url = "http://WebApp2/Test";
HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
CredentialCache myCache = new CredentialCache();
NetworkCredential netCredential = new NetworkCredential("myname", "mypassword", "");
myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", netCredential);
myReq.Credentials = myCache;

in above way, I can set authentication in code and pass it WebApp2.

But I don't want to put name and password in code. User info already available on WebApp1: in context.User I can find out the user info who already logined into WebApp1, so I want to pass this credential to WebApp2. I have tried to do following:

myReq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

but I am failed becuast there is no data in CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials.

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Security :: Limit Access Based On Source IP Address Oin IIS?

May 31, 2010

I created a website and i restrired the website such a way that i can be acessed from a IP i configured.I did this as shown in below steps which i got from:

Under IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions, click Edit.

Do one of the following:To deny access, click Granted Access, and then click Add. In the Deny Access On dialog box that appears, specify the option that you want, and then click OK.The computer, group of computers, or domain that you specified is added to the list.
To grant access, click Denied Access, and then click Add. In the Grant Access On dialog box that appears, select the option that you want, and then click OK.

The computer, group of computers, or domain that you selected is added to the list. Click OK.

But its not working . I am able to browse from other machine which have a different ohter IP. Do i have to configure somewhere else ?

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Web Forms :: Security That Effects Being Able To Use An I.P. Address Or DSN In A Data Source Name?

Dec 10, 2010

For some reason, I changed something today while installing an instance of SQL Server. And now if I try to use the i.p. address of the machine instead of the name of the machine in DATASource of my sqlconnection string, I get an error. It worked fine before.Also, what exactly is "networkService" as an option for security when creating an instance of SQl Server?

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Security :: View Source On Login Page Method?

Jan 11, 2010

When we do view source on my login page we can see the following;

<form name="frm1" action="Login.aspx">

is there a way to hide the action? The Login.aspx can't be shown in the source.

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Security :: Access Data Source Always Requires Authentication?

May 19, 2010

I am new to developing I have a Microsoft Access database file (.mdb) I am including as a data source on a form. This populates a drop down list on the page. When I run the page in a browser it immediately asks for authentication. If I put in my windows username and password the page pulls up fine, and the drop down is populated with the data. If I don't, it just give me a 403 error and says I'm not authorized. I cannot figure out how to make this page stop requiring authentication. I have only tried one thing. In the web.config file there is an attribute called authentication. It was set to "Windows" I tried setting it to "None" but that did not appear to have any effect. It still asked for my username and password. How can I make an asp web page using a Microsoft Access data source not reqire user authentication to view the web page?

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Security :: Open Source User Profile And Role Management Application?

Dec 23, 2010

I am looking for an opensource .Net 4.0 user profile and role management module. I need to manage basic user profile updates and management. Does any body know if such a thing exist?

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Security :: Source Code For A Login System Where Administrator Can Be Directed To A Different Menu?

Feb 3, 2010

provide me the source code for a login system where administrator can be directed to a different menu than the members.

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Visual Studio :: Is There Any Source Code Security Assessment Capability In Team Foundation

Jan 5, 2011

I want to know that, is there any source code security assessment module in Team Foundation against security issues? If it is there, can somebody pls point me to the documentation of it, so that I can caliberate it. I'm personally not able to find it, through google.

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Security :: First Authentication On New Site?

Sep 5, 2010

I am taking an existing ASP.NET site with authentication, membership & roles and updating it. In the process I am pulling the authentication portion off of the site and using an SSO (through Central Authentication Services - CAS). I need to retain the use the membership and roles of .NET. Right now my site allows users to add an account and I approve and add them to groups. Since I will no longer do the account management I still need a way to add them to the proper groups once they have an account.

The question is sort of a chicken/egg question... Since I am the admin I need to add myself first, but since the authentication is no longer local how do I do this? Do I develop a special function just to add my account and then other pages to manage the rest?

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