Security :: Unable To Save Any Profile Information?

Feb 4, 2011

I have not been able to save any profile information? All the tutorials seem straightforward but nothing works.



If I am using the default profile provider, why won't this work?

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Security :: Get Users By Profile Information?

Oct 19, 2010

I am useing membership to store my users and under each users profile there is a field for their supervisor. I would like to get a list of all the users with the supervisor "Jon Doe". Is there an easy way to do this or would I just have to loop through each user and see if there supervisor = "Jon Doe" then if it is store there username in a list?

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Security :: Creating New Profile Table And Getting Information

Feb 25, 2010

In my application I am using the aspnetdb membership for authorizing users. I created a new table UserProfiles that will hold their profile information. The UserID is linked to aspnet_users UserID with a foreign key. One of the columns in the table represent CompanyID (int). I want to be able to restrict logged in users to only see records from their company based on the CompanyID. There can be more than one user with the same CompanyID to the UserID would not work. I can restrict their access by UsedID to only see records they created by using code behind:


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How would be the best way to restrict the selected data to UserProfiles.CompanyID?

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Security :: Iterate Through Profile Information And Display

Aug 27, 2010

I have a site I'm working on where the values being stored in user profiles can change so I need to iterate through all available profile options and display them (say in a label or gridview for instance). Here is an example of a web.config I threw together

<profile enabled="true">

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Security :: Adding Profile Information To FormsAuthenticationTicket

Jan 19, 2010

I'm authenticating my users using the following code for the login event:


The following code runs in global.asax at Application_AuthenticateRequest:


Everything works great so far. Next thing that I need to do is add additional user information to the forms authentication ticket using user profile. When I try to add it right after the login code above, I end up getting an error message about anonymous profile. On the other hand, HttpContext.Profile is read only and doesn't seem to work. Is there any workaround for this?

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Security :: Storing Profile Information Into Session

Feb 10, 2010

I have created a custom user creation wizard to store custom user information, This is working fine. I am now trying to create a new page to give the newly created user to create users in there own company, so i need to retrieve the company information from the user profile created and automaticlly fill that information into the new create user wizard. ie User from A company logs in. (company_id from profile is stored in session)
User A wants to make another user in company A (but cannot make a user in company B) User A fills in details for new user, Company A information is autofill into new user info. (possibly from session)

I have read alot about storing membership. info into session but i cannot find any code examples of how to do this. I need to find a way to store Company_id into session and then use that for creating a new user with the same Company_id.

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Security :: Display Profile Information For Users In GridView

Feb 10, 2010

I have been searching all over for this and trying many different things but so far have had no luck. I need to display the profile information for [all] users in the system within a GridView. For instance, I want to show their Username, First Name, Last Name,Email, etc.I've tried the Profilemanager.GetAllProfiles() method but t doesn't seem to have the fields in it.

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Security :: Changing Aspnetdb To Store User Profile Information?

Feb 19, 2010

I need to know how to change aspnetdb to store profile information unique to each user so that I can restrict records in an sql table to only show that user's records.

So if I make a "companyID" int, identity column where would I put it?

Also, when I write the where clause to companyID = profile (companyID) would that work?

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Security :: Membership And Profile System : Getting Information Of The Authenticated User From Database?

Aug 18, 2010

I m trying to use the profile system to get information of the authenticated user form the data base, just like the session system : the user is authenticated then I set same variable with information of this user coming from data base !I am familiar with PHP so i m trying to do it like that !Also, i woul like to join my own data base and the membership database !

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Security :: Display A List Of Registered Users Alongwith Their Profile Information And Image?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a profile page where a user can edit their name, city, image, etc.

How can I display the profile database as a list of users, their information, and their image?

As you know, the profile database is not the same as a custom database. The strings are bunched together.

View 7 Replies

Security :: Create A Company Directory Useing A Grid View To Display Every User And There Profile Information?

Aug 10, 2010

I am currently useing forms authenticantion with users set up with the Membership API and I have there other information like first name and work phone number stored useing the Profiles API. I want to create a company directory useing a grid view to display every user and there profile information. I can use Membership.GetAllUsers() or ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles() but it does not list any of the custom profile information like name and phone. What is the best way to get a grid view to show all the user information?

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Security :: Save Custom Property Into Member Using Profile?

Jan 14, 2011

I have been struggling to save custom property data into member using createuserwizard. I add some extra fields into createuserwizard using wizardsteps and What I would like to accomplish is to save extra data of that fields and see that data on admin backend of member section of umbraco cms.

What I have done so far in brief:

Created a user control using createuserwizard and save it to umbraco.

I also added a macro into usercontrol which pulls its data from dropdown list multiple render control data type which has some prevalues.

After selecting values and creating user, none of the selected values of dropdown list multiple render control data type are selected on admin backend but address are successfully saved.

Code behind file:Roles.AddUserToRole(UserName.Text, "BasicUsers");var profile = System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase.Create(UserName.Text);profile["sector"] = Sector.SelectedItem.Value;profile["address"] = Address.Text;profile.Save();

That relevant code snippet above works well like profile["address"] = Address.Text; but I am unable to save with other renders controls as Dropdown list multiple.

View 4 Replies

Security :: Unable To Use Profile In .aspx.cs Page In .net 3.5

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to use Profiles so I could get/set FirstName, LastName for users. I have installed the tables (from aspnet_regsql tool, that also installed membership), the web.config looks like this:

<profile defaultProvider="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" enabled="true">
<!--<clear />-->
<add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral,


The problem is that I have no idea how to get/set FirstName, LastName. I'm reading from Apress book (Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 From Novice to Profesional), they say simply write: Profile.FirstName ..... but when I write Profile intelisence doesn't display, it displays ProfileManager and the like.

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Security :: Getting The IP Address Of Each Time The User Has Logged In And Save It In Profile?

Oct 27, 2010

I have profile variable called IP Address ,

i need this Profile to add Unique IP address that has been used by the UserName ,,,

meaning :

If i logged in for the first time , it will save my IP address , next time if my IP has changed and i logged in , i need to keep the old IP address and add to it with comma seperated the new IP ..

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Security :: Profile Is Not Saving In Aspnet_profile Table Besides Using Save Method?

Jul 27, 2010

I am using profiles it works fine but it is not saving in aspnet_profile table besides using save method

In Web Config:

<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlProvider">
<clear />
<add name="SqlProvider"
applicationName="AJAXEnabledFor Master Page"/>
<add name= "FirstName" />
<add name= "LastName" />
<add name= "Address1"/>
<add name= "Address2"/>
<add name= "City"/>
<add name= "State"/>
<add name= "Country"/>
<add name= "PinCode"/>
<add name= "Contact"/>

In Code Behind File

if (CreateUserWizard1.ActiveStep.Title == "Complete")
Roles.AddUserToRole(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, "Guest");
ProfileCommon p = (ProfileCommon)ProfileCommon.Create(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, true);
WizardStep Details = CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("Details") as WizardStep;
p.FirstName = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text;
p.LastName = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text;
p.Address1 = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox3")).Text;
p.Address2 = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox4")).Text;
p.City = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox5")).Text;
p.State = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox6")).Text;
p.Country = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text;
p.PinCode = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox8")).Text;
p.Contact = ((TextBox)Details.FindControl("TextBox9")).Text;

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Security :: How To Save Extra Information About The User In The Cookie

Mar 10, 2010

I'm using the ASP.NET membership framework in my ASP.NET application. I'd like to save a few extra pieces of information in the cookie so that when I need it, I don't have to go back to the database. I want to save user's email address, full name and time zone.How do I save this information in the cookie?

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Web Forms :: Profile Service Error - Unable To Load User Profile In Iis?

Jan 3, 2011

I am using profile services to store some attributes of users registered in the website. Now I am making a display profile page for a user. The problem is that the profile loads easily when I am running the site from VS 2010, but it gives the following error when I run it from IIS7 on my local machine:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:



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Security :: Creating A Profile For A New User Is Updating Other Profile

Feb 4, 2010

I am logged in as user1, and while creating a user in which I have additional information which would store first and last name into the profile database. I have the following code


But because I just have profile like that, it is updating the profile of user1 not the new user i just created


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.net - Extended Information In Membership Profile

Apr 4, 2011

I'm currently developing a web site that will make heavy use of membership. (Using Umbraco, but that just uses the regular membership provider).I want to store some extended information about a user and I'm considering if I should store the information in the profile or in a custom table. Is there any pros / cons to any specific method? Some properties like payment details are more natural to place in the profile, on the other hand, a transaction log seems less natural residing in the user profile (IMHO). Any thoughts on this?

View 2 Replies - Retrieve Profile Information For Membership User Account?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to pass an membership user name to a subroutine and retrieve the profile property named FullName for that user, how can i achive this in

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Web Forms :: Profile Properties Safe To Keep User Information?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to use Profile Properties to keep some user information and move them between pages. I'm wondering if those profile properties are keeping data session based or when I assigned them is it same for all sessions/ Is this a safe method to use them:

<anonymousIdentification enabled="true"/>
<profile enabled="true">
<add name="userid" defaultValue="" />
<add name="password" defaultValue="" />
<add name="username" defaultValue="" />

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Security :: Want To Use Profile And Have A Profile Property?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm being stupid but don't know what I'm missing.I want to use profile and have a profile property.So in the webconfig for my site I've added:

<add name="Name"/>

But in the code behind a page I cannot use Profile.Visual Studio is just saying the Profile is not known in the current context.Thus I cannot do

Profile.Name = ....
x = Profile.GetPropertyValue(....)

View 13 Replies

Databases :: Pulling Profile Information From Custom Oracle Table

Jun 4, 2010

I am using 3.5 and Oracle Providers for membership and roles. Now, using CreateUserWizard i can make user register here but for storing custom information like First name, last name, address etc. i am using couple of custom oracle tables instead of Oracle Profile Provider. In this case, i am using the USERID field which is of GUID type as primary key. Now, my problem is that i dont know how to draw information from my custom oracle tables for those users who are currently logged in. I have searched a lot in this forum and elsewhere where there are many topics relating to it but i failed to follow any of them. So, i would request you to kindly guide me to solve the issue. Oracle Membership

Table(ORA_ASPNET_USERS) USERID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(some guid value) Username=abc and so on.. My Custom Table(UserProfile): USERID RAW(16), --> referenced to USERID field of ORA_ASPNET_USERS table fname varchar2(20) lname varchar2(20) I've the profiles of username "abc" having some userid stored in Userprofile table So, how can i fetch data from UserProfile table for the user "abc" when he is logged in?

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File Save In .net And Than Save Information In DB

Sep 8, 2010

I am creating the user ,using + C#.there is the form (UI) who collects the information and send data to Business layer. now, while collecting the information from UI I want to also save the image of user, at file system in application domain.There is function in the business layer as SaveImage, which returns the path where it is saving. Scenario:1) Save image first and then save other information in DB.

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Social Networking :: Display Facebook User Profile Information And Friends Using Graph API

Jan 22, 2013

I was implementing codes taken from[URL] .... and [URL] ....

It works fine separatly but when i want to integrate it gives me an error "Bad Request......"at so how can i get user info and his friend list on login button.

protected void Login(object sender, EventArgs e)
FaceBookConnect.Authorize("user_photos,email,friends_photos", Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Split('?')[0]);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

[Code] ....

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